Italian periodical
Learn about this topic in these articles:
founding by Papini
- In Giovanni Papini
…he founded another Florentine periodical, Lacerba (1913), to further its aims. In 1921 Papini was reconverted to the Roman Catholicism in which he had been reared. A number of religious works followed, notably Storia di Cristo (1921; The Story of Christ), a vivid and realistic re-creation of the life of…
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place in Italian literature
- In Italian literature: Literary trends before World War I
(1904), La Voce (1908), and Lacerba (1913), founded and edited by relatively small literary coteries. The two main literary trends were Crepuscolarismo (the Twilight School), which, in reaction to the high-flown rhetoric of D’Annunzio, favoured a colloquial style to express dissatisfaction with the present and memories of sweet things past,…
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