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Cheesy Quiz

Question: Where would you be most likely to find mozzarella in the market?
Answer: Mozzarella is a mild cheese made from the milk of cows or water buffalo. It comes from Italy.
Question: In what country would you be most likely to find Gouda cheese in the market?
Answer: Gouda cheese is named after a small city in the Netherlands.
Question: From what animal’s milk is Gouda cheese made?
Answer: Gouda is a mild yellow cheese made from cow’s milk.
Question: What is used to ferment milk or cream to make cheese?
Answer: Cheese comes from milk or cream that has been fermented by bacteria.
Question: In what country would you be most likely to find queso blanco in the market?
Answer: Queso blanco, which is Spanish for "white cheese," is widely eaten in Mexico.
Question: Which of these is not a blue cheese?
Answer: Cheddar is a mild cow cheese. Blue cheese has veins that come from a kind of fungus. Some blue cheeses are Roquefort, gorgonzola, and Stilton.