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Western theatre: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Reference works

Among the most informative general references are John Gassner and Edward Quinn (eds.), The Reader’s Encyclopedia of World Drama (1969); Phyllis Hartnoll (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Theatre, 4th ed. (1983); Martin Banham (ed.), The Cambridge Guide to World Theatre (1988); and Gerald Bordman, The Oxford Companion to American Theatre, 2nd ed. (1992), all offering essays on traditions, developments, personalities, and styles. Profiles of the theatrical world across the globe are found in Colby H. Kullman and William C. Young (eds.), Theatre Companies of the World, 2 vol. (1986). The language of theatre, covering aspects of drama and production, is explained in Joel Trapido et al. (eds.), An International Dictionary of Theatre Language (1985); and Warren C. Lounsbury and Norman Boulanger, Theatre Backstage from A to Z, 3rd ed., rev. and expanded (1989). Journals treating all aspects of theatre include Drama Review (quarterly); and New Theatre Quarterly (formerly Theatre Quarterly). Essays in Theatre (semiannual) is an international scholarly publication.

General historical works

Clifford Leech and T.W. Craik (eds.), The Revels History of Drama in English, 8 vol. (1976–83), is a detailed and well-illustrated guide to British and American theatre from medieval to modern; Allardyce Nicoll, World Drama from Aeschylus to Anouilh, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed. (1976), presents a comprehensive analysis of the development of drama. Broad surveys include Marvin Carlson, Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey from the Greeks to the Present (1984); J.L. Styan, Drama, Stage, and Audience (1975); George Freedley and John A. Reeves, A History of the Theatre, 3rd rev. ed. (1968); Bamber Gascoigne, World Theatre (1968); Phyllis Hartnoll, A Concise History of the Theatre, rev. ed. (1985); Richard Southern, The Seven Ages of the Theatre, 2nd ed. (1968); Glynne Wickham, A History of the Theatre (1985); George R. Kernodle, The Theatre in History (1989); and Diana Devlin, Mask and Scene: An Introduction to a World View of Theatre (1989). Raphael Samuel, Ewan MacColl, and Stuart Cosgrove, Theatres of the Left, 1880–1935: Workers’ Theatre Movements in Britain and America (1985), focuses on the political face of the art. History of the European variety scene is offered in Harold B. Segel, Turn-of-the-Century Cabaret: Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Cracow, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Zurich (1987). See also George Altman et al., Theater Pictorial: A History of World Theater as Recorded in Drawings, Paintings, Engravings, and Photographs (1953); and Richard Leacroft and Helen Leacroft, Theatre and Playhouse: An Illustrated Survey of Theatre Building from Ancient Greece to the Present Day (1984).

National and special studies

Early theatre

E.T. Kirby, Ur-Drama: The Origins of Theatre (1975); Allardyce Nicoll, Masks, Mimes, and Miracles: Studies in the Popular Theatre (1931, reissued 1963); Margarete Bieber, The History of the Greek and Roman Theatre, 2nd rev. ed. (1961); H.D.F. Kitto, Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study (1939, reprinted 1990); Oliver Taplin, Greek Tragedy in Action (1978, reprinted 1989); J. Michael Walton, The Greek Sense of Theatre: Tragedy Reviewed (1984); Peter D. Arnott, Public and Performance in the Greek Theatre (1989).

Medieval and Renaissance theatre

E.K. Chambers, The Medieval Stage, 2 vol. (1903, reprinted 1978); Glynne Wickham, Early English Stages, 1300–1660, 3 vol. in 4 (1959–81); Allardyce Nicoll, A History of English Drama, 1660–1900, 6 vol. (1952–59, reprinted 1965–70); M.C. Bradbrook, A History of Elizabethan Drama, 6 vol., 2nd ed. (1979–80); E.K. Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage, 4 vol., rev. ed. (1951); Alan C. Dessen, Elizabethan Stage Conventions and Modern Interpreters (1984); Gerald Eades Bentley, The Profession of Dramatist in Shakespeare’s Time, 1590–1642 (1971), and The Profession of Player in Shakespeare’s Time, 1590–1642 (1984), reprinted together in one volume as The Profession of Dramatist and Player in Shakespeare’s Time, 1590–1642 (1986); A.M. Nagler, Theatre Festivals of the Medici, 1539–1637, trans. from German (1964, reprinted 1976); Allardyce Nicoll, Stuart Masques and the Renaissance Stage (1937, reprinted 1980).

