Canadian Federal Election of 2008

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On October 14, 2008, Canadians voted to return Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party to power, though again without a parliamentary majority. The Conservatives captured 143 seats (a gain of 19) while tallying more than 37 percent of the popular vote. The Liberal Party, led by Stéphane Dion, trailed by as much 17 percent in some polls at the beginning of the election, and, though it closed that gap slightly during the campaign, it fell to a total of 76 seats (27 fewer than in the 2006 election) and garnered its lowest percentage of the popular vote (just over 26 percent) in the history of the party. Harper had pinned much of his hope of attaining a majority on the prospect of gains in Quebec, but the sovereignist Bloc Québécois, under the leadership of Gilles Duceppe, held steady there, winning 50 seats, just one fewer than it had captured in the 2006 election, and registering 10 percent of the national popular vote. The socialist New Democratic Party, led by Jack Layton, added 8 seats to its 2006 total to reach 37 seats. The environmentalist Green Party failed to win representation, even though Dion had agreed not to run a candidate against its party leader, Elizabeth May, who still finished second to the incumbent Conservative in her riding in Nova Scotia. The turnout nationwide, just over 59 percent of eligible voters, was the lowest in Canadian history, falling just short of the 60 percent turnout recorded in the 2004 federal election.

The 2008 election, the third in four years for Canada, called by Harper on September 7, came just as the country was beginning to feel the effects of a crisis shaking the U.S. economy. Central issues included taxation and the environment; the role of the Canadian military in Afghanistan, funding for the arts, and sociocultural wedge issues were also in play. Harper, who had come to power in 2006 after 13 years of rule by the Liberal Party, made no secret of his opposition to the Kyoto Protocol. He staunchly opposed as economically damaging the carbon tax on greenhouse gas emissions that was the linchpin of the Green Shift platform proposed by the Liberal Party.

Parties and Leaders

Conservative Party of Canada

  • 2008 Percentage of Votes: 37.6 (+1.3)
  • 2008 Number of Seats (of 308): 143 (+19)

Leader: Stephen Harper

  • Born: April 30, 1959, Toronto, Ont.
  • Education: University of Calgary (B.A., 1985; M.A., 1991)
  • Spouse: Laureen Harper
  • Children: 2 (Ben and Rachel)
  • Political Experience: Prime minister, 2006–present; leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, 2004–present; leader of the Canadian Alliance, 2002–03; House of Commons, 1993–97 (Calgary West, Alta.) and 2002–present (Calgary Southwest, Alta.)

Liberal Party of Canada

  • 2008 Percentage of Votes: 26.2 (−4.0)
  • 2008 Number of Seats (of 308): 76 (−27)

Leader: Stéphane Dion

  • Born: Sept. 28, 1955, Quebec city, Que.
  • Education: Laval University (B.A., 1977; M.A., 1979); Institute of Political Studies, Paris (Ph.D., 1986)
  • Spouse: Janine Krieber
  • Children: 1 (Jeanne)
  • Political Experience: Leader of the Liberal Party, 2007–present; minister of the environment, 2004–06; minister of intergovernmental affairs, 1996–2003; House of Commons, 1996–present (Saint-Laurent–Cartierville, Que.)

New Democratic Party

  • 2008 Percentage of Votes: 18.2 (+0.7)
  • 2008 Number of Seats (of 308): 37 (+8)

Leader: Jack Layton

  • Born: July 18, 1950, Hudson, Que.
  • Education: McGill University (B.A., 1970); York University (M.A., 1972; Ph.D., 1983)
  • Spouse: Olivia Chow
  • Children: None
  • Political Experience: Leader of the New Democratic Party, 2003–present; House of Commons, 2004–present (Toronto-Danforth, Ont.); Toronto city councillor, 1982–2003

Bloc Québécois

  • 2008 Percentage of Votes: 10.0 (−0.5)
  • 2008 Number of Seats (of 308): 50 (−1)

Leader: Gilles Duceppe

  • Born: July 22, 1947, Montreal, Que.
  • Education: University of Montreal
  • Spouse: Yolande Brunelle
  • Children: 2 (Alexis and Amélie)
  • Political Experience: Leader of the Bloc Québécois, 1997–present; House of Commons, 1990–present (Laurier–Sainte-Marie, Que.)

