Toward stabilization

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Also known as: German Republic

Having averted the threat of civil war, Stresemann turned to face the problem of the mark. A new currency, the Rentenmark, was introduced on November 20, 1923, in strictly limited quantities. It was backed by a mortgage on the entire industrial and agricultural resources of the country. The process of stabilization was painful but was pushed through with determination by Hjalmar Schacht, who was made president of the Reichsbank on December 22, 1923. The drastic action taken by Stresemann to end the crisis proved successful, but his critics on the left and right combined to defeat a vote of confidence on November 23, and Stresemann promptly resigned. He was succeeded by Wilhelm Marx (Centre), with Stresemann himself retaining the key post of foreign minister. In February 1924 Marx felt secure enough to end the state of emergency.

The Dawes Plan

The Ruhr was still occupied by the French, and the question of reparations remained unsettled. Thanks to the efforts of the British and U.S. governments, however, a committee of experts led by American financier Charles G. Dawes produced a report that was accepted by the Allies and by Germany on August 16, 1924. There was no attempt made to determine the total amount to be paid, but payments were to be resumed on a scale beginning at 1 billion gold marks in the first year and rising to 2.5 billion in 1928 and subsequent years. Detailed arrangements were made for raising and transferring these sums, under foreign supervision, while a foreign loan of 800 million marks was secured to help the German government.

These proposals led to further bitter attacks on Stresemann’s foreign policy of “fulfillment.” But, despite the success of the extremist parties in elections held in May 1924, Marx succeeded in finding a majority to support the legislation embodying the Dawes proposals, and in return Stresemann secured the withdrawal of the French troops from the Ruhr. On August 30, 1924, the Reichsbank was made independent of the government and introduced the new Reichsmark currency with the exchange rate of 1 reichsmark = 1 trillion marks.

The year 1925 saw further progress toward stabilization. On February 28, 1925, Pres. Friedrich Ebert died, and Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg was elected in his place. The election of Hindenburg, a monarchist and the candidate of the right, was opposed by the republican parties and aroused considerable concern abroad. In fact, Hindenburg, by his loyalty to the constitution during his first five years of office, strengthened the republic and did something to reconcile the more moderate members of the monarchist right to the regime.

The Locarno Pact

In foreign policy, helped by the more conciliatory attitude of Édouard Herriot and Aristide Briand in France, Stresemann followed the Dawes agreement with the conclusion of the treaties of Locarno (Pact of Locarno) on October 16, 1925. Through this action, Germany reaffirmed its renunciation of Alsace-Lorraine and pledged not to attempt any alteration of its frontiers with France and Belgium by force. This promise was guaranteed by the signatory powers, including Great Britain and Italy. The treaties of Locarno were followed by the Allies’ evacuation of the first zone of the occupied Rhineland—Cologne—and by Germany’s entry into the League of Nations, with a permanent seat on the council, in September 1926.

The Pact of Locarno was regarded with grave suspicion by the Soviets, who feared that Germany might join an anti-Soviet bloc. To reassure them, Stresemann signed a new Soviet-German treaty in Berlin on April 24, 1926, confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo. Unlike Stresemann’s agreements with the Western powers, the treaty of Berlin received the unanimous approval of the German political parties, including those on the right. A series of commercial treaties completed in these years began to restore German foreign trade. At the end of January 1927, the Allied military control commission was withdrawn, and, urged on by Stresemann, the League of Nations began to examine the issue of general disarmament.

When the Kellogg-Briand Pact to outlaw war was proposed, the German foreign minister went to Paris for the signing ceremony and was warmly received (August 27, 1928). In the five years since the crisis of 1923, Germany had thus made considerable progress toward regaining a position in Europe corresponding to its size and importance. This was almost entirely due to Stresemann.

Following the Dawes Plan and the treaties of Locarno, large foreign investments were made in Germany, mostly in the form of short-term loans. As a result, the period from 1925 to the end of 1928 was one of remarkable prosperity in Germany. German industry was re-equipped, production boomed, wages were high, and in 1927 unemployment fell to one million. Moreover, large public works were undertaken, and reparation payments were promptly met.