Spanish and Italian theatre

N.D. Shergold, A History of the Spanish Stage: From Medieval Times Until the End of the Seventeenth Century (1967); Gwynne Edwards, Dramatists in Perspective: Spanish Theatre in the Twentieth Century (1985); Joseph Spencer Kennard, The Italian Theatre, 2 vol. (1932, reprinted 1964); Giacomo Oreglia, The Commedia dell’Arte, trans. from Italian (1968, reprinted 1982).

French theatre

Frederick W. Hawkins, Annals of the French Stage from Its Origins to the Death of Racine, 2 vol. (1884, reprinted 1970), and The French Stage in the Eighteenth Century, 2 vol. (1888, reprinted 1969); Virginia Scott, The Commedia dell’Arte in Paris, 1644–1697 (1990); John Lough, Paris Theatre Audiences in the Seventeenth & Eighteenth Centuries (1957, reprinted 1972); Angelica Goodden, Actio and Persuasion: Dramatic Performance in Eighteenth-Century France (1986); Harold Hobson, French Theatre Since 1830 (1979); Marvin Carlson, The French Stage in the Nineteenth Century (1972); Martin Esslin, The Theatre of the Absurd, 3rd rev. ed. (1980); David Bradby, Modern French Drama, 1940–1990, 2nd ed. (1991).

German theatre

W.H. Bruford, Theatre, Drama, and Audience in Goethe’s Germany (1950, reprinted 1974); Peter Jelavich, Munich and Theatrical Modernism: Politics, Playwriting, and Performance, 1890–1914 (1985); John Willett, The Theatre of the Weimar Republic (1988).

British theatre

William Tydeman, English Medieval Theatre, 1400–1500 (1986); Keith Sturgess, Jacobean Private Theatre (1987); George Rowell, The Victorian Theatre, 1792–1914, 2nd ed. (1978); George Rowell and Anthony Jackson, The Repertory Movement: A History of Regional Theatre in Britain (1984); Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson, British Music Hall, rev. ed. (1974); John Elsom, Post-War British Theatre, rev. ed. (1979), and John Elsom (ed.), Post-War British Theatre Criticism (1981); Ronald Hayman, British Theatre Since 1955 (1979); John Russell Taylor, Anger and After: A Guide to the New British Drama, 2nd rev. ed. (1969, reprinted 1977), and The Second Wave: British Drama for the Seventies (1971; also published as The Second Wave: British Drama of the Sixties, 1978); Harold Hobson, Theatre in Britain: A Personal View (1984).

Eastern European theatre

Mark Slonim, Russian Theater, from the Empire to the Soviets (1961); Nick Worrall, Modernism to Realism on the Soviet Stage: Tairov, Vakhtangov, Okhlopkov (1989); Konstantin Rudnitsky, Russian and Soviet Theater, 1905–1932, trans. from Russian (1988); Bohdan Drozdowski and Catherine Itzen (eds.), Twentieth Century Polish Theatre (1979); E.J. Czerwinski, Contemporary Polish Theater and Drama, 1956–1984 (1988).

American theatre

Barnard Hewitt, Theatre U.S.A. 1665–1957 (1959); Mary C. Henderson, Theater in America: 200 Years of Plays, Players, and Productions (1986); Leslie Catherine Sanders, The Development of Black Theater in America: From Shadows to Selves (1988); Errol Hill, Shakespeare in Sable: A History of Black Shakespearean Actors (1984); Albert Auster, Actresses and Suffragists: Women in the American Theater, 1890–1920 (1984); Nellie McCaslin, Historical Guide to Children’s Theatre in America (1987); Brooks McNamara, The Shuberts of Broadway: A History Drawn from the Collections of the Shubert Archive (1990); Wendy Smith, Real Life Drama: The Group Theatre and America, 1931–1940 (1990); Janet Coleman, The Compass: The Improvisational Theatre That Revolutionized American Comedy (1991); Brooks Atkinson, Broadway, rev. ed. (1974, reprinted 1985); Ken Bloom, Broadway: An Encyclopedic Guide to the History, People, and Places of Times Square (1991); Benjamin McArthur, Actors and American Culture, 1880–1920 (1984).

Canadian theatre

Leonard E. Doucette, Theatre in French Canada: Laying the Foundations, 1606–1867 (1984); E. Ross Stuart, The History of Prairie Theatre: The Development of Theatre in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, 1833–1982 (1984); Eugene Benson and L.W. Conolly, English-Canadian Theatre (1987); Alan Filewod, Collective Encounters: Documentary Theatre in English Canada (1987); Eugene Benson and L.W. Conolly (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Canadian Theatre (1989).

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Britannica Classic Medieval Theater: The Play of Abraham and Isaac added. Nov 06, 2009
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