Biota of tundra and polar barrens

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Biota of the Arctic

A transition zone exists at the northern limit of trees where coniferous forest interdigitates with treeless tundra vegetation. In North America, white and black spruce (Picea glauca and P. mariana) interface with tundra, whereas in Siberia and northern Europe larch (Larix) is the primary tree line species. Cottonwoods (Populus species) often penetrate the tundra landscape in the Low Arctic along major rivers. Major vegetation types of the Low Arctic include low-shrub tundra, dominated by species of willow (Salix) and dwarf birch (Betula); tall-shrub tundra, dominated by species of willow, shrub birch, and alder (Alnus); and combinations of sedges and dwarf shrubs, such as species of Labrador tea (Ledum), blueberry and cranberry (Vaccinium), crowberry (Empetrum), and Arctic heather (Cassiope), in wetter sites. Cushion plants (Dryas and Saxifraga species) are common on windswept uplands. Lichens and mosses are important components of the ground cover in some areas. In the Low Arctic, most land surfaces are fully vegetated, with the exception of rock outcrops, dry ridge tops, river gravel bars, and scree slopes (those slopes that have an accumulation of rocky debris at the angle of repose).

The vegetation of the High Arctic is less rich than that of the Low Arctic, containing only about half the vascular plant species found in the Low Arctic. For example, more than 600 species of plants are found in the Low Arctic of North America, but in the extreme High Arctic of northern Ellesmere Island and Greenland—north of 83° N—fewer than 100 species of vascular plants grow. The shorter growing season, cooler summers, and drier conditions, as well as the distance of these landmasses from continental flora, account for this difference. More than 40 percent of vascular plant species of the Arctic are circumpolar in distribution. Mosses increase in importance in High Arctic plant communities, and shrub species decrease markedly, with only a few prostrate willows, dwarf birch, and other dwarf shrubs remaining. Prostrate willows, however, remain important components of plant communities that retain some winter snow cover, even in the northernmost land areas. Sedge-moss meadows occur on limited wet sites in valley bottoms watered by melting snows. Upland sites are drier and have a more sparse ground cover that merges into polar desert at higher elevations or where insufficient moisture is available for plant growth. Grasses, occasional prostrate willows, and mat-forming dryas occur in patches in the uplands and are the dominant vegetation in the polar barrens.

The true polar desert generally occurs on coastal areas fringing the Arctic Ocean and on areas of a few hundred metres elevation in the extreme High Arctic where soils have not developed and the frost-free period and soil moisture are insufficient for most plant growth. The occasional plants growing there often become established in frost cracks that capture blowing snow and finer windblown soil material. Plants adapted to these conditions include species of the Arctic poppy (Papaver), some rushes (Juncus), small saxifrages (Saxifraga), and a few other rosette-forming herbaceous species. The Arctic poppy and a few of the other flowering herbs adapted to the High Arctic have flowers that are solartropic (turning in response to the Sun). Their parabolic-shaped blossoms track daily movements of the Sun, thereby concentrating solar heat on the developing ovary, warming pollinating insects that land there, and speeding the growth of embryonic seeds.

Arctic ecosystems lack the diversity and richness of species that characterize temperate and tropical ecosystems. Animal as well as plant species decline in number with increasing latitude in both polar regions. Vertebrate species of the Arctic tundra and polar barrens are limited to mammals and birds; no amphibians or reptiles occur there. About 20 species of mammals and more than 100 species of birds are present throughout the Arctic. Most are circumpolar in their distribution as single species or closely related species; for example, the caribou of North America and the domestic and wild reindeer of Eurasia belong to the same species, Rangifer tarandus, whereas the lemmings of the Eurasian Arctic are a closely related but distinct species from those of northern North America and Greenland. This similarity in Arctic mammalian fauna is a result of the lower sea levels of the Pleistocene glaciations, when a broad land connection, known as the Bering Land Bridge, connected present-day Alaska and Siberia.

Some Arctic mammalian fauna—primarily herbivores such as caribou and reindeer, muskox (Ovibos moschatus; see photograph), and Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus; see photograph), and species of Arctic hare (Lepus) and collared and brown lemmings (Dicrostonyx and Lemmus)—rarely occur outside the Arctic and are adapted to life in this environment. Other fauna such as species of ground squirrel (Spermophilus), vole (Microtus), shrew (family Soricidae), and red fox (Vulpes), as well as ermine (Mustela erminea), wolverine (Gulo gulo; see photograph), wolf (Canis lupus), and brown bear (Ursus arctos; see photograph) are common to other ecosystems but are distributed widely throughout the Arctic. A few other typical temperate species have penetrated northward into the Low Arctic where suitable habitat is available. The moose (Alces alces) and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) in North America are examples, and their movement into the Low Arctic may be a consequence of a warming climate and an increase of willows and other shrubs, especially in riparian habitats. Where mountain ranges in boreal forest regions continue into the Arctic—as they do in northwestern North America and Siberia—species of mountain sheep (Ovis) and marmots (Marmota), typical of the alpine zone, have extended their distribution into the Arctic.

On land areas of the extreme High Arctic, above 80° N, which include only parts of Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere islands in the Canadian Arctic, northernmost Greenland, northern portions of Svalbard, and Franz Josef Land, only a few mammal species are able to maintain viable populations. In the Canadian High Arctic the musk ox, Peary caribou, Arctic hare, and collared lemming are the only mammalian herbivores, and their predators, the wolf, Arctic fox, wolverine, and ermine, are also present. In northern Greenland these same species are found, with caribou and possibly the wolverine being absent in historical times. Only caribou and the Arctic fox are native to Svalbard, and only the Arctic fox is present on Franz Josef Land. In all these High Arctic areas the polar bear (Ursus maritimus; see photograph), a creature of the sea ice that preys largely on seals, may occasionally be found on land, where females den to bear young or where they graze (rarely) the vegetation or prey on land mammals or nesting birds.

Terrestrial avian fauna of the Arctic includes only a few resident species, among them the ptarmigan (Lagopus species), snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca), gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), and raven (Corvus corax); the remainingspecies are present in the Arctic only in summer to breed and rear young, migrating to temperate, tropical, or maritime areas of more southern latitudes during winter. Although the ability to fly has allowed birds to occupy isolated and insular habitats within the Arctic that have been largely inaccessible to mammals, their distribution throughout the Arctic has been tied closely to the location of their wintering areas and annual migration routes. These migration routes, especially those of shorebirds and waterfowl, often follow the coastlines of continents; however, some species cross extensive bodies of water. Nevertheless, the North Atlantic Ocean offers a partial barrier to the circumpolar mixing of species, and thus there is greater similarity between the avian fauna of the Arctic of western North America and eastern Eurasia than there is among the species of the Arctic areas of Europe, eastern North America, and Greenland.

Shorebirds, waterfowl, and passerine species of the family Fringillidae (finches, buntings, and sparrows) are the most abundant species nesting in the Arctic. Wet sedge meadows often associated with lake margins, estuaries, and seacoasts are favoured nesting habitats of shorebirds and waterfowl. Nesting densities of passerine species are highest in shrub communities at the southern margins of the tundra and in riparian habitats; they decline rapidly in the High Arctic. Only the redpoll (Acanthis species) and snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) among this group extend their range to the northernmost land areas.

In addition to resident species, raptorial birds that commonly nest in the Arctic include the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus; see photograph), rough-legged hawk (Buteo lagopus), short-eared owl (Asio flammeus), and, in mountainous terrain, the golden eagle (Aguila chrysaetos; see photograph) in North America and the white-tailed eagle (Italiacetus albicilla) in Greenland and Eurasia. The jaegers (Stercorarius species), which spend the major part of their lives at sea during most of the year, nest in tundra and polar barrens and prey on lemmings and eggs and nestlings of other birds during the breeding season. Marine birds of the Procellariidae (fulmars), Laridae (gulls and terns), and Alcidae (puffins, murres, dovkies, and auklets) that are dependent on a marine food base often nest colonially on coastal cliffs in the Arctic. These nesting colonies are usually found adjacent to upwelling currents in the sea where invertebrates and fish that the birds feed on are most abundant. In the High Arctic, upwelling currents result in open water areas within the pack ice called polynya; these enable seabirds to feed and nest at latitudes above 75° N.

Biota of Antarctica

The flora of Antarctica consists mainly of soil and freshwater algae, lichens, mosses, fungi, and only two native species of vascular plants. The terrestrial fauna consists of a few invertebrate species of protozoans, rotifers, nematodes, tardigrades, collembola (primitive wingless insects), and a species of mite. These life-forms are restricted mainly to moist beds of moss. The diversity of marine mammals and birds in the coastal areas and associated pack ice is dependent on marine food chains in the adjacent seas.

In Antarctica unique endolithic (stone-dwelling) forms of life (cyanobacteria) occur within and just below the surface of porous rocks. These cyanobacteria can be found in dry valleys of southern Victoria Land, where they are adapted to remain dormant for extended periods until rare occasions when melting snow provides the moisture necessary for life processes. Although this is an extreme cold-desert environment, similar forms of life occur within rocks in hot deserts. (For information on the biota of the Antarctic islands see above Origin of the flora and fauna of the polar regions: The Antarctic region.)