Libyan prince
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defeat of Achaemenes
- In Achaemenes
…and slain in battle by Inaros, the leader of the second rebellion of Egypt against Achaemenid rule.
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revolt against Persia
- In ancient Egypt: The 27th dynasty
…was led by a dynast, Inaros, who acquired control over the delta and was supported by Athenian forces against the Persians. Inaros was crucified by the Persians in 454 bce, when they regained control of most of the delta. In the later 5th century bce, under the rule of Artaxerxes…
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surrender to Megabyzus
- In Megabyzus
Successful, he promised safety to Inaros, the leader of the Egyptian revolt, who thus surrendered. But after his pledge to Inaros was broken through the intrigues of the Achaemenid queen mother, Amestris, Megabyzus returned to Syria and rebelled. Although he and Artaxerxes became reconciled, he later offended the king on…
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