Elbridge Gerry: Media

5th vice president of the United State


Elbridge Gerry
U.S. Vice Pres. Elbridge Gerry, engraving by J.B. Longacre, 1847, after a drawing...
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (LC-USZ62-111790)
Supplement to the Independent Chronicle
Supplement to the Independent Chronicle, Boston, January 31, 1788; it includes...
The Newberry Library, Ruggles Fund, 2006 (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
XYZ Affair
British engraving satirizing Franco-American relations after the XYZ Affair. Frenchmen...
British Cartoon Prints Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital File Number: cph 3g02711)
U.S. Vice Pres. Elbridge Gerry
Elbridge Gerry, detail of an oil painting by James Bogle, 1861, after a portrait...
Courtesy of the Independence National Historical Park Collection, Philadelphia