Robert Mugabe on Zimbabwe

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The following article was written for the 1982 Britannica Book of the Year (events of 1981) by Robert Mugabe, who became the first prime minister of Zimbabwe in 1980. In it he recounts the black majority’s struggle for independence and details his government’s plans to address the problems facing the nascent country. Mugabe’s title of prime minister changed to president in 1987, and his rule continued until his resignation in 2017. Initial praise for the pragmatic and conciliatory nature of his administration was replaced over the years with criticism of his increasingly repressive and brutal regime. He ends this article with the African liberation cry “A luta continua!” (Portuguese: “The struggle continues!”).

Struggling for Nationhood: The Birth of Zimbabwe

When, in 1652, Jan van Riebeeck, representing the Dutch East India Company, landed at the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and laid the foundations of a future Dutch Cape Colony, no one could have foreseen that the process thus begun would assume such proportions 250 years later. It engulfed, in successive stages, not just the Cape Colony but also the Orange Free State, the Transvaal, Natal, Basutoland, Swaziland, Bechuanaland, Southern Rhodesia, and Northern Rhodesia. The national liberation struggle that transformed Southern Rhodesia into Zimbabwe was an event in this process and was the sum of many linked events.

Colonial Background

In the competitive game of colonial adventures played out in Africa and the Far East during the 15th to the 19th century, the law of the survival of the fittest ruled just as it did in the jungle. The Portuguese eliminated the Arabs, the Dutch the Portuguese, while the French and British, as they struggled for supremacy, together annihilated the Dutch in many areas. Having survived alone in the Cape, the British began pursuing the Dutch settlers moving northward in search of greater freedom. This northward movement by the Afrikaners resulted in the establishment of two republics: the Orange River Republic (now the Orange Free State) and the Transvaal Republic (now Transvaal), whose northern border was the Limpopo River.

Cecil John Rhodes, a British empire builder who had become prime minister in the Cape, saw the growing British Empire threatened by the northward thrust of the Boers. He determined to curb it in the interest not only of the British Empire but also of his own quest for mineral fortune. A zone of British influence had, therefore, to be carved out north of the Transvaal. Rhodes had already foiled the territorial ambitions of the Boers in Bechuanaland (Botswana) through a treaty signed by Chief Khama and the British government. North of the Limpopo, the strategy, apart from treaties signed in 1888 with Chief Lobengula of the Ndebele tribe, was that of occupation. The occupation of the territory, later called Southern Rhodesia, was the realization of one of Rhodes’s grandest dreams.

In 1889 Rhodes secured a royal charter from Queen Victoria for the British South Africa Company, now charged with the task of effecting the occupation. Thus began a colonial history that led to one of the bloodiest conflicts ever fought in Africa: the bitter war between the Ndebele and the settlers in 1893 and, subsequently, the first national liberation war (Chimurenga or Chindunduma) of 1896–97. Having obtained an agreement from the Africans conferring on him the grant of mineral rights, Rhodes turned it into an instrument of political and socioeconomic control. The Africans were both cheated and invaded, and they resorted to war. The 1896–97 war, with its surprise attacks and ambushes, was aimed at exterminating the enemy. In Matabeleland, for example, 130 European settlers were killed within the first week of the war, and the survivors were driven into hiding. In Mashonaland some 450 settlers were annihilated as the uprising, beginning in Chief Mashayamombe’s area in the Hartley district, spread to other regions. Peace negotiations with the Ndebele were conducted by Rhodes himself. In Mashonaland British reinforcements defeated the Shonas, and their leaders were executed.

The settlers’ victory led to repressive measures against the Africans. All administrative power was vested in the British South Africa Company until 1923, when Britain granted the right of self-government to the settler communities. In 1930 the Land Apportionment Act legalized what already existed in practice: the division of land between the whites and the blacks, with the whites owning 19.9 million ha (49.1 million ac) out of a total of 40.3 million ha (99.6 million ac). From this act, discrimination in the social, economic, and educational spheres also came into being. Since all urban, mining, and industrial areas were designated as white, no African could acquire a permanent home there. Schools, hospitals, and social amenities were all within the white areas. There was racial discrimination in labour conditions and job opportunities as well.

The Failure of Politics

The early nationalist and trade union movements, aware that the institutions of power were fully controlled by the settlers’ government, confined themselves to correcting the grievances arising from racial discrimination by nonviolent means. The Southern Rhodesian African National Congress (1934–57) was the first real national grouping, but for a long time it lacked organization and drive. The National Youth League, formed in 1955 by James Chikerema, George Nyandoro, Edson Sithole, and Dunduzu Chisiza, merged with it in 1957, thus providing a broader basis for the mobilization of popular support.

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The establishment of the Central African Federation (Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland) in 1953, combining the territories of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland, was widely regarded by the African nationalist leaders of the three territories as a plot conceived by the white settlers (especially those in Southern Rhodesia) to thwart African aspirations and as a strategy to delay the independence process in Malawi (Nyasaland) and Zambia (Northern Rhodesia). During the federal period (1953–63) the Africans of all three territories were pitted against the whites and the tensions between them were intensified. Feeling their systems threatened, the white governments banned the African National Congress (ANC) of Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland and later the Zambia Congress, and nationalist leaders, including Kamuzu (Dr. Hastings) Banda and Kenneth Kaunda, were detained. In Southern Rhodesia the National Democratic Party (NDP) and the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), both led by Joshua Nkomo, were successively proscribed in 1961 and 1962.

For a long time, the African Zimbabwean leadership believed that a solution to the political problem of the country lay in using political pressure to compel Britain to call a constitutional conference. However, when a Southern Rhodesian constitutional conference was held in London and Salisbury in 1960 and 1961, respectively, only 15 parliamentary seats out of 65 were given to the Africans. The mood of the whites under Prime Minister Sir Edgar Whitehead was not inclined to compromise. Less compromising still was the mood of the rightist Dominion Party (later the Rhodesia Front), which rejected the 1961 constitution and later proceeded to win the general elections in December 1962. In 1964 it rejected the liberal Winston Field as leader in favour of the more conservative Ian Douglas Smith, thus setting the scene for the defiant and rebellious course that led to Southern Rhodesia’s unilateral declaration of independence from Great Britain on Nov. 11, 1965. The principle of majority rule was rejected as anathema by the white minority. Meanwhile, the failure of the Federation spelled the end of white supremacy in Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, both of which moved on to independence in 1964.