work by Darío
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discussed in biography
- In Rubén Darío: Life and work
…published his first major work, Azul (“Blue”), a collection of short stories, descriptive sketches, and verse. This volume was soon recognized in Europe and Latin America as the herald of a new era in Spanish American literature. Darío had only recently become acquainted with French Parnassian poetry, and Azul represents…
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place in Latin-American Modernism
- In Latin American literature: Modernismo
…of poetic prose and poetry Azul (1888; “Blue”) is a watershed for both Latin American and Spanish literature. Darío, who had been reading French Symbolist poetry, took seriously Rimbaud’s injunction that “one must be absolutely modern.” In that spirit Darío chose “Modernism” as the name for his movement. This meant…
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