President, Second Term

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A national nominating convention in Baltimore, Maryland, launched Jackson’s reelection bid in May 1832. Although this event staged by the newly minted Democratic Party is often described as the first of its kind in American political history, both the Anti-Masonic Party and National Republican Party had held nominating conventions in September and December 1831, respectively. In any case, all these gestures were in response to the growing spirit of democracy that portrayed the old method of selecting candidates through a congressional caucus as elitist. Because Jackson had declared his intention to run in 1832 and was thus unopposed by anyone within his party, the convention was promoted by pro-Jackson newspapers as part of a scheme to remove John C. Calhoun from the ticket and replace him with Martin Van Buren. In the election that followed, the popularity of Jackson’s bank veto was most telling in propelling him to victory against the National Republican candidate Henry Clay. Jackson took a majority of the popular vote and amassed a landslide in the Electoral College of 219 out of 286 votes.


Immediately after winning reelection, Jackson confronted the most serious threat to the American Union up to that time when South Carolina’s anger over the tariff issue caused the Nullification crisis. In part, it was a reaction to Jackson’s failure to address southern concerns about the protective tariff, which had been an implicit promise of his 1828 campaign. Also, the issue was intensified by the alienation of John C. Calhoun, who resigned the vice presidency in the summer of 1832 to take a seat for South Carolina in the U.S. Senate where he became a proponent of nullification. By then it was widely known that Calhoun was the author of the doctrine that sought to legitimize a state’s authority to prevent the enforcement of, and hence “nullify,” federal legislation at odds with its interests.

Although the Tariff of 1832 was touted as a compromise when Jackson signed it into law, it did not appease opponents in the South. Nullifiers in South Carolina saw the measure as unsatisfactory, and the 1832 election gave them a majority in the South Carolina legislature. They called for a convention to meet and on November 24, 1832, it declared both the Tariff of 1828 and 1832 unconstitutional. The convention announced that as of February 1, 1833, no duties authorized by the federal legislation would be collected in South Carolina ports and made arrangements to raise militia forces to resist federal enforcement. The rapidity of these develops threw Jackson’s cabinet into confusion, with Louis McLane urging an immediate, forceful response while Levi Woodbury and Roger Taney counseled delay. On December 10, 1832, Jackson issued a proclamation to the people of South Carolina denouncing nullification as “incompatible with the existence of the Union, contradicted expressly by the letter of the Constitution.”

As the country lurched toward a possible civil war, Congress balked at Jackson’s request for a Force Bill to suppress the South Carolina rebellion.

Meanwhile, Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun cooperated to produce a compromise that resulted in the Tariff of 1833. It modified tariff schedules to appease angry South Carolinians. On March 2, 1833, Congress passed both the compromise tariff and the Force Bill, though the latter provoked heated debate, especially in the Senate. Given the opportunity to back away from looming disaster, moderate forces in South Carolina rallied to repeal the Nullification Ordinance, though Nullifiers strove to maintain their doctrine’s principle by nullifying the Force Act, a symbolic gesture since the essential reason for the extraordinary enforcement of federal law was no longer in play.

Jackson has been uniformly praised for his firm resolve in meeting this crisis, a posture that called South Carolina’s bluff so effectively that it can be credited with helping to forestall southern secession for another generation. This line of reasoning often concludes that had James Buchanan met the crisis of the Union in 1860 with similar boldness, the U.S. Civil War of 1861–1865 could have been averted. The point is debatable because circumstances in 1860 were entirely different from those three decades earlier.

Jackson’s comportment in the crisis of 1832–1833 merits praise in retrospect, but at the time, applause for his stance was anything but universal, especially in the South. While no other southern state came to South Carolina’s defense, many southerners saw the Force Act as another example of Jackson’s executive overreach. Their disaffection would lead them away from the Democratic Party as an organization, if not away from its core principles. The result was a measure of political incoherence in Whig opposition to the Democratic Party for the remainder of the Whigs’ existence. Moreover, political drift contributed to the tensions that would, in the end, lead to the sectional crisis of 1860 and the American Civil War that followed.

