forestry: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Forestry textbooks usually deal with a specialized aspect of the science, often in one geographic region. William M. Harlow, Ellwood S. Harrar, and Fred M. White, Textbook of Dendrology, Covering Important Forest Trees of the United States and Canada, 6th ed. (1979), provides descriptions of major tree species in the region. Forest ecology is the subject of K.A. Longman and J. Jeník, Tropical Forest and Its Environment, 2nd ed. (1987); J.J. Landsberg, Physiological Ecology of Forest Production (1986); and Herman H. Shugart, A Theory of Forest Dynamics: The Ecological Implications of Forest Succession Models (1984). For a general historical overview of forestry and related fields, see Richard C. Davis (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Forest and Conservation History, 2 vol. (1983).

Principles of forest management, worldwide in application, are systematically outlined by William A. Leuschner, Introduction to Forest Resource Management (1984); and Joseph Buongiorno and J. Keith Gilless, Forest Management and Economics: A Primer in Quantitative Methods (1987). Karl F. Wenger (ed.), Forestry Handbook, 2nd ed. (1984), is a reference book of data and methods in all aspects of forestry and allied fields. Grant W. Sharpe, Clare W. Hendee, and Wenonah F. Sharpe, Introduction to Forestry, 5th ed. (1986); and Charles H. Stoddard and Glenn M. Stoddard, Essentials of Forestry Practice, 4th ed. (1987), give a complete overview of modern multiple-use forestry. The requisite elements of forest inventory are detailed in Bertram Husch, Charles I. Miller, and Thomas W. Beers, Forest Mensuration, 3rd ed. (1982). Financial implications are studied in G. Robinson Gregory, Resource Economics for Foresters (1987). The leading international sources of statistics on forestry and timber output are the publications of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: World Forest Inventory (irregular), FAO Forestry and Forest Product Studies (irregular); and the special reports Forest Resources of Tropical Africa, 2 vol. (1981), Forest Resources of Tropical Asia (1981), and Forestry in China (1982). Fundamental studies of the physical bases of forest distribution and yield are given in World Resources 1986 (1986), a report prepared by the World Resources Institute and the International Institute for Environment and Development.

The theory and practice of raising and tending tree crops are treated in such manuals as Theodore W. Daniel, John A. Helms, and Frederick S. Baker, Principles of Silviculture, 2nd ed. (1979); and David M. Smith, The Practice of Silviculture, 8th ed. (1986), discussing temperate-zone forests. Details of handling seed and young stock are treated in R.L. Willan (comp.), A Guide to Forest Seed Handling: With Special Reference to the Tropics (1985); U.S. Department of Agriculture, Woody-Plant Seed Manual (1948); and Mary L. Duryea and Thomas D. Landis (eds.), Forest Nursery Manual: Production of Bareroot Seedlings (1984). Genetic improvement is discussed in Klaus Stern and Laurence Roche, Genetics of Forest Ecosystems (1974); and M.N. Christiansen and Charles F. Lewis (eds.), Breeding Plants for Less Favorable Environments (1982). The intensive culture of forest plantations is discussed in Bruce J. Zobel, Gerrit Van Wyk, and Per Stahl, Growing Exotic Forests (1987); and W.E. Hillis and A.G. Brown (eds.), Eucalypts for Wood Production (1978, reprinted 1984). Management of forest soils, a primary concern in intensive silviculture, is described in William L. Pritchett and Richard F. Fisher, Properties and Management of Forest Soils, 2nd ed. (1987); and Pedro A. Sanchez, Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics (1976). Manipulation of soil fertility and study of soil microorganisms are presented in G.D. Bowen and E.K.S. Nambiar (eds.), Nutrition of Plantation Forests (1984); Robert L. Tate, III, and Donald A. Klein (eds.), Soil Reclamation Process: Microbiological Analyses and Applications (1985); and J.C. Gordon and C.T. Wheeler (eds.), Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Forest Ecosystems: Foundations and Applications (1983). The care of tree crops in tropical jungles of both hemispheres is outlined in I.T. Haig, M.A. Huberman, and U. Aung Din, Tropical Silviculture (1958). A wide range of Asiatic conditions is discussed in Harry G. Champion and S.K. Seth, General Silviculture for India (1968).

The management of forests as watersheds and the impact of forestry activities on water quantity and quality are discussed in William E. Sopper and Howard W. Lull (eds.), Forest Hydrology: Proceedings of a National Science Foundation Advanced Science Seminar (1967); H.C. Pereira, Land Use and Water Resources in Temperate and Tropical Climates (1973); and K.W.G. Valentine, Soil Resource Surveys for Forestry (1986). Nutrient losses from disturbed watersheds and the potential for accelerated loss attributable to acid deposition are examined in F.E. Clark and T. Rosswall (eds.), Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles: Processes, Ecosystem Strategies, and Management Impacts (1981); and S. Beilke and A.J. Elshout (eds.), Acid Deposition (1983).

Forest protection is treated in textbooks discussing specific hazards. Arthur A. Brown and Kenneth P. Davis, Forest Fire: Control and Use, 2nd ed. (1973), outlines fire dangers and methods of control. T.T. Kozlowski and C.E. Ahlgren (eds.), Fire and Ecosystems (1974); and Henry A. Wright and Arthur W. Bailey, Fire Ecology, United States and Southern Canada (1982), discuss the environmental interactions associated with fire. John S. Boyce, Forest Pathology, 3rd ed. (1961); and Robert O. Blanchard and Terry A. Tattar, Field and Laboratory Guide to Tree Pathology (1981), give details of fungal diseases, climatic dangers, and airborne fume and salt damage. See also Carl F. Jordan (ed.), Amazonian Rain Forests: Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery (1987). Insect pests are described in Alan A. Berryman, Forest Insects: Principles and Practice of Population Management (1986).

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Type Description Contributor Date
Added a cross-reference to clear-cutting. Nov 16, 2023
Added a cross-reference to Monterey pine. Oct 24, 2023
Added a cross-reference to old-growth forest. Oct 19, 2023
Changed “gypsy moth” to “spongy moth.” Sep 15, 2022
Top Questions updated. May 26, 2022
Media added. Jan 10, 2020
Modified link of Web site: Official Site of International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Oct 14, 2019
Added information on silvopasture. Aug 22, 2019
Revised the amounts of forested land in the U.K. and in China. Aug 15, 2019
Media added. Aug 15, 2019
Added cross-references throughout. Aug 15, 2019
Corrected display issue. Jun 14, 2018
Add new Web site: How Stuff Works - Science - How Sustainable Forestry Works. Dec 28, 2012
Add new Web site: Sustainable Forest Management - British Columbia Forest Facts (pdf). May 21, 2012
Add new Web site: Sustainable Forest Management - British Columbia Forest Facts (pdf). May 21, 2012
Added image of logging in Borneo. May 31, 2011
Changed "The Netherlands" to "the Netherlands." Aug 20, 2010
Added new Web site: Official Site of International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Apr 21, 2009
Added new Web site: Official Site of International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Apr 21, 2009
Table revised and restyled. Dec 09, 2008
Added new Web site: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry - What are Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP)? Jun 06, 2006
Added new Web site: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry - What are Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP)? Jun 06, 2006
Article added to new online database. Jul 20, 1998
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