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Most meteorites traced to three space crackups Oct. 17, 2024, 1:13 AM ET (Science | AAAS)

Achondrites, their name meaning “without chondrites,” are a relatively small but diverse group of meteorites. They exhibit a range of features that would be expected if their parent bodies experienced widespread melting: igneous features similar to those observed in terrestrial volcanic rocks, segregation of molten metal (possibly into a core) from molten silicate rock (magma), and magmatic segregation of silicate crystals and melt. Most achondrites collected on Earth are derived from asteroids, but one small group is thought to come from Mars and another from the Moon.

The three most numerous asteroidal achondrite groups are the aubrites, the howardite-eucrite-diogenite association, and the ureilites. Aubrites are also known as enstatite achondrites. Like the enstatite class of chondrites, the aubrites derive from parent bodies that formed under highly chemically reducing conditions. As a result, they contain elements in the form of less-common compounds—for example, calcium as the sulfide mineral oldhamite (CaS) rather than in its more usual silicate and carbonate forms.

The howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites all came from the same asteroidal body, Vesta, the second largest member of the asteroid belt. They have also been linked to the mesosiderites, a group of stony iron meteorites (see below Association of meteorites with asteroids). Examination of HED meteorites shows that Vesta has had a complex history that included melting, segregation of metal into a core, crystallization, metamorphism, and impact brecciation (the process in which an impact shatters rock).

The eucrites are subdivided into cumulate eucrites and basaltic eucrites. Cumulate eucrites are like terrestrial gabbros in that they seem to have formed at depth in Vesta and crystallized quite slowly. By contrast, basaltic eucrites are similar to terrestrial basalts, apparently having formed at or near Vesta’s surface and cooled relatively fast. The diogenites, composed predominantly of the mineral pyroxene, also seem to have formed at depth. The howardites are impact breccias composed of cemented fragments of diogenite and eucrite materials.

The third main class of asteroid-derived achondrites, the ureilites, are carbon-bearing. They consist of a silicate rock, made primarily of the minerals olivine and pyroxene, that has dark veins running through it. The veins, which constitute as much as 10 percent of the meteorites, are composed of carbon (graphite and some diamond), nickel-iron metal, and sulfides. The silicates clearly crystallized from magma, but there is debate about how they formed. The carbon-rich veins seem to have formed by shock-induced redistribution of graphite that originally crystallized along with the silicates. In addition to the three main achondrite classes, there exist several minor classes and a collection of unique achondrite specimens, all of which reflect the variability of melting processes in the asteroids.

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About three dozen meteorites have been identified as having come from Mars. All are volcanic rocks. All but one of these belong to one of three classes—shergottites, nakhlites, and chassignites—that were established well before a Martian origin was suspected. The three groups are often referred to collectively as SNCs. One piece of evidence for a planetary origin of the SNCs is their young age, between 150 million and 1.3 billion years. Retaining enough heat so that volcanic activity could continue until just 1.3 billion years ago, let alone more recently, required a planet-sized parent body. Because there is considerable geochemical evidence that the rocks did not originate on Earth, the only likely candidates that remain are Venus and Mars, both of which appear to have experienced recent volcanic activity. The most convincing evidence for a Martian origin comes from an Antarctic meteorite, an SNC named EETA79001. This meteorite contains trapped gases (noble gases, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide) whose relative abundances and isotopic compositions are almost identical to those of the Martian atmosphere as measured by the two Viking landers. Scientists believe that the Martian meteorites are fragments of the planet’s near surface that were launched into space by large impacts and that eventually found their way to Earth. In the case of EETA79001, atmospheric gases apparently became trapped in glasses produced during the violent shock event that excavated the rock from Mars. As the only samples of Mars available to scientists on Earth, Martian meteorites provide a unique window into the evolution of this enigmatic planet.

Several Martian meteorites have been aqueously altered to some degree, which is in line with other evidence that liquid water was present at least periodically on Mars at some time in the past. The most unique Martian meteorite is another Antarctic specimen, ALH84001. This rock, an orthopyroxenite, has a crystallization age of about 4.5 billion years, which is roughly the same age as asteroidal meteorites (see below The ages of meteorites and their components), but several of its properties clearly tie it to the other Martian meteorites. About 3.9 billion years ago, aqueous fluids passed through it, precipitating carbonate-magnetite-sulfide mineral assemblages. Some researchers interpreted these rather unusual assemblages as evidence for life on Mars. They also reported features in the meteorite that they interpreted as fossilized bacteria. These claims created considerable controversy, but they also generated important debate on how life might originate and how it might be recognized even if it is unlike the life known on Earth.

A number of lunar meteorites have been found in Antarctica and hot deserts on Earth. They probably would not have been recognized as having come from the Moon were it not for the lunar samples brought back by the crewed Apollo and robotic Luna missions. The meteorites, which likely are fragments blasted off the Moon by large impacts, resemble the various rock types represented in the lunar samples (e.g., mare basalts, highland regolith breccias, and highland impact-melt breccias), but they almost certainly came from areas that were not sampled by the various missions. Therefore, like the Martian meteorites, they are an important source of new information on the formation and evolution of their parent body.