mercury-arc lamp
Learn about this topic in these articles:
development of electric discharge lamps
- In lamp: Electric discharge lamps
…Peter Cooper Hewitt marketed the mercury-arc lamp in 1901, the energy efficiency of which proved to be two or three times that of the contemporary incandescent lamp. Creating a nearly shadow-free light and less glare, the lamp immediately found wide use for industrial and street lighting in the United States.
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use in infrared spectroscopy
- In spectroscopy: Infrared instrumentation
Radiation from a mercury-arc lamp (10–70 cm−1) is employed in the far-infrared region. In a grating-monochromator type instrument, the full range of the source-detector combination is scanned by mechanically changing the grating position. In a Fourier-transform instrument, the range available for a single scan is generally limited by…
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