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Within a few short years scientists developed a consistent theory of the atom that explained its fundamental structure and its interactions. Crucial to the development of the theory was new evidence indicating that light and matter have both wave and particle characteristics at the atomic and subatomic levels. Theoreticians had objected to the fact that Bohr had used an ad hoc hybrid of classical Newtonian dynamics for the orbits and some quantum postulates to arrive at the energy levels of atomic electrons. The new theory ignored the fact that electrons are particles and treated them as waves. By 1926 physicists had developed the laws of quantum mechanics, also called wave mechanics, to explain atomic and subatomic phenomena.

The duality between the wave and particle nature of light was highlighted by American physicist Arthur Holly Compton in an X-ray scattering experiment conducted in 1922. Compton sent a beam of X-rays through a target material and observed that a small part of the beam was deflected off to the sides at various angles. He found that the scattered X-rays had longer wavelengths than the original beam; the change could be explained only by assuming that the X-rays scattered from the electrons in the target as if the X-rays were particles with discrete amounts of energy and momentum. When X-rays are scattered, their momentum is partially transferred to the electrons. The recoil electron takes some energy from an X-ray, and as a result the X-ray frequency is shifted. Both the discrete amount of momentum and the frequency shift of the light scattering are completely at variance with classical electromagnetic theory, but they are explained by Einstein’s quantum formula.

Louis-Victor de Broglie, a French physicist, proposed in his 1923 doctoral thesis that all matter and radiations have both particle- and wavelike characteristics. Until the emergence of the quantum theory, physicists had assumed that matter was strictly particulate. In his quantum theory of light, Einstein proposed that radiation has characteristics of both waves and particles. Believing in the symmetry of nature, Broglie postulated that ordinary particles such as electrons may also have wave characteristics. Using the old-fashioned word corpuscles for particles, Broglie wrote,

For both matter and radiations, light in particular, it is necessary to introduce the corpuscle concept and the wave concept at the same time. In other words, the existence of corpuscles accompanied by waves has to be assumed in all cases.

Broglie’s conception was an inspired one, but at the time it had no empirical or theoretical foundation. Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger supplied the theory.

Schrödinger’s wave equation

In 1926 the Schrödinger equation, essentially a mathematical wave equation, established quantum mechanics in widely applicable form. In order to understand how a wave equation is used, it is helpful to think of an analogy with the vibrations of a bell, violin string, or drumhead. These vibrations are governed by a wave equation, since the motion can propagate as a wave from one side of the object to the other. Certain vibrations in these objects are simple modes that are easily excited and have definite frequencies. For example, the motion of the lowest vibrational mode in a drumhead is in phase all over the drumhead with a pattern that is uniform around it; the highest amplitude of the vibratory motion occurs in the middle of the drumhead. In more-complicated, higher-frequency modes, the motion on different parts of the vibrating drumhead are out of phase, with inward motion on one part at the same time that there is outward motion on another.

Schrödinger postulated that the electrons in an atom should be treated like the waves on the drumhead. The different energy levels of atoms are identified with the simple vibrational modes of the wave equation. The equation is solved to find these modes, and then the energy of an electron is obtained from the frequency of the mode and from Einstein’s quantum formula, E = hν. Schrödinger’s wave equation gives the same energies as Bohr’s original formula but with a much more-precise description of an electron in an atom. The lowest energy level of the hydrogen atom, called the ground state, is analogous to the motion in the lowest vibrational mode of the drumhead. In the atom the electron wave is uniform in all directions from the nucleus, is peaked at the centre of the atom, and has the same phase everywhere. Higher energy levels in the atom have waves that are peaked at greater distances from the nucleus. Like the vibrations in the drumhead, the waves have peaks and nodes that may form a complex shape. The different shapes of the wave pattern are related to the quantum numbers of the energy levels, including the quantum numbers for angular momentum and its orientation.

The year before Schrödinger produced his wave theory, German physicist Werner Heisenberg published a mathematically equivalent system to describe energy levels and their transitions. In Heisenberg’s method, properties of atoms are described by arrays of numbers called matrices, which are combined with special rules of multiplication. Today physicists use both wave functions and matrices, depending on the application. Schrödinger’s picture is more useful for describing continuous electron distributions because the wave function can be more easily visualized. Matrix methods are more useful for numerical analysis calculations with computers and for systems that can be described in terms of a finite number of states, such as the spin states of the electron.

In 1929 Norwegian physicist Egil Hylleraas applied the Schrödinger equation to the helium atom with its two electrons. He obtained only an approximate solution, but his energy calculation was quite accurate. With Hylleraas’s explanation of the two-electron atom, physicists realized that the Schrödinger equation could be a powerful mathematical tool for describing nature on the atomic level, even if exact solutions could not be obtained.

Antiparticles and the electron’s spin

English physicist Paul Dirac introduced a new equation for the electron in 1928. Because the Schrödinger equation does not satisfy the principles of relativity, it can be used to describe only those phenomena in which the particles move much more slowly than the velocity of light. In order to satisfy the conditions of relativity, Dirac was forced to postulate that the electron would have a particular form of wave function with four independent components, some of which describe the electron’s spin. Thus, from the very beginning, the Dirac theory incorporated the electron’s spin properties. The remaining components allowed additional states of the electron that had not yet been observed. Dirac interpreted them as antiparticles, with a charge opposite to that of electrons. The discovery of the positron in 1932 by American physicist Carl David Anderson proved the existence of antiparticles and was a triumph for Dirac’s theory.

After Anderson’s discovery, subatomic particles could no longer be considered immutable. Electrons and positrons can be created out of the vacuum, given a source of energy such as a high-energy X-ray or a collision. They also can annihilate each other and disappear into some other form of energy. From this point, much of the history of subatomic physics has been the story of finding new kinds of particles, many of which exist for only fractions of a second after they have been created.

Advances in nuclear and subatomic physics

The 1920s witnessed further advances in nuclear physics with Rutherford’s discovery of induced radioactivity. Bombardment of light nuclei by alpha particles produced new radioactive nuclei. In 1928 Russian-born American physicist George Gamow explained the lifetimes in alpha radioactivity using the Schrödinger equation. His explanation used a property of quantum mechanics that allows particles to “tunnel” through regions where classical physics would forbid them to be.