The people of the East African mountains

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Population is confined to the lower slopes, with the upper limit of settlement at about 7,000 feet. Bananas and millet are common subsistence crops, and coffee is an important cash crop. On the southern and eastern slopes of Kilimanjaro the Chaga (Chagga) have long used an effective system of irrigation based on the ridge-and-valley relief of the mountain. High population densities among the Chaga are matched by those among the Kikuyu and related groups on the slopes of the Aberdare Range and around the southern and eastern margins of Mount Kenya. The Gisu have densely settled the western slopes of Mount Elgon below the forest zone.

Population density is high on either side of the northern nose of the Ruwenzori; the Konjo hillmen live mainly on the eastern flank of the range. The Pygmy Twa occupy the forests of the Virunga Mountains, the lower slopes of which are cultivated by the far more numerous Hutu.

The economy

Mining, forestry, and agriculture

Copper ore was formerly mined at Kilembe, Uganda, on the southeastern flank of the Ruwenzori. Other mineral resources include tin deposits also southeast of the Ruwenzori, tungsten deposits in the Virunga Mountains in Uganda, and diatomite in the Aberdare Range.

The closed forests are mainly under forest reserve and are classed as presently productive of timber. The most important output of sawn wood has come from the more accessible mountains of Kenya and Tanzania, where cedar, podo (or yellowwood), and camphorwood are among the principal timbers; the quantities produced, however, are small. Land cleared for cultivation in the lower part of the forests forms rich agricultural zones in which a considerable variety of crops—including coffee, tea, wheat, pyrethrum (a chrysanthemum used in the production of insecticides), bananas, millet, root crops, and vegetables—may be grown. Cattle are raised on the northern slopes of Mounts Kenya and Elgon and on Kilimanjaro. The narrow agricultural belt could be widened, and there has been a tendency for the extension of cultivation into lower altitudes by the use of irrigation.


The mountains are an important tourist attraction. Kilimanjaro National Park covers the mountain from 6,000 feet to the summit, and other parks include Mount Kenya above 10,200 feet, the moorland zone of the Aberdares, and a sector of the Kenya portion of Mount Elgon. In the Uganda section of the Virunga Mountains, the Kigezi Gorilla Game Reserve is situated on the northern slopes of Mounts Muhavura and Mgahinga (Gahinga). In the Rwanda and Congo portions of the Virunga Mountains, gorillas are protected, respectively, in the Volcanoes National Park and the Virunga National Park.

Mount Kenya in Mount Kenya National Park is the highest mountain in Africa. UNESCO World Heritage Site. Giant Lobelia in foreground.  (Mt. Kenya; Mt. Kenya National Park;  mountains; rugged mountain; African geography, African landscape, stratovolcano)
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The Ruwenzori form a barrier to east-west transport, and road connections between Uganda and Congo pass south of the range. The Mau Escarpment and the Aberdare Range deflect the main roads to their northern and southern flanks, but each is crossed by a secondary road. The Nyeri col between the Aberdares and Mount Kenya is used as a gateway to the north. There are circular routes around Mounts Kenya and Elgon, and the bases of all the mountains are reasonably accessible.

Study and exploration

In 1848 the snow-covered summit of Kilimanjaro was observed by the German missionary Johannes Rebmann, and the following year Johann L. Krapf, also a German missionary, obtained a view of the snows of Mount Kenya. In 1888 the Welsh explorer Henry Morton Stanley glimpsed the Ruwenzori through a break in their cloud cover and equated them with the Mountains of the Moon of Ptolemy.

A number of expeditions on Kilimanjaro preceded that of 1889, in which the German geographer Hans Meyer conquered the summit of Kibo. Partial ascents of Mount Kenya were made before the British geographer Halford John Mackinder reached the summit of Batian in 1899. The Ruwenzori awaited the expedition of Luigi, duke d’Abruzzi, in 1906 for the conquest of their major peaks, and in 1907–08 Adolf Friedrich, duke of Mecklenburg, made a comprehensive survey of the Virunga Mountains. The southern side of Elgon was visited in 1883, and the caldera was traversed in 1890; in 1911 Wagagai was climbed. In 1932 a Belgian scientific mission explored the western slopes of the Ruwenzori, climbing several peaks.

Since 1931, aerial photography has assisted in the production of excellent maps of the major mountains and their glaciers. Under the stimulus of the International Geophysical Year of 1957–58, glaciological expeditions were mounted on the Ruwenzori, Mount Kenya, and Kilimanjaro.

Kilimanjaro, Kenya, and Ruwenzori are names of African origin; the first two are of somewhat uncertain meaning, and Ruwenzori may come from Nyoro words meaning “place of rain.” Elgonyi was the Maasai name for Elgon, but the Gisu name Masaba remains current in the Bantu languages. The names Kibo and Mawensi are of African derivation, and the highest peaks of Mount Kenya were named for Maasai chiefs. With one exception, Ensonga, the major mountains and peaks of the Ruwenzori have European names, while Virunga nomenclature is African.

Samuel John Kenneth Baker