Franz Stangl
German Nazi officer
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In Treblinka
…SS (Nazi paramilitary corps) officer, Franz Stangl, who had previously served at Sobibor. Treblinka’s German staff, numbering some 30 men, including Stangl, were all veterans of the T4 Program through which the infirm and disabled were killed. About 100 Ukrainians and 700–1,000 Jewish male prisoners assisted with the executions, removing…
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- In Simon Wiesenthal: Nazi hunter
…camp, and most notably of Franz Stangl, the commandant of the Treblinka and Sobibor death camps. Braunsteiner-Ryan, who had found refuge in New York City, and Stangl, who had been hiding in Brazil, were extradited (separately) to West Germany, where they were put on trial and sentenced to life imprisonment.
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