Terra Nostra
novel by Fuentes
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discussed in biography
- In Carlos Fuentes
Terra nostra (1975; “Our Land,” Eng. trans. Terra nostra) explores the cultural substrata of New and Old Worlds as the author, using Jungian archetypal symbolism, seeks to understand his cultural heritage. Diana; o, la cazadora solitaria (1994; Diana the Goddess Who Hunts Alone) is a…
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Latin American literature
- In Latin American literature: The boom novels
Fuentes’s Terra Nostra (1975; Terra Nostra), for instance, is more ambitious than anything else that he has written; Donoso’s El obsceno pájaro de la noche (1970; The Obscene Bird of Night) is more daring than his earlier or later fiction; and Vargas Llosa’s La guerra del fin del mundo…
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