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Question: What style of music used bottles and eating utensils in guitar playing?
Answer: Early African American blues guitarists invented the technique of sliding a bottleneck or knife along the neck of a guitar tuned to a chord, known as bottleneck or slide guitar.
Question: How many strings does a violin have?
Answer: A violin has four strings, tuned G-D-A-E in perfect fifths.
Question: What is another word for panpipes?
Answer: The wind instrument made of cane pipes of different lengths put together in a row is called panpipes or syrinx.
Question: What material was originally used to make violin strings?
Answer: Before the invention of metal strings and nylon and other synthetic material strings, violins were strung with animal intestines.
Question: What is the higher-pitched version of a flute called?
Answer: The piccolo is smaller and higher pitched than the flute, but also a member of the woodwind family. Piccolo is Italian for small.
Question: Which of the following is not a keyboard instrument?
Answer: Pianos, harpsichords, and pipe organs make sounds when a player pushes keys. Xylophones are percussion instruments, making sounds when hit with mallets.
Question: What is the literal translation of ukulele, a traditional Hawaiian instrument?
Answer: The small four-stringed guitarlike instrument was named ukulele, a word meaning "jumping flea” in Hawaiian, for the motion of the player’s fretting hand while playing.
Question: Which of these is not a percussion instrument?
Answer: A flute is a kind of woodwind instrument. The other three instruments are parts of a standard drum kit.