The Bank War

Because the BUS’s charter remained in effect until 1836, Jackson continued his attack on it, even after the veto, which alienated parts of his coalition as well. His victory in 1832, however, encouraged him to interpret it as a mandate to complete the dismantling of the central bank. He planned to achieve this by removing the federal government’s deposits from the BUS and placing them in banks scattered throughout the states. The political nature of the project was evident in that loyalty to the administration was foremost in selecting banks to favor. The economic consequences, on the other hand, promised to be dire since the federal government accounted for 20% of the BUS’s capital. It was the reason that Congress would not endorse the idea, and Secretary of the Treasury Louis McLane hesitated to implement the policy.

Jackson’s solution to these disagreements was to reorganize his cabinet yet again. He replaced McLane with William J. Duane, a Pennsylvanian whose opposition to the BUS led Jackson to believe that Duane would gladly assist in destroying it. Duane did not prove as enthusiastic as Jackson expected. He insisted on consulting Congress about plans to divorce the federal government from the central bank. Jackson found this defiance intolerable, particularly after Duane refused to resign when their disagreement became public. Determined to remove the deposits, Jackson fired Duane on September 22, 1833.

He replaced Duane with Attorney General Roger B. Taney who had long been a remorseless opponent of the BUS. Taney was a recess appointment, meaning he was placed at Treasury while the Senate was not in session, exempting him for a time from a confirmation process. Although provisional, Taney’s authority was no less potent, and he did Jackson’s bidding to transfer the federal deposits on October 1, 1833. These actions triggered the final phase of the Bank War, and in it, the president’s policy first met with strong adverse reactions. Congress as well as the business and banking communities denounced it for its dubious legality and denigrated the financial institutions being showered with federal largesse as “pet banks.”

Flush with cash, many of the pet banks proved irresponsible stewards of federal assets, and some were reckless in financing risky speculations. Partly guided by the need to exercise financial prudence, but also encouraged by congressional criticism of Jackson, Nicholas Biddle went on the offensive. He tightened lending policies by using the central bank’s statutory influence over the nation’s credit. Biddle’s actions set off a significant financial crisis, but he thought it would compel Congress to reconsider renewing the BUS’s charter. The strategy was unwise because it brought about a situation similar to the bitterly remembered Panic of 1819 and consequently strengthened Jackson’s position with the public.

For a time, though, politicians wavered, even in Jackson’s own Democratic Party, where troubling questions arose about the president’s authority to tamper with the bank’s operations. It was the reason that Jackson had wanted the bank’s dismantlement finalized before Congress went into session on December 8, 1833. As it happened, Jackson was forced to use his Annual Message to urge Congress to endorse his actions. In support, a Treasury Department report by Taney claimed Biddle’s actions revealed him to be an enemy of the people’s interests while proving the bank’s power was out of proportion to its utility. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives backed Jackson’s policies while launching an inquiry into the central bank’s role in causing the current financial crisis.

The Senate was not convinced, and the removal of the deposits generated a remarkable animus against him in that chamber. Jackson found it increasingly difficult to secure Senate confirmations for his appointees, particularly Roger Taney, whom Jackson finally and formally nominated for his Treasury post in June 1834. The Senate rejected him 28–18 on June 24.

Meanwhile, Whigs, led by Henry Clay, passed on March 28, 1834, by a vote of 26–20 an unprecedented resolution censuring Jackson for the removal of the deposits, an act the Senate majority condemned as unconstitutional. Despite the Senate’s censure, Jackson was undeterred, even though he was compelled to restructure his cabinet yet again in the wake of Taney’s rejection. Despite such difficulties, Jackson emerged from the Bank War a clear victor. The BUS’s unpopularity increased as financial distress spread, and Biddle saw his support in business and banking circles rapidly deteriorate. Finally convinced he had lost, Biddle ended the bank’s credit contraction in late 1834. It was an acknowledgment that using the BUS’s power as a weapon to force recharter had been a worse mistake than risking Jackson’s veto two years earlier. And as soon as Democrats regained control of the Senate in the election of 1836, they expunged the censure resolution that had condemned Jackson for violating the Constitution. On January 16, 1837, by a vote of 25–19, the Senate authorized the removal, had its manuscript journal brought to the chamber, and blotted out the resolution of censure with broad black lines.

