Nicola Sturgeon

Scottish politician
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Quick Facts
July 19, 1970, Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland (age 54)
Political Affiliation:
Scottish National Party


Nicola Sturgeon could be ‘banned from Alex Salmond’s funeral’ Oct. 20, 2024, 6:50 AM ET (The Telegraph)

Nicola Sturgeon (born July 19, 1970, Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland) is a Scottish politician who served as the first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party (2014–23). She was Scotland’s fifth leader—and first woman leader—since the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and government in 1999.

Early life and political career

Sturgeon’s political aspirations emerged at an early age. She joined (1986) the Scottish National Party (SNP) in 1986 when she was age 16 and cited British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as the reason for her involvement. On the one hand, Thatcher showed that a forceful woman could reach the top in politics, but, on the other hand, she had imposed deeply conservative policies to which the teenage Sturgeon was fiercely opposed. After obtaining a law degree in 1992 from the University of Glasgow, Sturgeon became a solicitor with a Glasgow law firm, but her ambitions always lay with politics.

In Britain’s 1992 general election, Sturgeon was Scotland’s youngest parliamentary candidate, still some weeks short of her 22nd birthday. She won a seat as a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) in the new legislative body’s first election in 1999. For the next eight years the SNP was in opposition to a LabourLiberal Democrat coalition. Sturgeon became one of the SNP’s more-prominent members, joining the party’s National Executive Committee and acting as its spokeswoman for (in turn) health, education, and justice.

In June 2004 SNP leader John Swinney resigned. Sturgeon initially announced that she would be a candidate for the position, but she withdrew in favour of Alex Salmond—who had been party leader until he was replaced by Swinney in 2000. Sturgeon agreed to be Salmond’s running mate and became deputy leader in September following Salmond’s victory. At the time, however, Salmond was an MP in the U.K. Parliament at Westminster rather than an MSP in Edinburgh. Therefore, for almost three years Sturgeon led the SNP contingent in Edinburgh, gaining a reputation for her vigorous attacks on First Minister Jack McConnell of the Labour Party.

In the 2007 elections to Scotland’s Parliament, the SNP emerged as the largest party. Salmond became first minister, with Sturgeon as his deputy and as minister for public health and well-being. The SNP won an outright majority in the 2011 election, which enabled the party to redeem its promise to hold a referendum on Scottish independence. That referendum was held in September 2014, and, although Scotland voted to remain within the United Kingdom, the margin of defeat was narrower than had been expected earlier in the year, and Sturgeon was credited with having run an effective campaign. In November she succeeded Salmond—who had resigned—as Scotland’s first minister and leader of the SNP. She vowed to use her position as first minister to push the British government to devolve more powers to Scotland.

First ministership

The 2016 Scottish parliamentary election, the independence referendum, and Brexit

Sturgeon did not run for a seat in the U.K. Parliament during the U.K. general election in May 2015, but her dynamic campaigning led the SNP to a historic landslide victory in the Scottish constituencies, as its share of the seats in Westminster swelled from 6 to 56—with nearly all of its gains at the expense of Labour, for which Scotland had long been a stronghold. Sturgeon’s opposition to the austerity policies of Prime Minister David Cameron’s government had been a focus of her campaign, whereas the Conservatives intimated that a victory for Labour and SNP gains would lead to a Labour-SNP coalition government with an agenda driven by the Scottish desire for independence.

Sturgeon also led the SNP to its third straight victory in the elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2016. Although the party lost its outright majority, falling from 69 seats won in 2011 to 63 in 2016, Sturgeon opted not to pursue coalition rule (the most likely partner would probably have been the Scottish Green Party). Instead, viewing the results as a mandate for continued solo rule by the SNP, she chose to form a minority government.

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The first minister was an active advocate for the “Remain” campaign in the run-up to the June 23 referendum on whether the United Kingdom should leave the European Union (EU; “Brexit”). Some 62 percent of Scots who participated in the referendum agreed with Sturgeon, but the United Kingdom as a whole voted to leave (about 52 percent to about 48 percent). In the wake of that outcome, Sturgeon hinted that she might put a new referendum on Scottish independence on the table. She also unsuccessfully sought to negotiate separate trade and immigration protocols for Scotland with David Davis, the U.K. Brexit secretary.

