A Guide for Inexperienced Travellers
work by Carrió de Lavandera
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discussed in biography
- In Alonso Carrió de Lavandera
…ciegos caminantes (1775; El Lazarillo: A Guide for Inexperienced Travellers Between Buenos Aires and Lima) was originally attributed to Don Calixto Bustamente, Carrió’s Indian guide and traveling companion. Investigation revealed that Carrió had used a pseudonym to avoid punishment for having been critical of the Spanish regime. Critics have praised…
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Latin American literature
- In Latin American literature: Historiographies
El Lazarillo: A Guide for Inexperienced Travelers Between Buenos Aires and Lima), was published under a pseudonym and is perhaps the best-known Latin American work of the 18th century. Its most obvious debt is to Menippean satire, since it parodies elements of the travelogue, almanac,…
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