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Roman and Byzantine Emperors Quiz

Question: The last of the “Five Good Emperors,” which ruler is best known for his Meditations on Stoic philosophy?
Answer: Marcus Aurelius was the last of the “Five Good Emperors” and is best known for his Meditations on Stoic philosophy. The Meditations contain the emperor’s personal thoughts during the day-to-day life of his difficult reign.
Question: Which Roman emperor brought about the Pax Romana, a period of peace, prosperity, and expansion for Rome?
Answer: Augustus brought about the Pax Romana. Augustus became the princeps (first citizen) of Rome as he set up his autocratic regime under the guise of a restored republic.
Question: Which Byzantine emperor implemented the policy of iconoclasm?
Answer: Leo III proclaimed iconoclasm the official policy of the Byzantine Empire and ordered the removal and destruction of sacred pictures, or icons, from churches. The possibility of idolatry was his major concern.
Question: Which Byzantine emperor created a law code that both synthesized and simplified old and new Roman law?
Answer: Because Roman law was in a confused state, Justinian I created the Code of Justinian, which synthesized and simplified Roman law. The effect of the Code of Justinian can still be seen today, as it provided the foundation for civil law.
Question: Who was the second emperor of Rome? In old age he became a tyrannical recluse and retreated to the island of Capri.
Answer: Tiberius was the second emperor of Rome and in old age he became a tyrant. Even under the most favorable interpretation, he killed ferociously and almost at random. It is probable that in his final years his mind was disordered.
Question: Which Roman emperor established the tetrarchy, a system whereby Rome was ruled by four leaders?
Answer: Because Rome was so geographically massive, Diocletian established the tetrarchy, or “rule by four.” Two emperors ruled in the West and two in the East. This started the East-West division of the Roman Empire.
Question: Which Roman emperor extended Roman rule in North Africa and made Britain a Roman province?
Answer: Claudius extended Roman rule in North Africa and made Britain a Roman province. Despite being an effective and just emperor compared with Caligula and Nero, he was often mocked for his appearance, health, and character.
Question: Under which Roman emperor did the Roman Empire reach its farthest territorial extent?
Answer: The Roman Empire reached its farthest territorial extent under Trajan. He added Dacia, Arabia, Armenia, and Mesopotamia to the empire, waging war against Decebalus and the Parthians.
Question: Which Roman emperor was rumored to have played the fiddle while Rome burned?
Answer: Nero, the fifth Roman emperor, was rumored to have played the fiddle while Rome burned in 64 CE, although the truth of this story is questionable. He blamed the Christians for the fire, starting the group’s long persecution.
Question: Under which Roman emperor was the Colosseum completed?
Answer: The Colosseum was completed under Vespasian. Vespasian’s fiscal reforms and consolidation of the empire made his reign a period of political stability and funded a vast Roman building program.
Question: Which Roman emperor made the persecution of Christians illegal by signing the Edict of Milan?
Answer: Constantine I signed the Edict of Milan. The first Christian emperor of Rome, he built churches, commissioned new copies of the Bible, and summoned councils of theologians to hammer out the religion’s doctrinal disputes.
Question: Which Roman emperor loved Greek culture and became a patron of art and architecture?
Answer: Hadrian loved Greek culture and became a patron of art and architecture. The Pantheon in Rome is arguably the most famous structure associated with Hadrian. The structure synthesizes Greek and Roman architectural elements.
Question: Which Byzantine empress was one of the first rulers to recognize the rights of women?
Answer: Empress Theodora was one of the first rulers to recognize the rights of women. She passed strict laws to prohibit the traffic in young girls and altered the divorce laws to give greater benefits to women. Theodora held great power alongside Justinian.
Question: Who was the successor to Marcus Aurelius whose misrule ended the 84-year Pax Romana?
Answer: Commodus was the successor to Marcus Aurelius whose misrule ended the 84-year Pax Romana. His rule was arbitrary and vicious as he lapsed into insanity. After his assassination, the empire slipped into civil war.
Question: Which Roman emperor is rumored to have wanted to appoint his horse, Incitatus, consul?
Answer: Caligula is rumored to have wanted to appoint his horse, named Incitatus, consul. Caligula was considered by many Romans to be a mad and unpredictable tyrant. Several conspiracies were formed against him, and he was killed in 41 CE.