
plant order
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Also known as: potato order

Solanales, potato order of flowering plants, including five families with 165 genera and more than 4,080 species. Two of the families are large and contain some of the most highly cultivated plants: Solanaceae (nightshades) and Convolvulaceae (morning glories).

Solanales belongs to the core asterid clade (organisms with a single common ancestor), or sympetalous lineage of flowering plants, in the euasterid I group of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (APG III) botanical classification system (see angiosperm). The order is most closely related to Lamiales and Gentianales.


The largest family in Solanales is Solanaceae, the potato or nightshade family, which includes some 100 genera and nearly 2,500 species. The majority of these are tropical, but the family is also well represented in temperate regions. Its greatest diversity is centred in western South America, extending up into Central America and Mexico. The family includes major crop plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, tobacco, and the garden petunia. Lesser-known members of the family include Physalis ixocarpa (tomatillo) and Solanum betaceum (tamarillo, or tree tomato), which are widely used in Mexico, Central America, and the Andes.

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Among the important ornamental genera in Solanaceae are Brugmansia, Cestrum, Nicandra, Nicotiana, Nierembergia, Petunia, Salpiglossis, Schizanthus, Solandra, and Solanum. The species of Nicotiana grown as ornamentals are different from those that produce tobacco.

Solanaceae contains an exceptionally rich array of medicinal plants. Important alkaloids derived from Solanaceae include atropine, which is used as a muscle relaxant and as an antidote for several types of poisons (e.g., nerve gas poisoning). Many species are toxic; deaths have been attributed to green-fleshed potatoes, deadly nightshade (belladonna; Atropa belladonna), the anthers of long-tubed daturas (Brugmansia), and other species. In addition, tobacco has been linked to cancer and other illnesses.

Various members of Solanaceae were implicated in witchcraft practices in medieval Europe, in South America, and elsewhere. The term jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) dates from 1676, when British troops hallucinated for several days after eating the plant in salads that they prepared following the collapse of Nathaniel Bacon’s rebellion in Jamestown, Virginia. Mandragora officinarum (mandrake) has thick tuberous roots resembling the human form, and it contains the powerful alkaloid hyoscyamine. Over the centuries it has been used both medicinally (as an anesthetic) and as a hallucinogen.

The natural distribution of the family has been masked by the many species accidentally and deliberately transported from their native habitats by humans over the past few hundred years, giving the false impression of a well-distributed cosmopolitan plant family. An example is found in Datura, where two well-known species were first described long ago from India, although the genus is entirely of New World origin. These two species and others were transported by European voyagers soon after the discovery of the Americas. Similarly, such important crops as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and tobacco were unknown outside South America until the 1500s, when they were taken back to Europe by early explorers.

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Family characteristics

Solanaceae are mostly herbs, shrubs, or woody epiphytes, although there are some trees in the family. A few species are vines or hemiepiphytes, but these are seldom twining. Latex is absent from the family. Leaves are alternate but often in unequal pairs, the smaller leaves sometimes resembling stipules. The leaves may be entire or variously divided. Bracts are sometimes present, but bracteoles seldom occur. Flowers are mostly perfect (i.e., both sexes present in the same flower), and the floral parts occur in multiples of four or five. The calyx lobes are united to various degrees. The anthers often open by terminal pores, and a nectary disc is present when the anthers open longitudinally. The ovary generally consists of two fused carpels with several to many ovules in each locule. The fruit is a berry or capsule and generally contains many seeds.

Flowers of Solanaceae are pollinated mainly by insects, but birds and bats pollinate some tropical species. The family contains both wide-open flowers, which attract generalist pollinators, and irregular corollas with narrow openings, which attract specialized bees. Several groups have tubular or night-scented corollas, which attract moths. Nectar is commonly produced from the disc that subtends the ovary. A large number of species have anthers with terminal pores that are “buzz pollinated” by many unrelated groups of bees (not honeybees). In this action the bee grasps the anthers and by shivering her indirect flight muscles causes a cloud of pollen to be resonated out of the pore. The species with terminal anther openings, such as Solanum, usually do not produce nectar.

