Discrimination at home and fame abroad

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Also known as: 15th New York (Colored) Infantry Regiment, 369th Infantry Regiment
Byname of:
369th Infantry Regiment
15th New York (Colored) Infantry Regiment
Awards And Honors:
Croix de Guerre
June 2, 1913 - February 28, 1919
Areas Of Involvement:
Related People:
Horace Pippin
James Reese Europe

In April 1917 the United States declared war on Germany, and the following month the 15th New York reported to Camp Peekskill, New York, for a short course of rifle training. The regiment was officially mustered into federal service in July and ordered to Camp Whitman, outside of Poughkeepsie, New York, for basic training. It soon became clear to Hayward, however, that the 15th would be held apart from the rest of the army. When the so-called “Rainbow Division,” a collection of National Guard units assembled from more than two dozen states, marched down Fifth Avenue in a farewell parade, Hayward reportedly was told that the 15th would not be allowed to join them because “black is not a color of the rainbow.”

The men of the 15th would face even worse treatment at their next posting. In October 1917 they were ordered to Camp Wadsworth in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and harassment and verbal abuse became a matter of routine. The men of the 15th recalled the events of 1906, when whites in Brownsville, Texas, had framed a group of African American soldiers for a crime they did not commit. Just two months prior to the 15th’s arrival in Spartanburg, racial clashes between African American soldiers and whites in Houston had claimed 20 lives. Hayward, hoping to avert another such tragedy, traveled to Washington, D.C., to make a direct appeal to the secretary of war that the 15th be relocated or deployed to France at the earliest possible date. Hayward was en route to Washington when Sissle was assaulted by a white man while purchasing a newspaper from a stand in a hotel lobby. Soldiers from the 15th and the New York 12th, a white unit that was billeted next to them, converged on the scene to retaliate on Sissle’s behalf, and violence was averted only by the timely intervention of Europe. Europe interposed himself between the assailant and dozens of enlisted men and defused the situation until military police could arrive.

The Hellfighters at war

The 15th returned to New York in short order, and they were transported to France. Having arrived in the port of Brest on December 27, 1917, they were sent to Saint-Nazaire, hundreds of miles from the front, and put to work on engineering projects that would pave the way for the larger body of U.S. troops to come. After a month went by with no new orders, Hayward recognized the very real possibility that his men would be trading their rifles for shovels for the duration of the war. With the regimental band spreading “ragtimitis” throughout France, Hayward used their fame in his appeal to American Expeditionary Force commander Gen. John J. Pershing for reassignment to combat duty.

The campaigns of 1917 had been especially sanguinary for the Allies, and they had implored Pershing for reinforcements. Pershing, as a point of national pride, remained committed to the notion of a single body of American troops under American command. He had pledged some element of support to the French, however, and the 15th New York was ready and able. In March 1918 the unit was redesignated the 369th Infantry Regiment, and the following month it was attached to the 16th Division of the Fourth French Army under Gen. Henri Gouraud. The French had fully integrated African colonial troops into their army for decades, so the men of the 369th found greater acceptance in a foreign army than they had in their own. After a period of French-language and tactics training and intense drilling with the French Lebel rifle, the 369th was ordered to the front in the Champagne region, on the western edge of the Argonne Forest. From April 1918 the 369th would spend 191 days in combat, a longer span than any other U.S. unit.

As German Gen. Erich Ludendorff’s spring offensive hammered the Allied lines, the 369th developed a fearsome reputation among its enemies. It was the Germans who first applied the “Hellfighters” moniker to the unit, and the 369th’s performance on the battlefield showed that the nickname had been well earned. On May 15, 1918, Pvt. Henry Johnson and Pvt. Needham Roberts of the 369th were on sentry duty when their post was attacked by a German patrol. The two men fought off as many as two dozen Germans in brutal hand-to-hand combat. Johnson sustained 21 wounds in the engagement, and the French military awarded him the Croix de Guerre avec Palme for bravery (he was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 2015).

Although Europe continued with his duties as bandleader, he also spent time at the front in command of his machine gun company. In June 1918 he was wounded in a German gas attack near the town of Maffrécourt and was evacuated to a field hospital behind the lines. While he was recuperating, he wrote “On Patrol in No Man’s Land.” The song’s upbeat tempo starkly contrasted with its lyrics, which were a harrowing depiction of an encounter with the enemy. It was one of several songs that Europe would compose about the war. “All of No Man’s Land Is Ours” described a soldier’s first call to his sweetheart, and “How Ya Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the Farm?” was a playful tune about the appeal of Paris in contrast to life at home. The latter song carried a subtle political undertone: How could returning African American soldiers be expected to accept lynchings, institutional racism, and Jim Crow laws as a fact of life after they had tasted equality overseas? After his recovery, Europe would be ruled unfit for combat, and he would spend the next two months leading the 369th’s band at performances before enormous crowds in Paris.

The German spring offensive had experienced localized successes against the fatigued Allied lines. Hoping to achieve a breakthrough before the American presence grew to an insurmountable size, Ludendorff pressed on with one final attack in July 1918. The 369th suffered murderous shelling from the Germans at the Second Battle of the Marne, but their line held. As the Allies prepared for a counterattack, the 369th was reassigned to the French 161st Division, and it was with this unit that they would participate in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. On September 29, 1918, the 369th captured the town of Séchault, France, but suffered some of the heaviest losses of any American regiment in the process. In his account of the engagement, Maj. Arthur Little described his battalion’s casualties as “hideous and continuous.” Among those wounded was Cpl. Horace Pippin; his depictions of his wartime experiences would make him one of the most widely acclaimed African American painters of the 1930s.

On October 6, 1918, the French 161st Division was relieved and the badly mauled Hellfighters were withdrawn to the rear. For its performance at Séchault, the entire regiment was awarded the Croix de Guerre for valor. After several days of rest, the 369th returned to the lines in the Vosges Mountains as the Allied advance continued. Sporadic fighting continued to take a toll on the unit, but news of an armistice spread quickly among the men. After November 11, the 369th transitioned to occupation duty, and Hayward would personally lead the first American unit to reach the Rhine.