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Swashbuckling Sisters: 6 Lady Pirates

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You’ve heard of Blackbeard and Redbeard and Bluebeard, but what about the beardless buccaneers? While women pirates weren’t exactly a dime a dozen even during the height of piracy, there were a surprising number of fearless females who plied the seven seas.

  • Jeanne de Clisson

    A good story often becomes a better story in the retelling. As such, it’s sometimes hard to tell what’s legit from what’s legend. But if the legend of Jeanne de Clisson (née Jeanne-Louise de Belleville) is to be believed, she was one bad mother. Literally. Jeanne de Clisson was the mother of 7 children when she began her reign of terror. During the Hundred Years’ War, in the 14th century, the Duke of Brittany died and a territorial dispute began over the region between France and England. Jeanne’s second husband, Lord Olivier de Clisson, was caught in the middle of this quarrel and executed by the French King Philip VI as a traitor. Enraged, Jeanne took to the sea (according to the stories, with two of her sons) and began attacking French forces. By selling her family’s assets, she was able to purchase three ships, which she painted black and outfitted with red sails. While the full extent of her ruthlessness is somewhat unclear, it is said she personally beheaded every French nobleman she encountered.

  • Grace O’Malley (Gráinne Ní Mháille)

    The Irish “Pirate Queen” Grace O’Malley is one of the most infamous buccaneers of any gender. Born in 1530, Grace was raised in a seafaring clan, which her father was the leader of. She married well (twice) and basically spent her time defending her property by any means necessary…and taking some other people’s property for good measure. Ruthless and fearless, legend has it that Grace gave birth to one of her sons aboard a ship, then engaged in combat a day later to defend the vessel. As if that weren’t enough, Grace proved spirited enough to request an audience with none other than Queen Elizabeth. She demanded that her brother and sons, who had been captured, be released. And the queen obliged.

  • Ching Shih

    Aside from being an extremely famous pirate, Ching Shih was arguably the most successful one. Little is known of her early life except that she was a prostitute, but in 1801 she was captured by—and subsequently became the wife of—a pirate named Cheng Yi. Together they sailed the seas and amassed a pirate army known as the Red Flag Fleet. Upon Cheng Yi’s death in 1807, Ching Shih took command of the fleet, which consisted of hundreds of ships and some 50,000 pirates. She kept them in line with a strict code of conduct, with most offenses being punished by beheading. The fleet proved so unstoppable—sometimes even venturing upstream in smaller boats to hit cities and towns that weren’t on the coast—that the admiral of the Chinese navy committed suicide rather than be captured by her. In the end, she was offered amnesty by the Chinese government and retired to the countryside with her loot.

  • Anne Bonny

    Anne Bonny was a trailblazer. She was born (née Anne Cormac) in Ireland but emigrated with her family to what would later become the United States as a teenager. She married a sailor, John Bonny, against her father’s wishes, and sailed off with him into the figurative sunset. When her marriage turned sour, she took up with the infamous pirate John (“Calico Jack”) Rackham. Together they commandeered a ship and began pillaging along the coast of Jamaica. Although women were considered bad luck aboard ship, Anne did little to conceal her gender—unlike crewmate Mary Read (more about her next). In 1720 Rackham and his crew were captured. The male crew members were hung for piracy, but Bonny and Read got stays of execution in the way only women can—pregnancy! Bonny was later released and lived the remainder of her life in a quieter fashion.

  • Mary Read

    Mary Read was born an illegitimate daughter but raised as a legitimate son. Her half-brother, born to their mother shortly after her husband died at sea, was to be taken care of by his grandmother until he was grown. When he died, Mary’s mother quickly became pregnant with Mary and after her birth attempted to pass her off as the dead son. The grandmother got wise, however, and that was the end of that scheme. Mary’s mother continued to dress her as a boy, however, to hire her out as household help. She worked on ships and even joined the army as a man. While sailing on a Dutch ship, Mary was captured by “Calico Jack” Rackham and his crew. She soon became friends with Anne Bonny, Rackham’s lover, who had discovered her secret. They pillaged and plundered with the best of them, but it wasn’t to last. Upon their eventual capture, both pleaded “pregnant” and escaped execution, but Mary died in jail.

  • Rachel Wall

    Rachel Wall (née Schmidt) is thought to be the first American female pirate, born in Pennsylvania in 1760. When she was sixteen she married George Wall, and the pair soon moved to Boston where Rachel worked as a maid and George as a fisherman. Their professions offered them little in the way of money, and George came up with a scheme to turn pirate. With a small crew, they went to sea and fished during good weather. After storms, they pretended to be in distress and ransacked their would-be rescuers. The plan worked for about a year until, in boy-who-cried-wolf fashion, they were caught in a storm and suffered irreparable damage to their boat. Rachel survived, but George met an untimely end. She continued her life of crime even after her husband’s death, engaging in land-based thievery and possibly prostitution. She was eventually arrested for attacking a young woman, and after confessing crimes including her piracy was sentenced to death. She was the last woman executed in Massachusetts.