Two more events were consequences of the Bank War, the first tangentially. It was the attempted assassination of Jackson that, according to the deranged assailant, was connected to the president’s attack on the BUS. On January 30, 1835, Richard Lawrence, an unemployed Englishman, tried to shoot Jackson outside the U.S. Capitol, but both of his pistols misfired. Among Lawrence’s motives was his belief that Jackson’s clash with the BUS had hurt the economy and put him out work. Although Lawrence was insane, Jackson believed he was the pawn of his enemies and was doing their bidding.

The second event bore a more direct relationship to the administration’s financial policies. In the summer of 1836, Jackson issued the “Specie Circular” as an executive order in response to the pet banks having encouraged rampant land speculation with easy credit. Many worried that public lands were passing into the hands of speculators with the government holding worthless paper in the exchange. Congress reacted by passing the Coinage Act, and Jackson on July 11, 1836, instructed his secretary of the treasury—by then Levi Woodbury—to apply the terms of the Specie Circular. As of August 15, 1836, the government would accept only gold and silver money (specie) for land purchases.

The Specie Circular was an example of how seemingly unconnected administration initiatives—some from the beginning of Jackson’s presidency—could unexpectedly coincide to bring about a rash of unintended consequences. Indian removal had freed up enormous amounts of acreage that went on the market while Jackson was waging war on the BUS and transferring federal deposits to the pet banks. Those establishments made loans to land speculators with little regard for the risk and in such volume that the resulting inflation raised alarms in Congress and at the Treasury. The Specie Circular was supposed to correct the situation. Instead, it made matters worse. Many banks did not have sufficient gold and silver reserves to exchange for the enormous amount of paper currency in circulation, and when the Specie Circular encouraged demands for such exchanges, banks routinely failed. The following year the economy crashed. The Panic of 1837 seemed to vindicate Nicholas Biddle, who had warned that without the BUS to monitor credit and control currency, the economy would run rampant and finally wreck. In any case, Jackson’s successor Martin Van Buren would suffer the consequences of this policy and accordingly would be blamed for it. Divisions within the Democrat Party as to how to address the ensuing financial chaos ran deep and set the path toward Van Buren’s defeat in the election of 1840.

The Supreme Court

Only George Washington appointed more Supreme Court justices than Andrew Jackson, and only Washington and James Monroe appointed more federal district judges. Washington appointed 11 justices to Jackson’s 6, and 28 district judges to Monroe’s 21 and Jackson’s 18. The number of Jackson’s appointments alone made his a significant influence in shaping the judiciary for a generation and could be said to have stamped the American government with one of his most enduring legacies.

As Jackson assumed the presidency in 1829, he inherited a Supreme Court vacancy due to the untimely death in August 1828 of Associate Justice Robert Trimble. Jackson appointed former postmaster general John McLean to the Court on March 6, 1829. McLean was confirmed the following day to commence a 32-year tenure on the high court. He was one of four justices appointed by Jackson whose service would span nearly and sometimes more than a quarter of a century. The other three were James Moore Wayne (confirmed January 9, 1835, to serve for 32 years), Roger B. Taney (confirmed March 15, 1836, to serve for 30 years), and John Catron (confirmed May 1, 1837, to serve for 23 years).

In addition to the unexpected death of Robert Trimble at age 51, Jackson’s opportunity to change the Court’s direction by changing its personnel stemmed from the coincidence of his becoming president when death and infirmity were beginning to winnow the ranks of the justices. Bushrod Washington died in November 1829, and Jackson replaced him with Henry Baldwin the following January. William Johnson died in August 1834, and in January 1835, 82-year-old Gabriel Duval resigned because of his growing deafness.

