lava flow: Media



Study how magma erupts as lava and turns into pumice or hardens to form a shield volcano
Spectacular fountainlike eruptions at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, are followed by streams...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
The stages of lava: From eruption to cooling
Lava flowing toward the sea from Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, takes two recognizable...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Observe how Pahoehoe and aa lava flows over the Hawaiian vegetation and into the ocean
Pahoehoe and aa lava flows at Mauna Ulu, Hawaii.
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
How volcanoes work, explained by a volcanologist
Volcanologist Janine Krippner dives into the details of how volcanoes work and the...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.


Lost Jim Lava Flow, southeastern Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, western Alaska,...
Nichole Andler/U.S. National Park Service
Kipuka amid lava flows, Holei Pali, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, U.S.
Jeff Taylor
pahoehoe lava
A pahoehoe lava flow issues from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.
J. D. Griggs, U. S. Geological Survey