Martin Fayulu
Congolese politician
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- In Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
…groups initially united to back Martin Fayulu as their candidate, protests from supporters of Félix Tshisekedi—son of veteran opposition leader Étienne Tshisekedi, who had died in 2017—led him to withdraw his support from Fayulu and contest the election himself. Another opposition leader with broad support, Vital Kamerhe, did the same.
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- In Joseph Kabila: Presidency
…the winner, followed closely by Martin Fayulu, another opposition candidate; Shadary came in third. The results, however, disagreed with a preelection poll, the tallies compiled by an election monitoring group, and leaked voting data, all of which showed Fayulu as being firmly in the lead. Fayulu and others accused Tshisekedi…
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