To fill these two vacancies Jackson selected Georgia congressman James Wayne, a supporter of the Union who had explicitly rebuffed South Carolina nullification. Jackson also tried to place Roger Taney on the court at this time, but relations with the Senate had become so contentious that the Whig majority refused to confirm him, just as it had rejected him as treasury secretary the previous summer. The vacancy created by Duval’s retirement remained unfilled when Chief Justice John Marshall died in July 1835, leaving the Court with two open seats. In December 1835, Jackson nominated Philip P. Barbour of Virginia to replace Duval and again nominated Taney, this time for Chief Justice. A friendlier Senate confirmed both on March 15, 1836, which finally gave Jackson a sympathetic Supreme Court, though after a wait of seven years.

At the time of Jackson’s 1829 inauguration, the Supreme Court consisted of seven justices, a size determined by Congress in 1807. In the final days of Jackson’s presidency, Congress passed “The Eighth and Ninth Circuit Act of 1837” that established federal jurisdictions in new western states and consequently added two Supreme Court justices to raise their number to nine. Jackson appointed John Catron before leaving office but left a vacancy that his successor Martin Van Buren would fill with John McKinley shortly after taking office.

As Taney’s difficulties during his first nomination showed, Jackson’s appointment of him was controversial, and it is likely that only a pro-Jackson partisan shift in the Senate made Taney’s confirmation possible after his two previous rejections. Despite this mottled beginning, Taney as Chief Justice would redirect the high court away from John Marshall’s overarching nationalism and strict interpretation of contract law. Reflecting the concerns of Jacksonian Democracy in a series of landmark cases, the Taney court promoted state sovereignty and was willing to impinge on the sanctity of contracts to advance a perceived common good. The shift was a natural tendency of the Court to resemble a slowly swinging pendulum moving first one way and then, as generations passed, retracing its arc to adopt legal positions reflecting current political beliefs. Jackson, however, also created a Court weighted with southerners whose impact on sectional concerns grew more evident as arguments over slavery and freedom preoccupied all branches of government. The Supreme Court’s most visible contribution to this process was not a salutary one, for Taney’s infamous Dred Scott decision of 1857 became a significant goad to passions that caused the American Civil War four years later.

Foreign Affairs

Andrew Jackson’s election mildly alarmed diplomatic circles because his reputation suggested his handling of foreign affairs would feature impetuous deeds, awkward diplomacy, and frangible relations. Though Jackson did not shrink from making threats, whether veiled or overt, during international disputes, his administration’s foreign policy turned out to be unexpectedly subtle. Prudent advisors at home, a resurgent American navy on the world’s oceans, and skilled diplomats abroad restored the country’s international standing while rejuvenating American commerce with Europe and opening trade with Asia.

Tenuous relations with Mexico were among the more difficult and less stellar episodes in Jackson’s foreign policy. His efforts to purchase Texas from Mexico were stalled even before deteriorating relations between the Mexican government and Texan provincials evolved into open rebellion. With that development, the involvement of Jackson’s protégé Sam Houston in the Texas independence movement suggested American encouragement of Texan revolutionaries, and some in Mexico suspected Jackson’s covert coordination with them. No documentary evidence supports such a conclusion, but at the time such suspicions chilled Mexican-American relations.

Jackson refused to force the matter. He maintained strict neutrality as Texas waged its brief war for independence in 1836, and he did not establish formal diplomatic relations with the Republic of Texas until the final days of his administration. Repeated Texas efforts to secure annexation by the United States were politely but firmly rebuffed, despite Jackson’s worry that the British would exploit Texan displeasure over American reticence. When the Jackson administration finally received an accredited diplomatic representative from the Texas Republic on March 3, 1837, it did not shatter Mexican-American relations the way annexation later would.

