African architecture: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

A general introduction to building in Africa is Susan Denyer, African Traditional Architecture: An Historical and Geographical Perspective (1978). Also useful are Paul Oliver (ed.), Shelter in Africa (1971, reissued 1976), which includes case studies, and Dwellings: The House Across the World (1987); Nnamdi Elleh, African Architecture: Evolution and Transformation (1997); and Toyin Falola and Steven J. Salm (eds.), Globalization and Urbanization in Africa (2004). Early stages of African urbanism are discussed in Basil Davidson, The Lost Cities of Africa (also published as Old Africa Rediscovered, 1959, reissued 1970); and Richard W. Hull, African Cities and Towns Before the European Conquest (1976).

Of the regional studies, the most notable is James Walton, African Village (1956), which deals with southern and East Africa; it is brought up-to-date in Franco Frescura, Rural Shelter in Southern Africa: A Survey of the Architecture, House Forms, and Constructional Methods of the Black Rural Peoples of Southern Africa (1981). Visually impressive, though with less-substantial research, is René Gardi, Indigenous African Architecture (1974; originally published in German, 1973), which deals with savanna forms of West Africa. Other fine examples are to be found in Jean-Louis Bourgeois, Spectacular Vernacular: A New Appreciation of Traditional Desert Architecture (1983), with photographs by Carollee Pelos; and Jean Dethier, Down to Earth: Mud Architecture (1982; originally published in French, 1981).

Of the local studies, the early and influential one by Jean-Pierre Béguin et al., L’Habitat au Cameroun: présentation des principaux type d’habitat: essai d’adaptation aux problèmes actuels (1952), records the styles of former French Cameroun with immaculate drawings and photography. A noteworthy successor, Jean-Paul Bourdier and Trinh T. Minh-Ha, African Spaces: Designs for Living in Upper Volta (1985), examines comparatively a number of compounds in Burkina Faso. Also important is Labelle Prussin, Architecture in Northern Ghana (1969), in which the forms and functions of six compounds are compared. Four villages in eastern Botswana are discussed in Anita Larsson and Viera Larsson, Traditional Tswana Housing (1984). Also useful are Kaj Blegvad Andersen, African Traditional Architecture: A Study of the Housing and Settlement Patterns of Rural Kenya (1977); and Suzanne Preston Blier, The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression (1987).

Perhaps the most exhaustive anthropological study is Friedrich W. Schwerdtfeger, Traditional Housing in African Cities (1982), comparing the architecture of Zaria and Ibadan, Nigeria, with that of Marrakech, Mor. Hausa mosques and palaces are discussed in J.C. Moughtin, Hausa Architecture (1985). The symbolism of built forms is movingly described in Marcel Griaule, Conversations with Ogotemmêli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas (1965, reprinted 1980; originally published in French, 1948). Cult houses or shrines are the subject of Michael Swithenbank, Ashanti Fetish Houses (1969); while Ulli Beier, African Mud Sculpture (1963), is largely devoted to Igbo mbari houses and Yoruba palace reliefs. Studies of palaces include G.J. Afolabi Ojo, Yoruba Palaces: A Study of the Afins of Yorubaland (1966); Jacob Egharevba, A Short History of Benin, 4th ed. (1968); and James S. Kirkman, Gedi: The Palace (1963), a study of a number of Arab-Swahili centres. Of these, Lamu survives and is examined in Usam Ghaidan, Lamu: A Study of the Swahili Town (1975). A detailed study of the influence of Islamic forms on sub-Saharan architecture is to be found in Labelle Prussin, Hatumere: Islamic Design in West Africa (1986). Ruth Plant, Architecture of the Tigre, Ethiopia (1985), surveys the rock-cut Ethiopian Christian cave churches, many dating from the 13th century. Colonial influence on African town form is discussed especially with reference to Lagos in Akin L. Mabogunje, Urbanization in Nigeria (1968). Problems in rapid urban growth are the subject of Josef Gugler and William G. Flanagan, Urbanization and Social Change in West Africa (1978); while design by contemporary African architects is included in Udo Kultermann, New Architecture in Africa (1963; originally published in German, 1963), and New Directions in African Architecture, trans. from German (1969). In addition, a number of journals, including Tribus (annual), occasionally publish articles on African architecture.

Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Changed “Port Elizabeth” to “Gqeberha” throughout. Oct 19, 2024
Corrected display issue. Sep 07, 2022
Deleted Web site: Architecture of Africa - Great Buildings Online. Oct 15, 2013
Revised to reflect the July 2011 secession of South Sudan; "The Sudan" changed to "Sudan;" "Congo (Kinshasa)" changed to "Democratic Republic of the Congo." Feb 23, 2012
Add new Web site: Kidipede History for Kids - African Architecture. Jul 01, 2011
Article thoroughly revised and updated. Aug 25, 2009
Revised to add two new titles. Aug 25, 2009
Article revised and updated. Dec 21, 2006
Article revised. Aug 02, 2002
New article added. Jan 18, 2002
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