Lycianthe has about 200 species, mainly in Neotropical forests but with some species in tropical Asia. Another large but poorly known genus from Neotropical forests is Cestrum, with about 175 species. Better known, because of its ornamental and drug plants, is Nicotiana (tobacco), which has 95 species, mainly in western South America but with outlying groups in Mexico and Australia and isolated species on oceanic islands and in southwestern Africa. Physalis (Mexico) and Lycium (temperate regions) have 50 or more species each, and there are about eight other genera with 20 or more species.


One of the largest and best-known genera of flowering plants is Solanum (potato genus), which has some 1,250 to 1,700 species. Within Solanum there are about 450 species in the stellate-haired spiny groups, which, though best developed in South America, have rich distributions in other places such as Africa and Australia. Another 175 to 200 species are in the potato group, mostly in the uplands of western South America but with distinctive species in Mexico and the southwestern United States. The genus includes about 30 species in the black nightshade group, best represented in southeastern South America but with species on every continent.

S. tuberosum (potato) was first domesticated in western South America and introduced to Europe during the 16th century, but it did not become important there for more than a century. Most potatoes grown today are a single species, but several other tuber-bearing species are still cultivated by indigenous peoples in the upland regions of Peru. Potatoes are the world’s fourth most important food crop, after corn, wheat, and rice. (Its economic importance has been recognized by the United Nations, which named 2008 the International Year of the Potato.) The edible tubers are the underground stem of a sprawling, strong-smelling herb. Plants are grown from the “eyes,” which are actually buds. Potato plants are sometimes susceptible to blight, a rotting disease caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. This disease brought about the Irish Potato Famine and decimated European potato crops between 1845 and 1860. More than a million lives were lost through starvation or famine-related diseases. Apart from potatoes’ use as food, starch milled from them is used in the manufacture of paper, textiles, confections, and adhesives.


Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) belongs to a group native to western South America. Domestication took place in Mexico, however, from S. lycopersicum cerasiforme (cherry tomato), the only element of the genus occurring naturally north of South America. Because they were once thought to be poisonous, tomatoes did not become a popular food item in Europe and North America until the 19th century. Botanically, the tomato is a fruit, although it is treated as a vegetable for dietary purposes. The tree tomato (Solanum betaceum), also known as tamarillo, is closely related to S. lycopersicum and bears an egg-shaped edible fruit.


Peppers belong to the South American genus Capsicum. As with the tomato, the garden pepper was domesticated in Mexico rather than in South America, where the major range of the genus occurs. There are five species of domesticated peppers—C. annuum (sweet peppers), C. baccatum (Peruvian peppers), C. chinense (habanero peppers), C. frutescens (hot peppers), and C. pubescens (tree peppers). The bird pepper (C. annuum aviculare), the parent stock of the garden pepper, occurs from Florida and Texas to as far south as Argentina. The pungent substance in hot peppers, capsaicin, can be corrosive to the skin and is found in the tissue under the seeds (placenta). It is sometimes used in medicine as a stimulant, and it is the active agent in cayenne pepper. (Black pepper is from the vine Piper nigrum, a plant unrelated to Solanaceae.) C. annuum yields the spice paprika. The word chili is from the native Mexican-language word for the Capsicum plant.


Tobacco is perhaps the world’s most economically important drug plant, generating huge incomes in the agricultural, manufacturing, and merchandising sectors in most world economies and also huge outlays in health sectors that treat the effects its use has on human populations. Tobacco products are made from Nicotiana tabacum, a species of tobacco not known in the wild. Its closest relatives are found in western South America. Another species, N. rustica, was the tobacco first taken to Europe by the Spanish in 1558; this tobacco continued to be used long after the milder Virginia tobacco (N. tabacum) was generally accepted. Tobacco is a robust, erect annual herb. Its leaves are prepared for use by one of several fermentation processes, which may take as long as four years to complete. The alkaloid with the best-known effects is nicotine, but tobacco contains many other alkaloids, some of them even more toxic. In some areas, for example, powdered tobacco leaves are used as an insecticide. The name tobacco is from a West Indian name for a device for snuffing dried leaves.


