Church of Santa Maria del Carmine
church, Florence, Italy
Learn about this topic in these articles:
feature of Florence
- In Florence: City layout
…Arno lies the modest Carmelite church of Santa Maria del Carmine, whose Brancacci Chapel displays some of the most powerful early 15th-century frescoes by Masaccio and Masolino (c. 1425–27). The frescoes have been restored to their former glory, bringing out colours and details that had long been obscured.
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frescoes by Masaccio
- In Masaccio: The Brancacci Chapel
1427) in the Florentine Church of Santa Maria del Carmine. He was commissioned to finish painting the chapel’s scenes of the stories of St. Peter after Masolino (1383–1447) had abandoned the job, leaving only the vaults and several frescoes in the upper registers finished. Previously, Masaccio and Masolino were…
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