stratum compactum
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amphibian integumentary system
- In integument: Amphibians
…stratum spongiosum and an inner stratum compactum. Although some amphibians have external gills or internal lungs, for many the skin is a vital respiratory organ, and the dermis is richly supplied with blood vessels and lymph spaces. Chromatophores are located just below the junction of the dermis with the epidermis.…
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female reproductive system
- In human reproductive system: The endometrium in the menstrual cycle
…layers are called, respectively, the stratum compactum, the stratum spongiosum, and the stratum basale epidermidis. The stratum compactum is nearest to the uterine cavity and contains the lining cells and the necks of the uterine glands; its stroma is relatively dense. Superficial blood vessels lie beneath the lining cells. The…
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