Green Party of Canada

  • 2008 Percentage of Votes: 6.8 (+0.2)
  • 2008 Number of Seats (of 308): 0 (no change)

Leader: Elizabeth May

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  • Born: June 9, 1954, Hartford, Conn., U.S.
  • Education: Williams College, Smith College, Dalhousie University School of Law (LL.B., 1983)
  • Spouse: Single
  • Children: 1 (Victoria Cate)
  • Political Experience: Leader of the Green Party, 2006–present; senior policy adviser to the minister of the environment, 1986–88

Background and Context

This section contains links to portions of Britannica’s article “Canada,” which was revised by Roger D. Hall, professor of history at the University of Western Ontario.

  • Constitutional Framework provides an overview of the Canadian constitution and government, from the British North America Act (1867) to the Canada Act (1982).
  • Suffrage and Elections considers the Canadian electoral process and the evolution of the franchise in Canada.
  • Political Parties offers a quick survey of Canada’s major political parties and a brief assessment of their recent electoral success.
  • The Quebec Question examines an issue that has been at the centre of Canadian politics since the 1960s, Québécois sovereignty.

The Harper Years

Election as Prime Minister

The following account, by David M.L. Farr, professor emeritus of history, Carleton University, originally appeared in the Britannica Book of the Year (2007).

In 2006 Canada gained a new Conservative government and a new prime minister, Stephen Harper, who had come to power gradually through two elections—in June 2004 and January 2006. In late 2003 Harper had successfully led the merger of two groups, his own Alliance Party and the historic Progressive Conservative Party, to form the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), which chose him as party leader. In the 2004 general election, the new party did well enough to reduce the ruling Liberal Party to a minority government under a new prime minister, Paul Martin; then in 2006 the Conservatives replaced the Liberals at the head of another minority government.

In the 2006 campaign the CPC stressed traditional conservative principles: sound management of the country’s finances, the need to eliminate deficits, accountability in government operations, reduction in taxation, and legislation to protect marriage and the family. It promised a national child-care program and favoured larger spending on the military, increased foreign aid, and the protection of Canada’s Arctic sovereignty. The Liberals put forward similar policies, some of which they had already begun to implement since the 2004 election. In the minds of many Canadians, however, their program was overshadowed by a political scandal in Quebec that displayed gross irregularities in the party’s spending of public funds. A judicial inquiry in the later months of 2005 confirmed the malpractice, which extended to political figures, public servants, and the executives of advertising companies. Campaigning revealed a countrywide impression that the Liberals, in office since 1993, had been in power too long. Their prospects were especially doubtful in Quebec, where the political scandal turned voters away.

The results of the January 23 election showed that the Liberals and Conservatives had changed places in Parliament. After a former Liberal cabinet minister announced that he was switching parties to take a post in the new government, the CPC finished with 125 of the 308 seats in the Commons, a gain of 26, while the Liberals were reduced to 102 seats, a loss of 33. The socialist New Democratic Party won 10 additional seats for a total of 29. The most significant changes occurred in Quebec, where the separatist Bloc Québécois won 51 of the 75 seats; the Liberals suffered a severe reversal, dropping from 21 seats to 13; and the CPC, which was without a Quebec seat before the election, won 10 ridings, a result that no one had predicted. Although the Conservative support was basically in the four Western provinces, the party also improved its standing in Ontario to 40 seats from a previous 24. A distinctive result of the vote was the fact that the Conservatives elected no MPs from Canada’s three largest cities: Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

Martin immediately tendered his resignation as prime minister. The new Conservative government was sworn into office on February 6. Harper’s cabinet of 26 members included 9 ministers who hailed from the four Western provinces, 9 from Ontario, and 5 from Quebec. The principal posts of foreign minister and finance minister were given to Peter MacKay (of Nova Scotia) and James Flaherty (Ontario), respectively.

