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NATO's Russian Warplane Dilemma Oct. 1, 2024, 3:31 AM ET (Newsweek)

In prehistoric times Finno-Ugric tribes inhabited a long belt stretching across northern Europe from the Urals through northern Scandinavia, reaching south to present-day Latvia. The predecessors of the modern Balts bordered them along a belt to the south, stretching west from a region in what is now central Russia to the area of the mouth of the Vistula River in Poland. Large areas of present-day Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, and northern Poland were settled by Balts. During the Bronze Age, roughly 1250 bce, the western part of this Baltic region became known in the civilized areas of the Mediterranean basin as the “land of amber.”

The extensive trade relations that developed lasted until the decline of the Roman Empire and the Germanic migrations. Thereafter, from the 8th century ce, the Baltic peoples experienced the expansion of the bellicose trading societies of Scandinavia, which made extensive use of the river systems. Likewise, from the 10th century they came under pressure from East Slav expansion, primarily in the region of modern Belarus.

Early Middle Ages

During the early Middle Ages the Finno-Ugrians who subsequently became Estonians lived in eight recognizable independent districts and four lesser ones. Their kinsmen, the Livs, inhabited four major areas in northern Latvia and northern Courland. The western Balts were divided into at least eight recognizable groupings. The westernmost, the Prussians, formed 10 principalities in what subsequently became East Prussia. The Jotvingians and Galindians inhabited an area to the south stretching from present-day Poland east into Belarus. The settlements of the ancestors of the Lithuanians—the Samogitians and the Aukstaiciai—covered most of present-day Lithuania, stretching into Belarus. Five more subdivisions formed the basis for the modern Latvians. Westernmost of these were the Kuronians, who were divided into five to seven principalities on the peninsula of Courland (modern Kurzeme). To the east were the Semigallians, in present-day central Latvia and portions of northern Lithuania. Eastern Latvia was inhabited by the Selonians and Latgalians. At least four major principalities can be distinguished among the latter.

The Balts worshiped the forces of nature, personified as divinities, in sacred oak groves. Their religious and cultural life is primarily known from the large body of folk songs, dainos, many of which have survived. The songs encompass the totality of human life in communion with nature and reveal a strong sense of ethics. Archaeological excavations complement this picture. The spiritual world of the Estonians is known largely from their epic poem Kalevipoeg, a 19th-century compilation of an extensive body of surviving folk song and shamanic chant.

The conquest of Estonia and Latvia

Incursions by Scandinavian Vikings into the coastal areas of the Estonians and the Kuronians began in the 9th century. East Slav pressure had also appeared by the beginning of the millennium. As early as 1030 the southeastern portion of present-day Estonia was overrun, though the struggle continued for more than a century. In 1132 Estonians defeated an East Slav army, and in 1177 they attacked Pskov. East Slav incursions affected the lands of the Balts as well. The Galindians and Jotvingians were largely overrun and partially assimilated, though the latter continued to appear in East Slavic chronicles as late as the 14th century. Raiding parties are known to have occasionally penetrated into Latgalian lands as well.

The Scandinavian and East Slav incursions were accompanied by efforts to introduce Christianity among the Estonians and Balts. The earliest attempt to bring Roman Christianity to the Prussians dates from 997. The first Danish church was built in Courland about 1070, and the first Danish missionary was sent to Estonia about a century later. In 1219–20 Valdemar II, king of Denmark, conquered much of northern Estonia. By the late 12th century, Scandinavian intruders had been joined by Germans, who between 1198 and 1290 overran the remainder of what is now Estonia and Latvia. The Liv territories had succumbed by 1207. Most of Latgalia suffered the same fate a year later. Estonia was conquered by 1227 and Courland by 1263. The Semigallians held out until 1290.

The brunt of the German effort in the region was that of the Crusading Order of the Brothers of the Sword, founded in 1202 by Bishop Albert of Buxhoevden. An allied group, the Knights of the Teutonic Order, focused its attention on the lands of the Prussians, which were conquered between 1236 and 1283. The German incursions catalyzed the Lithuanian tribes, who inhabited the most-remote areas, into organizing effective resistance. The focus of struggle shifted to Samogitia, an area that separated the German holdings in Prussia from their conquests in Latvia. In 1236 the Brothers of the Sword suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Lithuanians and Semigallians at Saule, not far from present-day Šiauliai, Lithuania. The remnants of the Brothers of the Sword, reorganized as the Livonian Order, became a branch of the Knights of the Teutonic Order. An attempt in 1260 to overrun Samogitia likewise was defeated at Durpe (Durbe).

