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Caviar Quiz

Question: Which Shakespeare character refers to caviar as a thing that pleases refined tastes but goes unappreciated by the masses?
Answer: Describing a play, Hamlet laments that the rabble were unable to enjoy it as he had: "for the play, I remember, pleased not the million; ''twas caviare to the general…." This line is also one of the earliest references to caviar as a luxury item.
Question: Which of the following varieties of caviar is the largest?
Answer: The individual eggs in beluga caviar are usually the largest, partly because the fish they are taken from, the beluga sturgeon (Huso huso), can grow as long as 15 feet (5 meters).
Question: What does it mean when caviar is labeled "malossol"?
Answer: The best caviar requires very little salt. The amount of salt added must be less than 5% of the weight of the roe for caviar to be designated as malossol.
Question: Which of the following ways of preparing and serving caviar would not be objectionable to a caviar connoisseur?
Answer: Excellent caviar is typically not combined with strong foods (lemon or onion, for example) that would interfere with the flavor. Pasteurization allows caviar to last longer and travel better, but it doesn''t do much for the taste. And caviar should always be served chilled.
Question: Why is some caviar golden in color?
Answer: Golden caviar used to be restricted to royalty in Russia and Iran.
Question: In which of the following bodies of water would you be unable to find sturgeon for caviar?
Answer: The Black Sea and Caspian Sea produce the vast majority of the world''s caviar, but sturgeon have also been caught for caviar in North America and Europe. There are no sturgeon in the Southern Hemisphere.
Question: Which of the following materials is not typically used in serving utensils for caviar?
Answer: Connoisseurs believe that silver interacts with caviar, altering the taste.