Individual-difference features of attachment theory

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Attachment theorists after Bowlby have proposed that different attachment patterns (in children) and attachment styles or orientations (in adults) reflect different ways of regulating affect (observable manifestations of emotion), particularly controlling or dampening negative affect in stressful, threatening, or particularly challenging situations. Individual differences in patterns of attachment in 12- to 18-month-old children were first documented by Mary Ainsworth and her colleagues using the Strange Situation. The Strange Situation involves a sequence of separations and reunions of caregivers (usually mothers) and their children. It assesses how children regulate negative emotions regarding their caregivers when the children are upset. Even though most children are distressed when left alone at this age, securely attached children tend to reduce their negative emotions by using their caregivers as a “secure base,” and they resume other activities fairly quickly after reuniting with them in the Strange Situation. “Anxious-resistant” children, by comparison, remain distressed and often exhibit anger or resentment toward their caregivers during reunion episodes. “Anxious-avoidant” children, who display fewer overt signs of distress but usually have elevated heart rates, remain distant and emotionally detached from their caregivers during reunions, opting to calm themselves in a self-reliant manner.

During later stages of development, one of the key differences between secure individuals and different types of insecure individuals is how their negative emotions are regulated and controlled based on their specific beliefs and expectations about the availability of comfort and support from their attachment figures. Highly secure individuals have learned from past caregiving experiences to follow “rules” that permit distress to be acknowledged and motivate them to turn toward attachment figures as sources of comfort and support. Highly avoidant adults, in contrast, have learned to follow rules that limit the acknowledgment of distress and encourage the use of self-reliant tactics to control and reduce negative affect when it arises. Highly anxious people have learned to use rules that direct their attention toward the possible source of distress, to ruminate about it, and to worry that their attachment figures will never fully meet their persistent needs for comfort and support.

Mario Mikulincer and others have proposed a process model that outlines the sequence of events that underlie the emotional coping and regulation strategies of people who have different attachment histories. For example, when stress or a potential threat is perceived, highly secure individuals remain confident that their attachment figures will be attentive, responsive, and available to meet their needs and help them lower their distress and anxiety. These beliefs, in turn, should increase their feeling of security, which should deactivate their attachment systems, allowing them to use constructive, problem-focused coping strategies that over time are likely to solve their problems.

Highly insecure individuals follow different pathways. When highly anxious individuals encounter attachment-relevant stress or threats, they are uncertain as to whether their attachment figures will be sufficiently attentive, available, and responsive to their needs. Such worries sustain their distress and keep their attachment systems activated, resulting in the use of emotion-focused coping strategies such as hypervigilance to signs of possible relationship loss and ruminating over worst-case scenarios. When highly avoidant individuals feel stressed or threatened, they experience—but may not consciously acknowledge—anxiety at a physiological level. To keep their attachment systems deactivated, highly avoidant persons work to inhibit and control their emotional reactions by using avoidant coping strategies.

These three emotion regulation and coping strategies—problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance-focused strategies—are the source of many of the interesting cognitive and behavioral outcomes that have been discovered in people who have different attachment styles or orientations. More securely attached individuals, for instance, typically experience more intense and mild positive emotions in their romantic relationships and fewer intense and mild negative emotions, whereas the reverse is true of more insecurely attached persons. Longitudinal research has also documented connections between an individual’s early attachment pattern (being classified as secure or insecure in the Strange Situation at age one) in relation to the mother and emotions experienced and expressed with a romantic partner 20 years later. In addition, individuals classified as insecure (either anxious-avoidant or anxious-resistant) in the Strange Situation at age one are rated by their teachers as less socially competent during early elementary school. Lower social competence, in turn, predicts greater likelihood of being rated as insecurely attached to same-sex friends at age 16, which in turn predicts both the experience and expression of greater negative affect in relationships with romantic partners when individuals are in their early 20s. Thus, there are indirect but theoretically meaningful links between early attachment experiences and later attachment-based relationships in early adulthood, just as Bowlby anticipated.

Jeffry A. Simpson Lane Beckes