When The Boston Globe reported some years ago that an elite prep school in Massachusetts had set out to give away all its books and go one-hundred percent digital, most readers probably shrugged. This was just a sign of the times. American educators and parents generally assume a paperless future of learning through screens is inevitable in spite of some holdovers who stick with Norton anthologies and Penguin paperbacks. After all, the headmaster of the school told the Globe, “When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books.” In this time of innovation, nobody wants to appear out-of-touch and old-fashioned. What professional wouldn’t look forward to every school a decade hence displaying a marvelous, wondrous array of technology in every classroom, in the library, in study hall?
But we are now in 2018, many years into the digital breakthrough. More and more schools have computerized their materials, incorporated social media into the curriculum, and distributed laptops and tablets to students, but America doesn’t seem to be getting much academic benefit from this national trend. Reading and writing scores for high school students have generally been down, and critical thinking and problem-solving scores for college students show small improvement from first year to graduation. You’ll have to search hard to find many college teachers and employers of young Americans who say that these well-connected youths read, write, and calculate better than ever before.
As more semesters pass and the disappointments continue, educators will begin to wonder whether the high expense of computers is really worth it. Must we digitize every square foot of the campus and every minute of the school day?
[David Cole banned laptops from his college classroom. He wasn’t surprised by the results.]
In 2028 schools will indeed sport fabulous gadgets, devices, and interfaces of learning, but circumspect school leaders will also maintain a few contrary spaces, small preserves that have no devices or access, no connectivity at all. There, we will find, students will study basic subjects without screens or keyboards present—only pencils, books, old newspapers and magazines, blackboards and slide rules. Students will compose paragraphs by hand, do percentages by long division, and look up a fact by opening a book and not by doing a Google search. When they get a research assignment, they’ll head to the stacks, the reference room, and the microfilm drawers.
It sounds like a Luddite desire, but even the most pro-technology folks will, in fact, welcome the non-digital space as a crucial part of the curriculum. That’s because over the next 10 years, educators will recognize that certain aspects of intelligence are best developed with a mixture of digital and non-digital tools. Some understandings and dispositions evolve best the slow way. At this time, for instance, the research is pretty solid on the advantages of taking lecture notes by hand over taking notes on a keyboard. Once they mature, yes, students will implement digital technology to the full. But to reach that point, the occasional slowdown and log-off is essential.
Writing is, perhaps, the clearest case. Today, students write more words than ever before. They write them faster, too. What happens, though, when teenagers write fast? They select the first words that come to mind, words that they hear and read and speak all the time. They have an idea, a thought to express, and the vocabulary and sentence patterns they are most accustomed to spring to mind. With the keyboard at hand, phrases go right up on the screen, and the next thought proceeds. In other words, the common language of their experience ends up on the page, yielding a flat, blank, conventional idiom of social exchange. They like the method because it’s faster and easier than pen and paper. But what they take as benefits are, in fact, pitfalls. I see it all the time in freshman papers, prose that passes along information in featureless, bland words.
Good writing doesn’t happen that way. As more kids grow up writing in snatches on speed-inducing tools in the conventional patter, problems will become impossible to overlook. Colleges will put more first-year students into remedial courses, and businesses will hire more writing coaches for their own employees. The trend is well under way, and educators will increasingly see the non-digital space as a way of countering it. For a small but critical part of the day, wise teachers will hand students a pencil, paper, dictionary, and thesaurus and slow them down. Writing by hand, students will give more thought to the craft of composition. They will pause over a verb, review a transition, check sentence lengths, and say, “I can do better than that.”
[Arne Duncan knows how to make education better: bolder action.]
The non-digital space will appear, then, not as an anti-technology reaction but as a non-technology complement. Before the digital age, pen and paper were normal tools of writing, and students had no alternative to them. The personal computer and the Internet have displaced them, creating a new technology and a whole new set of writing habits. Pen-and-paper has a new identity, a critical, even adversarial one. When students enter the non-digital space, they have a different attitude, one that resists the pressures of speed and innovation, thinks and writes against the fast and faster modes of the Web. Disconnectivity serves a crucial educational purpose, forcing students to recognize the technology everywhere around them and to see it from a critical distance.
This is but one aspect of the curriculum of the future. It allows a better balance of digital and non-digital outlooks. Yes, there will be tension between the non-digital space and the rest of the school, but it will be understood as a productive tension, not one to be overcome. The Web is, indeed, a force of empowerment and expression, but, like all such forces, it also fosters conformity and stale behaviors. The non-digital space will stay the powers of convention and keep digital spheres a fresh and illuminating medium.
This essay was originally published in 2018 in Encyclopædia Britannica Anniversary Edition: 250 Years of Excellence (1768–2018).