amphibian family
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In Caudata: Annotated classification
Family Ambystomatidae (mole salamanders)Small to moderate size, to 35 cm; usually with well-developed lungs; no nasolabial grooves; ypsiloid cartilage present; Oligocene (33.9 million–23 million years ago) to present; North America; 1 genus, Ambystoma, and about 32 species.Family Amphiumidae
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distribution and abundance
- In Caudata: Distribution and abundance
Some ambystomatids reach the southern margins of the Mexican Plateau, but only the lungless salamanders (plethodontids) have truly entered the tropics. One group of plethodontids, the bolitoglossines, occupies a wide variety of tropical habitats in the New World—from northern Mexico to southern Brazil and
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