Day by Day


  • January 23, 2006
    • In parliamentary elections in Canada, the Conservative Party wins narrowly; the following day Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper is asked to form a government.
  • February 6, 2006
    • Stephen Harper takes office as prime minister of Canada.
  • February 7, 2006
    • Premier Gordon Campbell of British Columbia announces the creation of the 6.4-million-hectare (16-million-acre) Great Bear Rain Forest preserve in the Canadian province; the preserve will include a protected area and an area to be logged under a management plan.
  • March 2, 2006
    • Canada’s Supreme Court rules against a school board that forbade the wearing of the kirpan, or ceremonial dagger, by Sikh schoolboys; Sikhism requires men to wear the kirpan at all times.
  • April 7, 2006
    • The Canadian government agency Statistics Canada reports that the country’s unemployment rate fell to 6.3 percent, its lowest level in 32 years, and that its employment rate reached a record 62.9 percent.
  • April 21, 2006
    • In a land dispute with the Canadian government, Mohawks from the Six Nations block traffic on a highway and block a railway in western Ontario.
  • April 27, 2006
    • The United States and Canada reach an agreement on Canadian softwood lumber imported into the United States that eliminates all quotas and tariffs but allows Canada to collect export taxes from producers under certain market conditions; the agreement ends a dispute that lasted more than 20 years.
  • May 10, 2006
    • Turkey, which has already recalled its ambassador from Canada, declines to participate in a NATO military exercise in Canada; the moves are a response to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s referring to the World War I killing of Armenians as a genocide.
  • May 29, 2006
    • An unexpected strike by public transit workers in Toronto leaves some 800,000 commuters scrambling to find another way to work and other destinations.
  • June 3, 2006
    • Police in Canada report that they have arrested 17 people whom they believe were plotting to use powerful fertilizer bombs against targets in southern Ontario.
  • October 24, 2006
    • Justice Douglas Rutherford of the Ontario Superior Court rules that the definition of terrorism in Canada’s antiterrorism laws passed after the September 11 terror attacks of 2001 is impermissible.
  • November 27, 2006
    • Canada’s legislature passes a motion introduced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that recognizes French-speaking people of Quebec as a nation within Canada; the motion makes no changes to laws or to the constitution.
  • December 6, 2006
    • Giuliano Zaccardelli resigns as commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in a situation where—because of false information from the RCMP, which has been accused of other wrongdoing as well—Maher Arer, an innocent man, was arrested in the United States and deported to Syria, where he was jailed and tortured.


  • February 23, 2007
    • The Supreme Court of Canada strikes down a law permitting the indefinite detention of foreign-born terrorism suspects; the ruling is suspended for a year so that Parliament may draft a law consistent with the ruling.
  • April 8, 2007
    • Six NATO soldiers, all of them Canadian, are killed by a roadside bomb near Kandahār, Afghanistan.
  • April 26, 2007
    • Canada announces a plan by which industries are required to reduce their rate of production of greenhouse gases by 18 percent over the next three years, a rate well short of the goals of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change but one that industries say they will be hard put to meet.
  • May 8, 2007
    • André Boisclair resigns as leader of the separatist Parti Québécois in the Canadian province of Quebec after the party’s disappointing third-place showing in provincial elections in March.
  • July 9, 2007
    • Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces that the country will buy patrol ships to assert the country’s claim to the Northwest Passage; many believe that continued global warming could make possible its being turned into a major shipping channel.
  • August 10, 2007
    • Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces that the country will build two new military bases in Nunavut, one in Nanisivik and one in Resolute Bay, in order to protect its claims to the Northwest Passage.
  • August 20, 2007
    • U.S. Pres. George W. Bush, Pres. Felipe Calderón of Mexico, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada meet in Montebello, Ont., for talks on updating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); protests take place nearby.
  • September 12, 2007
    • The Burj Dubai tower being built in Dubai reaches a height of 555 metres (1,821 feet), making it the tallest freestanding structure in the world; the previous record holder, the CN Tower in Toronto, is 553 metres (1,815 feet) and was built in 1976.
  • September 20, 2007
    • The value of the dollar falls to the point that a U.S. dollar and a Canadian dollar have the same value.
  • November 21, 2007
    • Canada announces the creation of a new national park and other conservation areas, totaling 10.3 million hectares (25.5 million acres), all in the boreal forest.


