Iceberg distribution and drift trajectories

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Penguin chicks miraculously survive tearaway iceberg Sep. 28, 2024, 2:50 AM ET (BBC)

In the Antarctic, a freshly calved iceberg usually begins by moving westward in the Antarctic Coastal Current, with the coastline on its left. Since its trajectory is also turned to the left by the Coriolis force owing to Earth’s rotation, it may run aground and remain stationary for years before moving on. For instance, a large iceberg called Trolltunga calved from the Fimbul Ice Shelf near the Greenwich meridian in 1967, and it became grounded in the southern Weddell Sea for five years before continuing its drift. If a berg can break away from the coastal current (as Trolltunga had done by late 1977), it enters the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, or West Wind Drift. This eastward-flowing system circles the globe at latitudes of 40°–60° S. Icebergs tend to enter this current system at four well-defined longitudes or “retroflection zones”: the Weddell Sea, east of the Kerguelen Plateau at longitude 90° E, west of the Balleny Islands at longitude 150° E, and in the northeastern Ross Sea. These zones reflect the partial separation of the surface water south of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current into independently circulating gyres, and they imply that icebergs found at low latitudes may originate from specific sectors of the Antarctic coast.

Once in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the iceberg’s track is generally eastward, driven by both the current and the wind. Also, the Coriolis force pushes the berg slightly northward. The berg will then move crabwise in a northeasterly direction so that it can end up at relatively low latitudes and in relatively warm waters before disintegrating. In November 2006, for instance, a chain of four icebergs was observed just off Dunedin (at latitude 46° S) on New Zealand’s South Island. Under extreme conditions, such as its capture by a cold eddy, an iceberg may succeed in reaching extremely low latitudes. For example, clusters of bergs with about 30 metres (100 feet) of freeboard were sighted in the South Atlantic at 35°50′ S, 18°05′ E in 1828. In addition, icebergs have been responsible for the disappearance of innumerable ships off Cape Horn.

In the Arctic Ocean, the highest latitude sources of icebergs are Svalbard archipelago north of Norway and the islands of the Russian Arctic. The iceberg production from these sources is not large—an estimated 6.28 cubic km (1.5 cubic miles) per year in a total of 250–470 cubic km (60–110 cubic miles) for the entire Arctic region. An estimated 26 percent originates in Svalbard, 36 percent stems from Franz Josef Land, 32 percent is added by Novaya Zemlya, about 6 percent begins in Severnaya Zemlya, and 0.3 percent comes from Ushakov Island. Many icebergs from these sources move directly into the shallow Barents or Kara seas, where they run aground. Looping trails of broken pack ice are left as the bergs move past the obstacles. Other bergs pass through Fram Strait and into the East Greenland Current. As these icebergs pass down the eastern coast of Greenland, their numbers are augmented by others produced by tidewater glaciers, especially those from Scoresby Sund. Scoresby Sund is an inlet that is large enough to have an internal gyral circulation. Water driven by the East Greenland Current enters on the north side of the inlet and flows outward on the south side. This pattern encourages the flushing of icebergs from the fjord. In contrast, narrower fjords offer more opportunities for icebergs to run aground; they also experience an estuarine circulation pattern where outward flow at the surface is nearly balanced by an inward flow at depth. An iceberg feels both currents because of its draft and thus does not move seaward as readily as sea ice generated in the fjord.

As the increased flux of icebergs reaches Cape Farewell, most bergs turn into Baffin Bay, although a few “rogue” icebergs continue directly into the Labrador Sea, especially if influenced by prolonged storm activity. Icebergs entering Baffin Bay first move northward in the West Greenland Current and are strongly reinforced by icebergs from the prolific West Greenland glaciers. About 10,000 icebergs are produced in this region every year. Bergs then cross to the west side of the bay, where they move south in the Baffin Island Current toward Labrador. At the northern end of Baffin Bay, in Melville Bay, lies an especially fertile iceberg-producing glacier front produced by the Humboldt Glacier, the largest glacier in the Northern Hemisphere.

Some icebergs take only 8–15 months to move from Lancaster Sound to Davis Strait, but the total passage around Baffin Bay can take three years or more, owing to groundings and inhibited motion when icebergs are embedded in winter sea ice. The flux of bergs that emerges from Davis Strait into the Labrador Current, where the final part of the bergs’ life cycle occurs, is extremely variable. The number of bergs decreases linearly with latitude. This reduction is primarily due to melting and break-up or grounding followed by breakup. On average, 473 icebergs per year manage to cross the 48° N parallel and enter the zone where they are a danger to shipping—though numbers vary greatly from year to year. Surviving bergs will have lost at least 85 percent of their original mass. They are fated to melt on the Grand Banks or when they reach the “cold wall,” or surface front, that separates the Labrador Current from the warm Gulf Stream between latitudes 40° and 44° N.

