Alvise Cornaro
Italian architect
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association with Falconetto
- In Giovanni Maria Falconetto
…Padua, in the service of Alvise Cornaro, an influential humanist and architect who is credited with introducing the Roman Renaissance style to northern Italy. Examples of Falconetto’s work include the odeon and loggia (1524) in Cornaro’s Palazzo Giustiniani and the Porta San Giovanni (1528) and the Porta Savonarola (1530), two…
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influence on Palladio
- In Andrea Palladio: Early life and works
…been introduced in Padua to Alvise Cornaro, whose designs were the first to import the Roman Renaissance style to northern Italy. Palladio may also have met a prominent Mannerist architect and theoretician, Sebastiano Serlio, who was in Venice at that time and whose third and fourth books on architecture (L’architettura;…
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