  • February 14, 2008
    • The National Council of Churches releases its 2008 Yearbook of Canadian and American Churches; it shows the Roman Catholic Church to have the most members, with 67.5 million adherents, and the 24th-ranked Jehovah’s Witnesses as the fastest growing, with a growth rate of 2.25 percent.
  • April 8, 2008
    • The oil companies BP and ConocoPhillips agree to build a pipeline to carry oil from Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay into Canada and possibly as far as Chicago.
  • April 18, 2008
    • Canada bans baby bottles made of polycarbonate, because of fears that bisphenol-a (BPA), a component of polycarbonate, could cause long-term hormonal damage.
  • April 26, 2008
    • Transit workers in Toronto unexpectedly go on strike hours after their union rejected a tentative contract; thousands of passengers are stranded.
  • May 28, 2008
    • In Ilulissat, Greenland, the United States, Russia, Canada, Denmark, and Norway sign an agreement to abide by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea regarding territorial claims on the Arctic and to work cooperatively to limit environmental and other risks in any increased shipping and commerce in the Arctic.
  • June 11, 2008
    • Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a speech before the House of Commons, apologizes for the country’s policy of taking children of First Nation peoples and putting them in Christian boarding schools to assimilate them; some 100,000 children were placed in such schools beginning in the late 19th century, and abuse was rampant.
  • July 3, 2008
    • A year-long celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Canadian city of Quebec comes to a climax.
  • September 7, 2008
    • Stephen Harper calls on Gov.-Gen. Michaelle Jean to formally dissolve Parliament, thus setting in motion a national campaign for federal elections to be held on October 14.
  • October 1, 2008
    • The party leaders engage in a televised French-language debate at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa.
  • October 2, 2008
    • The party leaders gather at the National Arts Centre to debate in English for another nationwide television audience.
  • October 14, 2008
    • Canadians vote to return Stephen Harper’s ruling Conservative Party to power, but, though it adds 19 seats to reach a total of 143, it again fails to gain a parliamentary majority.

Prime Ministers of Canada

The political party, number of terms, and years in office of each Canadian prime minister are provided in the table.

Prime ministers of Canada
party term
Sir John Alexander Macdonald (1st time) Liberal-Conservative 1867–73
Alexander Mackenzie Liberal 1873–78
Sir John Alexander Macdonald (2nd time) Liberal-Conservative 1878–91
John Abbott (from 1892, Sir John Abbott) Liberal-Conservative 1891–92
Sir John Thompson Liberal-Conservative 1892–94
Mackenzie Bowell (from 1895, Sir Mackenzie Bowell) Liberal-Conservative 1894–96
Sir Charles Tupper, 1st Baronet Liberal-Conservative 1896
Wilfrid Laurier (from 1897, Sir Wilfrid Laurier) Liberal 1896–1911
Robert Laird Borden (from 1914, Sir Robert Laird Borden) Conservative 1911–20
Arthur Meighen (1st time) Conservative 1920–21
W.L. Mackenzie King (1st time) Liberal 1921–26
Arthur Meighen (2nd time) Conservative 1926
W.L. Mackenzie King (2nd time) Liberal 1926–30
Richard Bedford Bennett (from 1941, Viscount Bennett) Conservative 1930–35
W.L. Mackenzie King (3rd time) Liberal 1935–48
Louis Saint Laurent Liberal 1948–57
John G. Diefenbaker Progressive Conservative 1957–63
Lester B. Pearson Liberal 1963–68
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1st time) Liberal 1968–79
Joseph Clark Progressive Conservative 1979–80
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (2nd time) Liberal 1980–84
John N. Turner Liberal 1984
Brian Mulroney Progressive Conservative 1984–93
Kim Campbell Progressive Conservative 1993
Jean Chrétien Liberal 1993–2003
Paul Martin Liberal 2003–06
Stephen Harper Conservative 2006–15
Justin Trudeau Liberal 2015–
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.