Party politics and the elections of 1924 and 1928

Throughout the years from 1924 to 1928 Germany was governed by a succession of coalition cabinets based on the three bourgeois parties, the Centre, the Democrats, and the People’s Party. From the end of 1923 to the end of 1924, the office of chancellor was held by Marx (Centre); from January 1925 to May 1926 by Hans Luther, a former minister of finance; and from May 1926 to June 1928 again by Marx. Elections were held twice in 1924, on May 4 and on December 7. On the first occasion, the effects of the crisis and inflation were reflected in the marked gains of the extremist parties. The Democrats and the People’s Party lost heavily, but the Social Democrats and the Centre, supporting the republic, held their ground. In December the Nationalists registered further gains, but the Nazis and their allies as well as the Communists lost votes. The Social Democrats and the three bourgeois parties regained many of the votes they had lost.

Opposition, apart from that of the Communists and the extreme right, came principally from the Social Democrats and the Nationalists. The Social Democrats supported Stresemann’s foreign policy and were loyal to the republic. However, they were opposed to the social and economic policies of governments in which they perceived an excessive influence from industrial and business circles and lenience toward the anti-republican forces on the right. The Nationalists, violently critical of Stresemann’s foreign policy, were sharply divided in their attitude to the republic. Representatives of the more moderate faction were brought into the cabinets of both Luther and Marx but were forced out again by the opposition of the party’s irreconcilables led by Alfred Hugenberg.

In 1926 the question of compensation for Germany’s deposed princely houses excited prolonged controversy. The noble families of several German states had been deposed after the collapse of the German Empire, and a bill to provide them with generous compensation for their losses was challenged by the left, which demanded a plebiscite. More than 14 million people voted in favour of expropriation of princely property without compensation, but this fell short of the majority required by the constitution, and the compensation bill was passed by the Reichstag.

Social Democratic criticism of the army administration and clandestine rearmament roused another storm in the same year. Gen. Hans von Seeckt, the commander in chief of the army, was obliged to resign, but the independent position of the army in the state was not impaired. The following year, Marx’s government was responsible for two of the major achievements of the Weimar Republic in social legislation: a comprehensive scheme of unemployment insurance covering 16 million people and the extension of state arbitration in labour disputes. On May 20, 1928, the German people again went to the polls. The most striking feature of the results was the swing to the left. On June 28, 1928, Hermann Müller of the Social Democrats formed a cabinet with the People’s Party, the Democrats, and the Centre; Stresemann remained at the foreign ministry.

The Young Plan

The first tasks of the new government were to secure a definitive settlement of the reparation question and the complete evacuation of the Rhineland. On February 11, 1929, a new committee of experts under the chairmanship of another American, Owen D. Young, set to work to fix the total of reparations. This time the Germans themselves were represented in the discussions. An agreed report was accepted with certain modifications at the two Hague conferences (August 1929 and January 1930) and came into force on September 1, 1930. Total reparations were fixed at 121 billion Reichsmarks to be paid in 59 annuities. The foreign controls over German economic life established by the Dawes Plan were abolished, and the Bank of International Settlements was set up to handle the financial problems involved in transferring these amounts.

Under the leadership of Hugenberg, the Nationalists now joined forces with the Nazis in organizing a plebiscite to refuse all further obligations to pay reparations and to declare the chancellor and his ministers punishable for treason if they accepted new financial commitments. It was during this campaign that the Nazis, financed by the Nationalists and their friends among the industrialists, made their first appearance on the national political scene. The campaign, however, failed completely, and a revolt against Hugenberg’s leadership led to a split within the Nationalist Party. Stresemann had secured from the Allies, at the same time that he accepted the Young Plan, a promise to evacuate the whole of the Rhineland by June 1930. This was a decisive argument, and the bills embodying the Young legislation were passed by the Reichstag in March 1930. By then Stresemann, the outstanding political figure of the Weimar Republic, was dead (October 3, 1929), having been worn out by the double strain of negotiating with the Allies and defending his policy against the attacks made on it by the right in Germany.