Means of locomotion

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Also known as: Protista, Protoctista, unicellular organism

One of the most striking features of many protist species is the presence of some type of locomotory organelle, easily visible under a light microscope. A few forms can move by gliding or floating, although the vast majority move by means of “whips” or small “hairs” known as flagella or cilia, respectively. (Those organelles give their names to informal groups—flagellates and ciliates—of protists.) A lesser number of protists employ pseudopodia. Those same organelles may be used in feeding as well.

Cilia and flagella

Cilia and flagella are similar in structure, though the latter tend to be longer. They are also fundamentally similar in function. Cilia and flagella are also known among plants and animals, although they are totally absent from the true fungi. Those eukaryotic organelles are not to be confused with the locomotory structure of prokaryotes, which is a minute organelle composed of flagellin, not tubulin, as in eukaryotes. The prokaryotic flagellum is intrinsically nonmotile (rather, it is moved by its basal part, which is embedded in the cell membrane); it is entirely extracellular, and it is neither homologous with (i.e., does not have a common evolutionary origin) nor ancestral to the eukaryotic flagella.

The distribution of cilia and flagella over the cell varies between the different protists. Many of the algal protists are characteristically biflagellate, and in many instances both flagella originate near or at the anterior pole of the body. The presence, absence, or pattern of the mastigonemes (minute scales or hairs covering the flagellum) may also differ between two flagella. Some parasitic zooflagellates have hundreds of long flagella.

Ciliated protists show an even greater diversity in the number, distribution, and arrangement of cilia over the cell. In some protists, single cilia have, in effect, been replaced by compound ciliary organelles (e.g., membranelles and cirri), which may be used effectively in locomotion and in feeding. While both ciliates and flagellates may have various rootlet systems associated with their locomotory organelles or with the basal bodies, or both, the organelles in the ciliates have developed a more complex and elaborate subpellicular infrastructure. Called the infraciliature, or kinetidal system, it lies principally in the outer, or cortical, layer of the ciliate’s body (only the outermost layer is called the pellicle) and serves primarily as a skeletal system for the organism. The system is composed of an array of single or paired kinetosomes with associated microtubules and microfibrils plus other specialized organelles (such as parasomal sacs, alveoli, contractile vacuole pores, and the cytoproct, or cell anus), which is unique among protists. Variations are of great importance in the evolution and phylogeny of protists.

Typically, flagellates move through an aqueous medium by the undulatory motions of the flagella. The waves of movement are generated at the base of the flagellum. The direction and speed of propulsion and other elements of movement depend on a number of factors, including the viscosity of the medium, the size of the organism, the amplitude and length of the waves, the length and exact position of the flagella, and the kind and presence or absence of flagellar hairs. Some ciliates can move much more rapidly by virtue of having many though shorter, cilia beating in coordination with each other. The synchronized beat along the longitudinal ciliary rows produces a metachronal wave. Differences in details attest to the complexity of the overall process.

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Flagella and cilia are also involved in sensory functioning, probably by means of their outer membranes, which contain different kinds of receptors. Chemoreceptors, for example, can recognize minute changes in the medium surrounding the organism as well as cues from presumed mating partners that lead to sexual behaviour.


In contrast to the swimming movements produced by flagella and cilia, pseudopodia are responsible for amoeboid movement, a sliding or crawlinglike form of locomotion. The formation of cytoplasmic projections, or pseudopodia, on the forward edge of the cell, pulling the cell along, is characteristic of the microscopic unicellular protozoans known as amoebas. Such movement, however, is not exclusive to the amoebas. Some flagellates, some apicomplexans, and even some other types of eukaryotic cells make use of amoeboid movement. Pseudopodia, even more so than flagella and cilia, are widely used in phagotrophic feeding as well as in locomotion.

There are several different types of pseudopods, including lobopodia, filopodia, reticulopodia, and axopodia (or actinopodia). The first three of those types are basically similar and are quite widespread among amoeboids. The fourth type, axopodia, is distinct, being more complex and characteristic of certain specialized protists. The types, numbers, shapes, distribution, and actions of pseudopodia are important morphological considerations.

Lobopodia may be flattened or cylindrical (tubular). Amoeba proteus is probably the best-known protist possessing lobopodia. Although the precise mechanisms of amoeboid movement are unresolved, there is general agreement that contraction of the outer, nongranular layer of cytoplasm (the ectoplasm) causes the forward flow of the inner, granular layer of cytoplasm (the endoplasm) into the tip of a pseudopod, thus advancing the whole body of the organism. Actin and myosin microfilaments, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), calcium ions, and other factors are involved in various stages of this complex process.

Other pseudopodia found among amoeboids include the filopodia and the reticulopodia. The filopodia are hyaline, slender, and often branching structures in which contraction of microfilaments moves the organism’s body along the substrate, even if it is bearing a relatively heavy test or shell. Reticulopodia are fine threads that may not only branch but also anastomose to form a dense network, which is particularly useful in entrapping prey. Microtubules are involved in the mechanism of movement, and the continued migration of an entire reticulum carries the cell in the same direction. The testaceous, or shell-bearing, amoebas possess either lobopodia or filopodia, and the often economically important foraminiferans bear reticulopodia.

Axopodia are much more complex than the other types of pseudopods. They are composed of an outer layer of flowing cytoplasm that surrounds a central core containing a bundle of microtubules, which are cross-linked in specific patterns. The outer cytoplasm may bear extrusible organelles used in capturing prey. Retraction of an axopod is quite rapid in some forms, although not in others; reextension is generally slow in all protists with axopodia. The modes of movement of the axopodia often differ; for example, the marine pelagic organism Sticholonche has axopodia that move like oars, even rotating in basal sockets reminiscent of oarlocks.