Much work has gone into modeling the patterns of iceberg drift, especially because of the need to divert icebergs away from oil rigs. It is often difficult to predict an iceberg’s drift speed and direction, given the wind and current velocities. An iceberg is affected by the frictional drag of the wind on its smooth surfaces (skin friction drag) and upon its protuberances (form drag). Likewise, the drag of the current acts upon its immersed surfaces; however, the current changes direction with increasing depth, by means of an effect known as the Ekman spiral. Another important factor governing an iceberg’s speed and direction is the Coriolis force, which diverts icebergs toward the right of their track in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This force is typically stronger on icebergs than on sea ice, because icebergs have a larger mass per unit of sea-surface area. As a result, it is unusual for icebergs to move in the same direction as sea ice. Typically, their direction of motion relative to the surface wind is some 40°–50° to the right (Northern Hemisphere) or left (Southern Hemisphere). Icebergs progress at about 3 percent of the wind speed.

Iceberg scour and sediment transport

When an iceberg runs aground, it can plow a furrow several metres deep in the seabed that may extend for tens of kilometres. Iceberg scour marks have been known from the Labrador Sea and Grand Banks since the early 1970s. In the Arctic, many marks are found at depths of more than 400 metres (1,300 feet), whereas the deepest known sill, or submerged ridge, within Greenland fjords is 220 metres (about 725 feet) deep. This unsolved anomaly suggests that icebergs were much deeper in the past or that sedimentation rates within the fjords are so slow that marks dating from periods of reduced sea level have not yet been filled in. It is also possible that an irregular berg can increase its draft by capsizing, though model studies suggest that the maximum gain is only a few percent. Since not all iceberg-producing fjords have been adequately surveyed, another possibility is that Greenland fjords exist with entrances of greater depth. In the Antarctic, the first scours were found in 1976 at latitude 16° W off the coast of Queen Maud Land in the eastern Weddell Sea, and further discoveries were made off Wilkes Land and Cape Hallett at the eastern entrance to the Ross Sea.

In addition, iceberg scour marks have been found on land. On King William Island in the Canadian Arctic, scour marks have been identified in locations where the island rose out of the sea—the result of a postglacial rebound after the weight of the Laurentide Ice Sheet was removed. Furthermore, Canadian geologist Christopher Woodworth-Lynas has found evidence of iceberg scour marks in the satellite imagery of Mars. Scour marks are strong indicators of past water flow.

Observations indicate that long furrows like plow marks are made when an iceberg is driven by sea ice, whereas a freely floating berg makes only a short scour mark or a single depression. Apart from simple furrows, “washboard patterns” have been seen. It is thought that these patterns are created when a tabular berg runs aground on a wide front and is then carried forward by tilting and plowing on successive tides. Circular depressions, thought to be made when an irregular iceberg touches bottom with a small “foot” and then swings to and fro in the current, have also been observed. Grounded bergs have a deleterious effect on the ecosystem of the seabed, often scraping it clear of all life.

Both icebergs and pack ice transport sediment in the form of pebbles, cobbles, boulders, finer material, and even plant and animal life thousands of kilometres from their source area. Arctic icebergs often carry a top burden of dirt from the eroded sides of the valley down which the parent glacier ran, whereas both Arctic and Antarctic bergs carry stones and dirt on their underside. Stones are lifted from the glacier bed and later deposited out at sea as the berg melts. The presence of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in seabed-sediment cores is an indicator that icebergs, sea ice, or both have occurred at that location during a known time interval. (The age of the deposit is indicated by the depth in the sediment at which the debris is found.) Noting the locations of ice-rafted debris is a very useful method of mapping the distribution of icebergs and thus the cold surface water occurring during glacial periods and at other times in the geologic past. IRD mapping surveys have been completed for the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Southern oceans. The type of rock in the debris can also be used to identify the source region of the transporting iceberg. Caution must be used in such interpretation because, even in the modern era, icebergs can spread far beyond their normal limits under exceptional conditions. For instance, reports of icebergs off the coast of Norway in spring 1881 coincided with the most extreme advance ever recorded of East Greenland sea ice. It is likely that the bergs were carried eastward along with the massive production and outflow of Arctic sea ice.

It is ice-rafted plant life that gives the occasional exotic colour to an iceberg. Bergs are usually white (the colour of snow or bubbly ice) or blue (the colour of glacial ice that is relatively bubble-free). A few deep green icebergs are seen in the Antarctic; it is believed that these are formed when seawater rich in organic matter freezes onto the bottoms of the ice shelves.