Rommel’s final offensive in Africa

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June 1940 - May 13, 1943
North Africa
World War II
Major Events:
Battles of El-Alamein

The campaign of 1943 opened with a German counterstroke that stunned the Allies. It came just when their two armies—the Anglo-U.S. First Army in the west and the British Eighth Army in the east—seemed about to crush the Axis forces between them. The Axis command aimed to forestall that danger by dislocating both forces opposing them. By now reinforcements sent to Tunis had been built up into an army under Arnim, while the remnant of Rommel’s army was acquiring equipment and fresh troops as it neared the supply ports in its westward retreat. Profiting from that temporarily favourable turn, Rommel determined to exploit the “interior lines” in Napoleonic style, utilizing his central position between the two converging Allied armies to strike and cripple them separately and successively. If he could neutralize the First Army, he would have both hands free to tackle the Eighth Army, which had become thinned out as its lines of supply had lengthened.

The U.S. II Corps (which included a French division) was the immediate target of the German attack. The offensive was launched on a front 90 miles (145 km) wide but was focused on the three mountain passes near Gafsa, Fāʾiḍ, and Fondouk. Those passageways were so narrow that the defenders felt secure, but at the end of January 1943 the 21st Panzer Division made a sudden dash at Fāʾiḍ Pass, overwhelming the French garrison before American support could arrive. That led the Allied commanders to expect a follow-up attack, but they expected that it would come at Fondouk. As Gen. Omar Bradley, the commander of the II Corps, remarked in his memoirs, “This belief came to be a near-fatal assumption.”

On February 14, 1943, the real blow came, starting with a fresh assault from the Fāʾiḍ Pass. Gen. Heinz Ziegler, at the head of the 21st Panzer Division, turned the left flank of the American forces there and destroyed more than 100 U.S. tanks. Rommel urged Ziegler to drive on during the night and exploit the success to the fullest, but Ziegler paused for two days while he waited for Arnim’s authorization to continue. The Americans rallied at Sbeitla (Sufetula), and Ziegler drove them back again, until they made a more-determined stand at the Kasserine Pass.

Meanwhile, Rommel led a panzer detachment on a southerly thrust through Gafsa, driving 50 miles (80 km) by February 17 and capturing the American airfields at Thelepte, to the southwest of Kasserine. Alexander, who had just taken charge of both Allied armies in Tunisia, arrived at Kasserine to find the forces there in disarray, with no coordinated plan of defense and an unclear command structure. Rommel hoped to exploit the confusion and panic with a combined drive using all available mechanized forces through Tébessa, an American logistics and communication hub. Arnim was unwilling to embark on such a venture, so in desperation Rommel appealed to Mussolini. It was not until early on February 19 that Rome authorized a continuation of the thrust, but Rommel was ordered to strike northward to Thala, instead of northwestward to Tébessa. Rommel argued that such an attack was “far too close to the front and bound to bring us up against strong enemy reserves,” an appraisal that was soon proven accurate. Indeed, Alexander was well prepared to meet an attack at Thala. He had arrayed his armor in a strong defensive posture, and British reserves from the north were rushed down to reinforce the position. The Americans, too, had collected in strength on the line of approach to Thala, and they held on so stubbornly to the Kasserine Pass that the Germans did not break through it until the evening of February 20. The Germans drove into Thala the next day, but they were quickly pushed out by the British reserves that had now arrived there. On February 22 Rommel, realizing that his chance had passed, broke off the attack and began a gradual withdrawal.

Arnim mounted an attack against the Allied positions facing Tunis, but that too-direct approach both failed in its immediate goals and held up divisions that Rommel needed for his intended second stroke against Montgomery. Until February 26, 1943, Montgomery had had only one division facing the Mareth line, but his staff worked feverishly to reinforce the defenses before the Axis blow came. By March 6, when Rommel attacked, his chance of striking with a superior force had vanished. Montgomery had quadrupled his strength: he now had 400 tanks and more than 500 antitank guns in position. Rommel’s attack was brought to a standstill by the afternoon, and the Germans lost 50 tanks, a serious handicap for the next phase of the campaign. By then the Afrika Korps had also lost Rommel, who was ordered back to Europe, sick and frustrated.

The final Allied assault and the German collapse

On March 17, 1943, the Allied offensive opened with an attack by the U.S. II Corps, now under Patton. It was aimed at the Afrika Korps’ line of retreat up the coast from the Mareth Line to Tunis, but the advance was first cautiously slow and then definitely checked in the mountain passes that provided the approach to the coastal strip. The Allies’ ultimate victory owed more to the enemy’s misjudged offensive efforts than to their own assaults, with their greatest opportunities coming only after the Germans had overstretched themselves.

The Eighth Army’s attack on the Mareth Line was launched on the night of March 20, 1943, with a frontal blow that was intended to make a gap through which the armored divisions could pour. At the same time, the New Zealand Corps made a wide outflanking march toward el-Hamma in the Germans’ rear, with the aim of pinning down the enemy’s reserves. After three days, the frontal attack had failed to make an adequate breach, so Montgomery sent the 1st Armoured Division to bolster the New Zealanders’ threat to the enemy’s rear. Even then, the British attacks were checked by the German defenses at el-Hamma. Thus, although the Germans had been forced to abandon the Mareth Line, they were able to withdraw in an orderly fashion and take up a new defensive position on the Wādī al-ʿAkārīt, north of Gabès.