As the expected date approached for new British Prime Minister Theresa May’s invoking of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty—which would trigger separation negotiations between the United Kingdom and the EU—Sturgeon’s indignation at May’s “hard Brexit” approach led her to offer Scotland as a sanctuary for disaffected Britons in her speech to the SNP’s spring conference in mid-March 2017: “Scotland isn’t full up. If you are as appalled as we are at the path this Westminster government is taking, come and join us. Come here to live, work, invest, or study.” As May was triggering the separation negotiations with the EU in late March, Sturgeon won support from the Scottish Parliament to formally request that the British government grant Scotland the powers to hold a new independence referendum by spring 2019, when Britain was expected to formally leave the EU. However, Scottish voters, apparently unready to vote again on independence, handed Sturgeon and the SNP a major setback at the polls in the snap election called by May for June 2017, as the party’s representation in Westminster fell by 21 seats.

Chastened by that result, Sturgeon became less strident in her advocacy of the urgency of a second independence referendum, saying that she would wait for the terms of the Brexit deal to become clearer before determining the timing of a second referendum. Opinion polling in January 2018 indicated that more than two-fifths of Scottish voters surveyed continued to favour independence, but just over one-third of respondents desired that another referendum be held within the next five years. Dissatisfaction with Sturgeon’s handling of the matter seemingly contributed to a drop in the first minister’s public approval rating, which by January 2018 was just about evenly split between those who approved of Sturgeon’s handling of her job and those who disapproved. In May Sturgeon was encouraged by some influential members of the SNP to shift her focus from independence and to back the call by Scottish Liberal Democrats for another referendum on Brexit. Others within the SNP opposed the action, however, fearing the dangerous precedent it might set for the possibility of overturning a potentially successful future referendum on Scottish independence.

The Salmond scandal, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and the 2021 Scottish parliamentary election

The negotiating of a Brexit agreement that would be acceptable to the EU and able to win approval in Westminster proved immensely difficult and ultimately unattainable for May, who, having been forced to plead for deadline extensions for Britain’s exit date from the EU, resigned as Conservative Party leader in early June 2019. Boris Johnson, who replaced her as prime minister, won a mandate for his vision of hard Brexit in another snap parliamentary election in December. The version of Brexit that Johnson finally pushed across the finish line on January 31, 2020, was anathema for Sturgeon and deeply unpopular with most Scots, not least those in the fishing and seafood industry, who lost their crucial direct access to EU markets. Once again, Sturgeon began to set her sights on independence, but before she could hone that focus she was confronted with two more pressing challenges: a scandal involving her former mentor, Salmond, and the global coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that would thoroughly disrupt life in Scotland and the world in 2020.

In August 2018 a Scottish tabloid reported that Salmond was the target of a pair of sexual harassment complaints stemming from incidents dating to his time as first minister in 2013. The matter of when Sturgeon became aware of these accusations and how her government conducted its investigation of them became as central to the ensuing scandal as were the judgments of Salmond’s behaviour. In January 2019, having ruled that the government’s investigation of Salmond was unlawful and “tainted with apparent bias,” Scotland’s highest court, the Court of Session, awarded him more than £500,000 in court costs. When questions were raised about Sturgeon’s conduct in the matter—most notably her admission that she had met with Salmond regarding the investigation of him—she submitted herself to investigation by an independent ethics panel. The panel’s report, which was published in March 2021, cleared Sturgeon of having violated ministerial code. A separate committee of members of the Scottish Parliament that investigated the government’s actions in the matter concluded that they had been “seriously flawed.” Only days after Sturgeon had referred herself to the panel in January 2019, new charges of sexual assault, including attempted rape, were brought against Salmond. In March 2020 the high court acquitted Salmond of those charges, and Salmond claimed that he had been the target of a conspiracy involving Sturgeon’s husband, Peter Murrell, the chief executive officer of the SNP.