After leaving office, Jackson became increasingly supportive of annexation and applauded when President John Tyler’s administration arranged annexation in 1845 and his successor James K. Polk completed it shortly after taking office that same year. Jackson had always been aware of the perils of annexation—angering Mexico beyond reconciliation and stirring domestic discord over slavery—and those concerns had stayed his hand while he was in office. By the end of his life, though, he was convinced that securing America’s southwestern border against Britain’s imperial ambitions necessitated running the risks.

When Jackson took office in 1829, American exports had been in decline for more than twenty years. The restrictive and intrusive trade policies victimized American merchants that France, England, and their allies imposed on neutrals during the Napoleonic Wars, and afterward the ubiquity of the British in all corners of the globe stifled hopes of an American resurgence. The powerful Royal Navy could enforce British trade policies while protecting their large and far-ranging merchant marine. The ripple effect of these unfavorable conditions impeded American economic recovery after the Panic of 1819, and seeking correctives with better trade agreements became a top priority for Jackson’s presidency.

U.S. Minister Louis McLane had instructions from Secretary of State Martin Van Buren to secure the easing of restrictions on trade with Britain’s Caribbean colonies, but McLane could not move the British government until Jackson threatened to cut off trade with British Canada. Weighing Jackson’s reputation for candor, the British concluded he was not bluffing, and McLane soon had an agreement that opened the British West Indies to American shipping.

In addition to better trade arrangements, a main American concern stemmed from spoliation claims dating from the Napoleonic Wars. The sums were not insignificant, and claims against European nations that had been outstanding for years were resolved with a mixture of restraint and resolve. The threat of commercial retaliation was occasionally employed, and only rarely was force implied. In that regard, the most serious diplomatic confrontation of the Jackson presidency developed from an incident involving claims against France. They were estimated at $7 million, and U.S. Minister William C. Rives found an intransigent French government habituated to American ineffectiveness. American determination, much stiffened under Jackson’s State Department, saw the president’s proposing the imposition of restrictions on French imports, especially wine. The gesture led to meaningful negotiations. In a July 1831 treaty, the French agreed to pay $4.6 million in spoliation claims, and the United States in return reduced import duties on French wine. Despite this promising start, the French Chamber of Deputies delayed appropriating the funds. In 1834, the Chamber openly abrogated the financial terms of the 1831 treaty. Jackson retaliated by urging that Congress impose broad restrictions on French shipping. Finally aware of American seriousness, the Chamber moved to fulfill the terms of the 1831 treaty, but it did so with the caveat that Jackson apologize for his ultimatum. He not only bristled over the demand but also broke diplomatic relations with France and contemplated calling for military preparations. Incensed by the cessation of relations, the French government also appeared ready for war, but British mediation, which Jackson readily accepted, calmed the crisis. Jackson never apologized. The French reaffirmed their willingness to fulfill the terms of the 1831 treaty and let the matter rest.

In keeping with the goal of expanding America’s international commercial reach, the Jackson administration dispatched the New Hampshire sea-faring merchant Capt. Edmund Roberts on missions to the Far East in 1832 and 1835. Roberts’s efforts yielded a mixed result. He was stymied, for example, by the well-entrenched Dutch presence in Sumatra, but he secured highly favorable trade agreements with Siam and Muscat while laying the foundation for additional treaties and amicable relations in Asia and the East Indies. Roberts might have achieved the opening of Japan, closed for nearly two hundred years to western contact, but Roberts died of cholera before making the journey. It would remain for Commodore Matthew C. Perry to open Japan in 1854.

Andrew Jackson’s role in his administration’s foreign policy was that of an active observer who set main goals that he expected subordinates to achieve. Secretary of State Martin Van Buren and his successors had the task of resolving contentious and seemingly insoluble problems, but Jackson usually showed uncharacteristic restraint while his diplomats had the advantage of his reputation for recklessness and his history of making good on threats. These facets were hardly traditional features of diplomacy, but they proved useful negotiating tools that discouraged querulous bickering and could unsnarl stalemates. Jackson was thus able to succeed where the customary methods of John Quincy Adams had been blunted or even thwarted in promoting American commercial gains on the world stage, an achievement that made the enhancement of America’s international prestige possible.