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Question: Jewish and Christian traditions hold that the Temple Mount is Mount Moriah, the site where Abraham attempted to sacrifice his son Isaac.
Answer: Although this tradition has persisted for many centuries, many scholars are skeptical.
Question: Who ruled Jerusalem from 1099 to 1187 CE?
Answer: Crusader forces led by Godfrey of Bouillon captured Jerusalem in 1099. They were expelled by Saladin (Salah al-Din) in 1187.
Question: What was the Muslim caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan's most famous contribution to the architecture of Jerusalem?
Answer: Constructed in the late 7th century, the Dome of the Rock is considered to be the oldest Islamic monument still standing and the first example of a distinctively Islamic architectural style.
Question: What is the best translation for Al-Quds, the Arabic name for Jerusalem?
Answer: Jerusalem is the third holiest site in Islam, after Mecca and Medina.
Question: What is the Western Wall?
Answer: The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans after a Jewish uprising against Roman rule in 66–70 CE.
Question: Saudi Arabia is responsible for the administration of the Muslim holy sites on the Temple Mount.
Answer: The Muslim holy sites are under the administration of a religious endowment (waqf) that is largely controlled by Jordan.
Question: All branches of Israel’s national government are based in Jerusalem.
Answer: In 1949 Israel proclaimed Jerusalem to be its capital, but it has not been internationally recognized as such.
Question: In what year did Israel gain control of the Old City of Jerusalem?
Answer: During the Six-Day War in 1967 Israel captured East Jerusalem along with the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights.
Question: According to the Bible, who were the first inhabitants of Jerusalem?
Answer: The Bible names a tribe known as the Jebusites as the inhabitants of Jerusalem prior to its capture by David in the 11th century BCE. However, the name "Jebusite" does not occur outside the Bible, and nothing is known for certain about who the Jebusites were or how they may have been related to other Middle Eastern peoples.