In the early hours of April 6, the Eighth Army attacked the Wādī al-ʿAkārīt under cover of darkness and achieved a breakthrough. When daylight came, the Germans checked the advance, but two of their three attenuated panzer divisions were now absorbed in holding off an American push east of Gafsa. The Germans were without sufficient resources to maintain their resistance, and the following night they broke away and retired rapidly up the coast toward Tunis. On April 8 a fresh attempt to cut off the German retreat was made by the IX Corps, which tried to break through the Fondouk Pass and reach the sea ahead of the Germans. After an infantry attack failed to open a clear passage for the tanks, an armored dash succeeded in penetrating the German lines, but at a heavy cost and too late to intercept the German retreat up the coast. Within days the two German armies had joined hands, offering a united defense along the mountain arc around Tunis from Enfidaville (south of Al-Hammāmāt) in the south to Cap Serrat (west of Bizerte) in the west.

The speed and success of the retreat from the Wādī al-ʿAkārīt presented Germany with the opportunity to evacuate its forces from Tunisia to Sicily. At least a fortnight’s pause was inevitable before the Allies could mount a serious offensive against the new German defensive line, and a period of misty weather blanketed the area, providing a screen for any embarkation and transportation activities. The German Supreme Command, however, was compelled to prolong the campaign in Africa rather than withdraw to the southern shores of Europe. Even in Tunisia it tried to hold a 100-mile (160-km) perimeter—a front too extensive for its resources—in the hope of preserving both Tunis and Bizerte. The Allies were thus able to consider alternative objectives for their inevitable offensive.

Before launching an attack, Alexander reorganized his forces. He brought the U.S. II Corps up from the south to the coast, from the right wing to the left wing, facing Bizerte. He also switched the IX Corps northward and inserted it in the center between the V Corps and the French XIX Corps, which now adjoined the Eighth Army on the Allied right. On April 20, 1943, the offensive was opened by the Eighth Army with an attack on the enemy’s left flank. The coastal corridor became very narrow beyond Enfidaville, and the advance soon slowed down, coming to a halt on April 23. On April 21 the V Corps attacked from the left center, through the hills leading to Tunis. The following day the IX Corps struck from the right center near Goubellat, with the aim of achieving an armored breakthrough. The effort failed to pierce the German defenses, but it strained them severely and further weakened their remaining tank strength. A pause of nearly two weeks followed on most of the front, but in the north the Americans and a corps of French African troops continued to make a gradual penetration, which brought them within 20 miles (32 km) of Bizerte.

Alexander used the break in the action to redeploy his forces once again. Leaving only a screening force in the right center near Goubellat, he moved the bulk of the IX Corps to the left center, concentrated it behind the V Corps, and reinforced it with two divisions from the Eighth Army—the 7th Armoured and 4th Indian. An elaborate deception plan was carried out to conceal the moves and to persuade the enemy command that the next attack would come in the south. Arnim had little chance of recognizing the deception or responding to it after the blow fell because of the Allies’ almost total command of the air. The highly concentrated assault of the IX Corps, now under Gen. Brian Horrocks, was launched in the starlit but moonless early hours of May 6, 1943. It was preceded and covered by an intense artillery bombardment from more than 600 guns, on a front less than 2 miles (3.2 km) wide, in the Majardah (Medjerda) valley leading to Tunis. After daylight, aircraft continued the assault with a terrific storm of bombs. The stunned defenders were soon overrun by the infantry of the 4th Indian and 4th British divisions: the overstretched defense was not only thin but had little depth. The tanks of the 6th and 7th Armoured divisions then drove through the breach, but they lost time in dealing with various small pockets of German resistance. By nightfall they had only advanced a few miles and were still some 15 miles (24 km) from Tunis. On the morning of May 7, however, it became clear that the previous day’s attacks had paralyzed the opposing army to such an extent that it could not develop any tactical countermeasures. That afternoon the leading troops of the British armored divisions swept into Tunis. The 6th Armoured Division then turned south, and the 7th wheeled north to press the advantage. Almost simultaneously, the Americans and the French poured into Bizerte.

Though their resistance had disintegrated on the northern half the front, in the south the Germans might still have been able to withdraw into the Cap Bon peninsula and there make a prolonged stand. That possibility was frustrated by the rapidity with which the 6th Armoured Division cut across the German rear, securing the neck of the peninsula. German morale was shattered. Unchallenged Allied control of the skies, the absence of any significant German reserve force in the theatre, and the fatal disruption of German command and control structures had doomed what remained of Germany’s ambitions in Africa. German troops found themselves fighting with their backs to the sea—a sea dominated by Allied sea and air power. On May 13, 1943, less than a week after the fall of Tunis, Axis forces in Tunisia surrendered, and more than 250,000 prisoners were taken. North Africa would subsequently serve as a base for future Allied operations against Italy itself.

Basil Liddell Hart The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica