Origin and occurrence

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Minerals in the pyroxene group are abundant in both igneous and metamorphic rocks. Their susceptibility to both chemical and mechanical weathering makes them a rare constituent of sedimentary rocks. Pyroxenes are classified as ferromagnesian minerals in allusion to their high content of magnesium and iron. Their conditions of formation are almost exclusively restricted to environments of high temperature, high pressure, or both. Characteristically the more common pyroxenes are found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks where they are associated with olivine and calcium-rich plagioclase and in high-grade metamorphic rocks such as granulites and eclogites. Enstatite, clinoenstatite, and kosmochlor occur in meteorites.

Igneous rocks

Magnesium-rich orthopyroxenes and calcium-rich clinopyroxenes are important constituents of basalts, gabbros, peridotites, and norites. They are the major minerals in pyroxenites. Magnesium-rich orthopyroxenes occur in the earlier-formed rocks of layered ultramafic complexes.

Uninverted pigeonites (monoclinic) are common as phenocrysts in high-temperature, rapidly cooled lavas and in some intrusives such as diabases. In slowly cooled mafic intrusive rocks, pigeonite inverts to an orthorhombic pyroxene and undergoes exsolution.

Augite is the most common pyroxene and is found primarily in mafic igneous rocks. It occurs in basalts, gabbros, andesites, diorites, and peridotites. The augites in layered ultramafic intrusions show compositional trends of increasing iron and decreasing magnesium contents with fractionation. Augite is also known to occur in lunar basalts. Although more common in metamorphic rocks, diopside is found in some mafic and ultramafic rocks.

Aegirine (acmite) and aegirine-augite occur most commonly as products of the late crystallization of alkaline magmas. They are found in alkalic rocks such as nepheline syenites and phonolites, wherein they are associated with orthoclase, feldspathoids, augite, and sodium-rich amphiboles.

Basalt sample returned by Apollo 15, from near a long sinous lunar valley called Hadley Rille.  Measured at 3.3 years old.
Britannica Quiz
(Bed) Rocks and (Flint) Stones

Spodumene is found almost exclusively in lithium-rich granite pegmatites. Some of the world’s largest known crystals are spodumene. Single crystals of spodumene exceeding 13 metres (43 feet) in length were mined for their lithium content in the Black Hills of South Dakota, U.S. Spodumene is typically associated with microcline, albite, quartz, muscovite, lepidolite, beryl, and tourmaline.

Metamorphic rocks

Iron-rich orthopyroxenes are found in metamorphosed iron formations in association with the amphibole grunerite. At higher grades of regional metamorphism, the amphibole anthophyllite breaks down to form magnesium-iron orthopyroxenes. The orthopyroxene enstatite occurs in high-temperature and high-pressure granulite facies rocks such as quartz-rich, garnet-bearing granulites.

Diopside results from the thermal metamorphism of siliceous limestones or dolomites according to the following decarbonation reaction:Chemical equation.

In calc-silicate skarns produced by contact metamorphism, diopside is associated with wollastonite, vesuvianite, grossular, and tremolite. Diopside also forms under conditions of regional metamorphism by the breakdown of tremolite. Hedenbergite is a product of thermal metamorphism of iron-rich sediments where its formation is probably due to the breakdown of actinolite with increasing temperature. Augite can be found in quartz-free, aluminum-rich skarns associated with spinel, calcite, vesuvianite, garnet, clintonite, and diopside. Johannsenite is associated with rhodonite, bustamite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, and magnetite in metasomatized limestones adjacent to igneous intrusions.

Aegirine (acmite) is associated with glaucophane or riebeckite in some metamorphic rocks. Jadeite is found only in metamorphic rocks. It either occurs as monomineralic veins or is associated with albite, glaucophane, aragonite, lawsonite, and quartz in high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic rocks of blueschist facies. In some localities, jadeite is associated with serpentine in glaucophane-bearing metamorphic rocks.

Omphacite is restricted in occurrence to the high-pressure and high-temperature rocks called eclogites. Eclogites represent the most deep-seated conditions of metamorphism and are characterized by an assemblage of omphacite and magnesium-rich pyrope garnet. Omphacite-bearing eclogite nodules are associated with peridotites in the kimberlite pipes of South Africa. It can also be found in subduction zones that have been exhumed.

William B. Simmons