A Universal History of Infamy
work by Borges
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Jorge Luis Borges: Life
…universal de la infamia (1935; A Universal History of Infamy). To earn his living, he took a major post in 1938 at a Buenos Aires library named for one of his ancestors. He remained there for nine unhappy years.
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Latin American literature
- In Latin American literature: The modern novel
…universal de la infamia (1935; A Universal History of Infamy), in which he began to experiment with apocryphal attributions and bogus bibliographies. Deceptively simple, the stories are about adventuresome and variously criminal protagonists, crime and villainy being a constant in Borges’s fiction. But Borges’s decisive collection was Ficciones (1944; English…
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