Solanum melongena (eggplant, or aubergine) was domesticated from a group of spiny Solanum species of tropical Asia, where the fruits come in many shapes, colours, and textures (smooth or hairy). All the fruits are yellow when fully ripe (this stage occurs after the normal eating stages). Some fruits, especially from plants subjected to drought, may have high levels of alkaloids that cause nightmares. The name eggplant was given to forms with white fruits resembling a hen’s egg that are still grown in Thailand and other parts of Asia.


The other large family in Solanales is Convolvulaceae, the morning glory family, with more than 1,600 species in 57 genera. These are twining vines, herbs, or small trees, a few spiny and a few aquatic. Some have tuberlike roots or rhizomes, and many have latex. The leaves are alternate, mostly without stipules and often with extrafloral nectaries. The flower clusters usually have bracts and bracteoles. The flowers generally contain both sexes, with floral parts in multiples of five. The calyx lobes are free and imbricate, and the corolla is generally almost entire, often induplicate-valvate in bud, with a nectariferous disc usually present. The ovary consists mostly of two to five fused carpels, with one or two ovules in each locule, and the fruit is a berry, nut, or capsule. The species are found in tropical or warm-temperate regions, with the greatest generic richness in the tropics. The species most familiar in North America and Europe are twining plants, but in other parts of the world there are numerous herbs, shrubs, and small trees, many with such adaptations to dry, desert regions as dense plant surfaces and thorns. The largest genera—Ipomoea (morning glory, with some 500 species), Convolvulus (bindweed, with 100 species), and Evolvulus (100 species)—include twining vines, herbs, trees, and a few aquatics. The large parasitic genus Cuscuta (dodder, 145 species), formerly placed in its own family Cuscutaceae, is now nearly cosmopolitan after its range was expanded by introduction with seeds of other plants.

Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) is of South American origin and appeared in the Old World soon after European contact. The sweet potato is the swollen root of a vine that trails along the ground. A popular vegetable, especially in the southern United States, it is a staple in Japan, China, and the islands of the South Pacific. In many places it rivals or exceeds rice as the main dietary item. In the United States, races with orange to red moist and sweet flesh are erroneously known as yams, a term that correctly refers to the tubers or rhizomes of the monocotyledonous genus Dioscorea. Other races have floury yellow flesh, and still others are important for fodder, all parts of the plant being utilized. The American Indian word for the sweet potato was batatas.

Convolvulaceae includes many ornamental vines of Ipomoea (morning glory), Convolvulus, and Merremia (wood rose). Some Mexican species of Ipomoea yield resins, and some Convolvulus species yield rosewood oil. Several members of Convolvulaceae, notably Rivea corymbosa and I. violacea, have been used in Mexico as hallucinogens; they produce ergoline alkaloids very similar in structure to LSD. The dried tubers of the Mexican I. purga supply jalap, a strong emetic (purgative) drug.

Convolvulus (bindweed) and I. pandurata (sweet potato vine) are notorious for tying other plants into unmanageable masses. Cuscuta (dodder) species are leafless parasites that send yellow or orange stems twining around other plants and draw nourishment from them through specialized rootlike structures called haustoria; they are widespread parasites that cause economic losses in crops and orchards.

Other families

Besides the two large families covered above, there are three small families placed in Solanales. Sphenocleaceae is a single genus with two species of fleshy annual herbs having a dense spike of small flowers with a nearly inferior ovary. The capsular fruits open by the top of the fruit, falling off like a lid. Sphenoclea zeylanica is a common weed of rice paddies, and its shoots are sometimes eaten with rice. Hydroleaceae also has one genus, with 12 species of semiaquatic herbs or shrubs in tropical regions. It was formerly included in Hydrophyllaceae, the waterleaf family. Montiniaceae has three genera and five species native to Africa and Madagascar. These are shrubs, small trees, or lianas with a peppery smell; their flowers are small and unisexual, with free valvate petals and a persistent, short style with large stigmatic lobes atop an inferior ovary.

William G. D'Arcy Paul E. Berry