The old order along the Baltic coast was replaced by a number of small feudal political entities. Northern Estonia, including Revel (modern Tallinn), formed part of the Danish realm. The domains of the Teutonic Knights covered East Prussia, and those of the Livonian Order encompassed the bulk of what is now Latvia and southern Estonia. This region also included the four independent ecclesiastical states: the archbishopric of Riga and the bishoprics of Courland (Kurland; Latvian: Kurzeme), Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia), and Ösel-Wiek. Riga itself was a free city. The German rulers subjugated the local populations but proved insufficiently strong to Germanize them. Even in East Prussia the extinction of the indigenous population took place only under considerably changed circumstances by the end of the 17th century and may have been due as much to epidemics as to cultural assimilation. Apart from the realm of the Teutonic Order in East Prussia, the German Baltic entities were internally weak. Following the pattern in feudal western Europe, internecine warfare proved endemic.

Independent Lithuania

The less-accessible Lithuanians, living in dense forests and swamplands, managed to withstand the foreign incursions and preserve their independence. In 1236 a chieftain, Mindaugas, united several tribes into a Lithuanian political entity. In 1251 he accepted Roman Christianity, and in 1253 he joined the western political hierarchy through coronation at the hands of a papal legate. Ten years later, however, he was assassinated, and the Lithuanians reverted to their traditional nativistic paganism.

It is quite likely that another chieftain, Traidenis, founded the dynasty that subsequently became known as that of Gediminas, who acceded to the throne about 1315 and ruled until his death in 1341 or 1342. Although Lithuanian expansion into the lands of the Kiev realm, which had been destroyed by the Mongols, had begun in the 13th century, it was Gediminas who carved out the empire that became known as historic Lithuania, including more or less the area of present-day Lithuania, Belarus, and northwestern Ukraine. Eastward expansion continued under Gediminas’s successors, Algirdas and Kęstutis, who divided the realm between them. In 1370 Great Prince Algirdas besieged Moscow. The eastward expansion provided resources for the Lithuanian state in its resistance to assaults from the Teutonic Order in the west.

The success of a small non-Christian people in carving out and maintaining an extensive empire testifies to the political skill of its ruling princely caste as well as to the policy of wide autonomy and religious toleration. Lithuanian princes frequently intermarried with the ruling families of the East Slav principalities that fell under their sway and often accepted Orthodox Christianity.

After Algirdas’s death, strife between his son Jogaila on the one hand and Jogaila’s uncle Kęstutis and Kęstutis’s son Vytautas on the other, coupled with growing pressure from the Teutonic Order, presented the Lithuanians with the need for an ally. The choice was between Moscow, which would entail the acceptance of Orthodoxy, and Poland, which would require the adoption of Roman Catholicism. In 1385 Jogaila reached agreement with Poland. He married the 12-year-old Queen Jadwiga and acceded to the Polish throne as Władisław II Jagiełło; Lithuania thus became a part of the Latin Christian world. Subsequently, Jogaila made peace with his cousin Vytautas, who became ruler of Lithuania.

Vytautas renewed the policy of eastward expansion but suffered a defeat in 1399 at the hands of the Golden Horde (lands and peoples of the western Mongol empire) in the Battle of the Vorskla River. The successful campaign in 1410 against the Teutonic Order, however, permanently removed the threat from that quarter; on July 15, 1410, a Polish-Lithuanian army inflicted a crushing defeat on the Teutonic Order at Tannenberg (Grünwald), from which the order never recovered. Vytautas continued the policy of expansion in the east. During his reign the Lithuanian state reached its apogee, extending from the Baltic to the Black seas.

In the long term the acceptance of Roman Catholicism pushed Lithuania culturally toward the West. Such development alienated the East Slav principalities, which increasingly came under pressure from Orthodox Moscow. Simultaneously, the cultural Polonization of the Lithuanian nobility began. Increasingly, a gap developed between the Lithuanian-speaking peasantry and their Polonized overlords, analogous to that between German barons and indigenous peasants in Latvia and Estonia.