White House press secretary

United States government official
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Also known as: White House spokesman, White House spokesperson

White House press secretary, senior U.S. official who oversees the communication of the executive branch of the U.S. government and who communicates on behalf of the U.S. president across print, broadcast, and Internet channels. The White House press secretary is appointed by the president.


The White House press secretary has various responsibilities. Key among them is the duty of communicating with the White House press corps (the group of correspondents, journalists, and other reporters who are based at the White House). The press secretary holds a daily press briefing, attended by the press corps, to report on actions and events concerning the president and the president’s administration. The press secretary may report on the president’s schedule for the day and on expected presidential visitors, in addition to reporting on the president’s and the administration’s reactions to national and international events and issues. The press secretary also fields questions from members of the press corps and establishes embargo rules, which require that the media delay the release of a story until a specified date and time.

The first press secretaries

Work space for reporters in the White House was first introduced about 1898, during William McKinley’s presidency. His secretary, George Cortelyou, carried out various tasks, one of which was to meet daily with reporters. Cortelyou also subsequently worked for U.S. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, who created a space in the West Wing for reporters to be stationed permanently. Roosevelt sought to make his own news from the bully pulpit, a term he introduced to describe the position of authority of the White House, from which he and members of his administration could speak out about their agenda and activities. Roosevelt also made his own news in meetings with selected reporters.

Not every president, however, worked to gain favourable headlines. In the early 20th century, press relations were inconsistent. Pres. William Howard Taft, for example, abandoned the reporters who had come to expect time with Roosevelt, and Taft spoke less to the press throughout his presidency. The secretary for Woodrow Wilson, Joe Tumulty, returned regularly to meet with reporters and set the model for what would become the daily briefing.

A career newsman, Pres. Warren G. Harding handled his own press. He offered candid access but kept with tradition not to be quoted. The no-quote rule continued for president Calvin Coolidge, whose administration was the first to use the term White House spokesman, to whom quotes could be attributed. Herbert Hoover subsequently assigned to his secretaries—first George Akerson and then Theodore Joslin—the duty of dealing with the press. Akerson generally is considered to have been the first White House press secretary.

After Joslin came journalist Stephen T. Early, who served under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Early planned to hold conferences only on the occasion of news events rather than on a schedule. Still, through a series of conferences to trumpet the New Deal, he gained popular celebrity. With Roosevelt, Early served the longest tenure of all press secretaries, from 1933 to 1945.

The unique demands of the job encouraged some presidents to appoint friends. Harry Truman, for example, selected lifelong friend Charlie Ross. Jimmy Carter brought his gubernatorial press secretary, Jody Powell, to Washington. Others opted to appoint news professionals. Dwight D. Eisenhower asked former reporter James C. Hagerty to be his press secretary. During Hagerty’s tenure, which lasted eight years, he allowed the first televised press conference. Although technology changed the job somewhat, Hagerty himself worked to better organize presidential communications. He set goals and procedures that would become the work of the White House Communications Office. Hagerty also traveled internationally to prepare for Eisenhower’s presidential visits.

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Another newsman, Pierre Salinger, served John F. Kennedy and remained on staff for Lyndon B. Johnson. With Salinger, Kennedy held the first live televised press conferences. Salinger enjoyed a close relationship with both Kennedy and reporters, though that relationship changed with Johnson, who referred to reporters as “spies.” Reporters responded with their own cynicism as the Vietnam conflict escalated. Salinger was succeeded by George Reedy, who was followed by Bill Moyers, who was then replaced by George Christian—all of whom served, collectively, for less than four years.

Successes and failures in the late 20th century

Press secretaries have fulfilled their roles to varying degrees of success. In high-pressure situations, some have made controversial statements or misspoken. Others were forced into difficult positions of loyalty, knowingly or unknowingly. Richard Nixon’s press secretary Ronald Ziegler, the youngest to hold the position at the time and a relatively inexperienced journalist, described the Watergate break-in as a “third-rate burglary attempt.” Ziegler later maintained that he knew nothing about the scandal as it unfolded, that he had been lied to and misled. Gerald Ford’s first press secretary, Jerald terHorst, resigned in protest of the pardon of Nixon. Acting press secretary Larry Speakes, who stepped in for James Brady when Brady was wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on Pres. Ronald Reagan, admitted to having fabricated statements for Reagan.

Some press secretaries excelled in their post. Marlin Fitzwater served both Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Whereas Reagan was the “Great Communicator,” Bush was not as effective on television or in formal speeches. However, Bush possessed thorough knowledge of the issues and was comfortable in the briefing room. He met with reporters 280 times in just four years. In a presidency bookended by the Persian Gulf War and economic recession, Fitzwater and Bush excelled in offering open communication to the press but failed to articulate larger leadership themes.

Those larger themes helped elect Pres. Bill Clinton, whose administration made history with the appointment of the first female and youngest press secretary, Dee Dee Myers. She took control after George Stephanopoulos, who began as Clinton’s de facto press secretary, misspoke on several occasions with the press. Myers, however, was at times prevented from accessing the president and members of his inner circle. Myers was succeeded by Mike McCurry, who was known for having repeatedly faced questions on Clinton’s personal life during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. When reporters demanded personal information, McCurry steered clear of internal meetings on the matter so he could fulfill his job without deceiving the press or damaging the president.

(Read Monica Lewinsky’s Britannica essay on cyberbullying.)

Press secretaries in the 21st century

Ari Fleischer, who served George W. Bush, was remembered for his performance following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Though already televised, the daily briefing gained new audiences, and the press secretary gained new stature. When President Bush’s approval ratings dropped in his second term, the White House underwent high-ranking staff changes, and Fleischer’s successor, Scott McClellan, was among the most visible departures. Tony Snow replaced McClellan. Snow—experienced as a White House staffer under Pres. George H.W. Bush and a well-known broadcast journalist and radio talk show host—was one of the first press secretaries to come to the job with established celebrity status and gravitas. In 2007 Dana Perino replaced Snow, becoming the second woman to serve as press secretary.

Robert Gibbs, an experienced communications director and campaign press secretary, was the first to hold the position under Barack Obama. Obama later appointed Jay Carney to the position, a former New York Times reporter and former communication director to Vice Pres. Joe Biden. Carney was replaced by his principal deputy press secretary Josh Earnest in 2014.

In 2017 Donald Trump appointed as his press secretary Sean Spicer, who had served as communications director for the Republican National Committee. Spicer quickly became known for his combative interactions with the press. He also made numerous false and controversial statements. Upon his resignation later that year, Spicer was replaced by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who had served as deputy White House press secretary. Sanders declined to hold daily press briefings, and her successor, Stephanie Grisham, held none at all. In 2020 Grisham was succeeded by Kayleigh McEnany, the last White House press secretary of the Trump administration.

Following his victory in the presidential election of 2020, Joe Biden named Jen Psaki as White House press secretary.

Karen Lane DeRosa The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica