World War I and economic crisis

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Also known as: Confédération Suisse, Confederazione Elvetica, Confederazione Svizzera, Confederaziun Helvetica, Helvetia, Helvetic Confederation, Schweiz, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizzra, Swiss Confederation

Switzerland maintained its neutrality in World War I, but the conflict not only engendered heavy tensions between the Germanophone Swiss and their French- and Italian-speaking countrymen—the result of each group’s cultural identification with the combatants—but also cast a weighty burden on the working class. As part of the militia army, they were mobilized for long periods to guard Switzerland’s borders, but they received no compensation for their loss of wages. Moreover, the working class was also hurt by the government’s decision to finance defense efforts through the issue of currency, which caused a surge in inflation. Some Swiss did profit from the war, as the country’s persistent balance-of-payments deficit was reversed for the first time. In particular, the metallurgical, chemical, timber, and watchmaking industries furnished goods to both belligerent camps, while farmers benefited from increasing demand and prices.

Social tensions erupted at the end of the war. In November 1918 there was a national strike, which originated in Zürich. The federal government, fearing a Soviet-style Bolshevik revolution, mobilized a large number of loyal troops, especially from the countryside. Within three days the strike leaders, many of whom were arrested, capitulated without a fight. Because the strike coincided with a worldwide influenza epidemic that cost many lives among those who had been mobilized, bitter feelings against the working class lasted for generations, especially among the farmers. Nevertheless, some of the strikers’ claims were soon realized (e.g., the 48-hour workweek and improved benefits for the unemployed). Particularly important was a reform of the voting system; with the replacement of majoritarian voting by proportional representation in 1919, the liberals immediately lost the dominant parliamentary position that they had enjoyed since 1848. In short order a second conservative joined the Federal Council, and in 1929 a member of the peasants’ party was elected. Since the end of the 19th century, the Farmers’ Association, representing a clientele particularly struck by structural crisis and in favour of protectionism, already had been the most successful of the different lobbying groups that increasingly influenced federal politics.

The worldwide economic crisis after 1929 dramatically reduced Swiss exports. Many banks became insolvent, while the machine-building industry was resilient, particularly because in this time the Swiss railway lines were largely electrified and needed new machines. The domestic crisis peaked in 1936 when many workers—especially in the construction industry—were dismissed, and the national bank was forced to devalue the Swiss franc by 30 percent. The following year there was a breakthrough in the relationship between the metallurgical employers and the trade unions, both of which agreed to find compromises without violent confrontation. This agreement served as a model for other industries and henceforth ensured a high degree of social peace.

This economic rapprochement, which had political parallels, occurred against the backdrop of the growing danger of National Socialism in Germany. Its imitators in Switzerland, the so-called Fronten (“fronts”), were loud but weak: in 1935, at their peak, they had only one representative in a national parliament of 187. Like the communists on the left, they were considered a fifth column, the agents of a foreign power. After some time the Social Democrats—who had largely been pacifists since World War I or antimilitary since the troops’ intervention in the general strike—joined the bourgeois parties in 1935 to authorize the arming of a comparatively outdated army. After World War I Switzerland had joined the Geneva-based League of Nations, which accorded it the special status of “differentiated neutrality,” excluding Switzerland from participation in collective military measures.

As the fascist countries became increasingly aggressive and the Western powers barely reacted, the federal government looked for good foreign relations with its totalitarian neighbours; indeed, Switzerland was among the first countries to recognize Italy’s conquest of Ethiopia under Benito Mussolini and the Spanish regime of Francisco Franco. After the political union (Anschluss) of Austria by Germany in 1938, Switzerland returned to absolute neutrality, as the system of collective security revealed itself to be incapable of protecting minor states.

World War II and the Cold War

When World War II broke out, Switzerland mobilized 450,000 soldiers and 200,000 auxiliaries (it eventually mobilized 850,000 people out of a total population of 4,000,000). Having learned from World War I, the government provided compensation to workers for lost wages, and, despite economic difficulties, it was able to keep inflation at a tolerable level throughout the war. Another difference from World War I was the unity evident throughout Switzerland, irrespective of class and language. Symbolic of this singularity of purpose was the election of the first Social Democrat to the Federal Council in 1943. The most difficult phase of the war was in the summer of 1940, when France had unexpectedly fallen and Switzerland was surrounded by the Axis powers. The only open tunnel to Vichy France closed in late 1942 when Germany occupied the southern part of France. When most Swiss feared that they would become the next victim of Nazi expansionism, federal councillor Marcel Pilet-Golaz gave a speech on June 25, 1940, that generally was interpreted as an adaptation to the new Europe controlled by Germany. Many Swiss refused accommodation, and, in a speech given the following month to the army’s highest officers at the symbolic Rütli plateau, the commander in chief of the Swiss army, General Henri Guisan, expressed a lasting spirit of military resistance; in addition, a fortress in the central Alps, the réduit, was equipped with ammunition, medical supplies, food, water, hydroelectric plants, and factories to enable the Swiss army to fight the Nazis even if the cities of the Mittelland were captured.

In the days following Guisan’s speech, Switzerland signed the first of several toughly negotiated commercial treaties with Germany. The Germans supplied raw materials (coal, iron, and seeds for a country that produced only 60 percent of the food it needed) in exchange for considerable Swiss financial credits and military and strategic material produced by private companies, including aluminum, machine tools, and watches. Weapons (e.g., antiaircraft defense) made up a significant share of Switzerland’s exports to Germany; though they constituted less than 1 percent of Germany’s own armaments, these supplies may have been important at specific moments of the war. It was the national bank, however, that rendered the most problematic service to Germany, buying gold looted from western European central banks, including small quantities of victims’ gold from concentration camps. Although historical evidence suggests that the Swiss did not know the origins of this gold, by at least early 1943 the Swiss national bank was aware of the German looting of central banks yet continued to buy the melted and reformed gold in large quantities until 1944 and in lesser amounts even until the last weeks of the war. The total amount the Swiss national bank paid to Germany for mostly looted gold was 1.2 billion Swiss francs; Germany used this money—its only remaining convertible currency—to purchase missing raw materials from abroad.

Transit through the Alps benefited the Axis but generally conformed to international law, which allows shipments other than those of weapons or troops; by far the most important shipment was of coal. Despite its geographic location, Switzerland also maintained economic relations with the Western Allies during the war; for example, it bought a considerable amount of (nonlooted) gold from the United States and Britain. The Allies then used Swiss francs to pay for intelligence services in Switzerland and for the good offices the neutral country could provide through the Red Cross for prisoners of war. Humanitarian policy, however, was the saddest—yet most ambivalent—chapter of Switzerland’s war history. To a large extent, the alleged humanitarian tradition of a neutral minor state was given over to the initiative of private persons and charitable organizations. The government itself declared a restrictive immigration policy, admitting refugees essentially for transit into a third country but without pursuing this policy consistently. There were several reasons for the harsh policy against refugees; one was the fear that immigration might provoke social unrest, especially given the country’s weak labour market after the economic crises. Officials further adduced the economic costs of accommodation—the lack of food and impediments for national defense—but anti-Semitism and the fear that the country might lose its character as a result of Überfremdung (“overforeignization”) also were decisive factors. During the war Switzerland accepted nearly 300,000 refugees—one-third of whom were military internees, while many others, especially children, arrived only for a short period or, especially from the neighbouring areas, only in the last weeks of the war. Among the roughly 55,000 civilian refugees, about 20,000 were Jews, who were denied asylum because they were not considered “political refugees.” During the war, especially in 1942–43, when the Swiss border was officially but not hermetically sealed, at least another 20,000 civilian refugees, most of them Jewish, were turned away. It is probably impossible to establish the precise number of those who were killed in concentration camps after a vain attempt to flee to Switzerland.

Judging Switzerland’s role during the war is complex. Switzerland appeased the Axis, but it also was ready to defend its independence in the event of a German attack. Moreover, there were many examples of compassion toward refugees and other victims of the war, and the Swiss had to balance the interest of other countries and peoples with its attempt to ensure its own national survival. While some profited from trade with the Axis, the Swiss in general rejected those regimes and their racist ideology, considering these a mortal danger for their democracy and diverse linguistic and religious population.