The bad blood that resulted between former allies Sturgeon and Salmond deeply divided the SNP as it headed into the important elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2021, in which Sturgeon and the SNP hoped to gain an outright majority that would allow them to push forward with a new referendum on independence, popularly referred to as “indyref2.” In late March Salmond formed his own political party, the Alba Party, for the election, and Sturgeon witnessed a drop in her popularity. Perhaps more important, opinion polling that had been indicating a growing preference among Scots for independence now showed roughly a 50-50 split between those who preferred independence and those who favoured continued union.

All these developments unfolded against the backdrop of the pandemic, to which Sturgeon generally reacted more cautiously than Johnson did. Both the U.K. and Scottish governments imposed lockdowns on March 23, 2020, following the World Health Organization’s declaration that the outbreak had become a global pandemic, but Sturgeon removed restrictions more selectively than Johnson after the first wave of the pandemic receded, and she reimposed them more quickly than Johnson did when the second wave began swelling in the last quarter of the year. As a result Scotland fared better proportionally than England did in terms of cases of the coronavirus and deaths related to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. While politicians and pundits did not universally approve of Sturgeon’s handling of the public health crisis, public opinion polling revealed that a large majority of those surveyed did. The bounce in popularity that the SNP hoped to carry into the May election, however, was undermined by the Salmond scandal.

When the votes were tabulated in the parliamentary election, the SNP added one seat to the total it had won in the 2016 election, but, with 64 seats, it was still one seat shy of an outright majority. Knowing that she had the support of the Green Party (winner of 8 seats) on the issue of independence, however, Sturgeon indicated that she would renew the push for indyref2, despite Johnson’s opposition. But she said that before the issue of the referendum could be foregrounded, the coronavirus had to be tamed.

The stifling of indyref2, the blocking of the gender self-declaration law, and resignation

In late June 2022, well aware of Johnson’s continued opposition to the referendum, Sturgeon nevertheless decided that the time was right to revisit the issue. She announced that she planned not only to hold a second independence referendum in October 2023 but also to ask the Supreme Court to determine whether Scotland was constitutionally empowered to hold the vote without the approval of the U.K. government. In November 2022 the court ruled that, despite the fact that the referendum would only be advisory (that is, not legally binding without the passage of additional legislation), Scotland lacked the authority to hold the vote because the matter related to “the Union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England” and, as such, was subject to the authority of the U.K. Parliament. Honouring the court’s decision, Sturgeon shifted tack and indicated that she would transform the U.K. parliamentary election scheduled for 2025 into a de facto referendum on Scottish independence.

SNP members were divided on Sturgeon’s championing of gender recognition legislation that permitted transgender people in Scotland to change their legal gender by self-declaration without a medical diagnosis. The bill was voted into law by the Scottish Parliament in December 2022 but was blocked in January 2023 by the British government, which argued that it created inequalities because elsewhere in the United Kingdom a medical diagnosis was required for an individual to transition for legal purposes. The veto of the legislation, under the auspices of the Scotland Act of 1998, marked the first time in the roughly quarter of a century since devolution that the British government had overruled an action by Scotland’s Parliament. Sturgeon was quick to announce that she planned to take the matter to court. Supporters of the bill rejected as fearmongering opponents’ claims that gender self-recognition could allow predatory men entrée to spaces intended for women, but debate over the issue grew more heated when a transgender woman who was convicted as a rapist was jailed in a women’s prison and then subsequently was transferred to a men’s facility. As tensions increased over the issue, some SNP members began questioning whether Sturgeon’s advocacy of the law might detract from her ability to further the movement toward independence.

In the wake of these developments, Sturgeon made a surprising announcement on February 15, 2023, that she would be resigning as SNP leader and first minister, not because of mounting pressure in response to her handling of these issues but because she felt that she could no longer bring the energy to her job that was necessary to perform it. She explained her decision in part by saying:

If the question is, can I battle on for another few months, then the answer is yes, of course I can. But if the question is, can I give this job everything it demands and deserves for another year, let alone for the remainder of this parliamentary term, give it every ounce of energy that it needs in the way that I have strived to do every day for the last eight years, the answer honestly is different.

Sturgeon remained as SNP leader and first minister until late March, when the party chose her successor, Humza Yousaf, the health secretary, who became the first Muslim and first person of colour to head the Scottish government.

Peter Kellner The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica