Battle of Falkirk

England–Scotland [1298]
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July 22, 1298
United Kingdom
Battle of Stirling Bridge
Key People:
Edward I
William Wallace

Battle of Falkirk, (July 22, 1298) battle fought between the army of King Edward I of England and Scottish resistance forces under the command William Wallace at Falkirk in Scotland’s Central Lowlands. The decisive English victory shattered Wallace’s coalition and destroyed his reputation as a general.


Prior to Edward’s accession to the English throne in 1272, relations between England and Scotland had been amicable for more than a century, and the border between the two kingdoms had been peaceful. Edward’s attempts to exert feudal sovereignty over Scotland began in the early 1290s, and his actions would usher in some 250 years of bitter hatred and warfare. The Scots were determined to resist him and entered into an alliance with Edward’s enemy Philip IV of France in 1295. Intent on subduing Scotland, Edward marched north with his army the following year. He sacked the town of Berwick on his way and crushed the main Scottish force under John (“the Red”) Comyn at Dunbar.

With no significant army left to oppose him, Edward marched on Edinburgh. He took the Scottish king, John de Balliol, prisoner, seized the Stone of Scone and other regalia of the Scottish monarchy, and declared himself ruler of Scotland. Although agitation against the English continued, many of the nobles who had opposed Edward were captured at Dunbar and remained imprisoned in England. Into this leadership vacuum Wallace emerged in May 1297 with a daring raid on Lanark that killed Sir William Heselrig, the English sheriff of Clydesdale. After routing an English force under John de Warenne, 6th earl of Surrey, at Stirling Bridge on September 11, 1297, Wallace’s forces pursued the English across the border and devastated the northern part of England. Wallace was later proclaimed guardian of Scotland, ruling in Balliol’s name.

D-Day. American soldiers fire rifles, throw grenades and wade ashore on Omaha Beach next to a German bunker during D Day landing. 1 of 5 Allied beachheads est. in Normandy, France. The Normandy Invasion of World War II launched June 6, 1944.
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Wallace’s defeat

Determined to crush the Scottish resistance once and for all, Edward returned from campaigning in Flanders in the spring of 1298. He assembled a new and larger army and moved into Scotland that summer. His forces included some 2,500 mounted knights and about 12,500 infantry. Among the latter group were many veteran English and Welsh archers armed with longbows. Wallace prudently avoided a direct engagement, retreating before Edward’s force and employing a scorched earth policy that denied food and supplies to the English. This strategy was very nearly successful, and shortages of provisions drove Edward’s army to the brink of mutiny. Edward was advancing through central Scotland and on the verge of abandoning the pursuit when, on July 21, he learned that Wallace’s army was encamped nearby, in the area of Falkirk near the River Carron. Edward forced Wallace into battle there the following day.

Wallace commanded a much smaller army of some 5,000 infantry and 1,000 mounted knights, but it occupied a strong position on a hillside south of the town with a seemingly impassable marsh to the front. As the English approached on July 22, Wallace divided the Scottish army into four large schiltrons, or circular battle formations. Each schiltron was composed of foot soldiers positioned tightly together in rows and armed with long iron-tipped pikes pointed outward toward the enemy. Archers were placed between the schiltrons, and a body of mounted men-at-arms under the command of John Comyn stood in reserve. It was perhaps hoped that the English cavalry would plunge into the marsh, for no serious precautions were taken to defend the Scottish flanks. In any case, Wallace’s intent was to shatter the English charge, trusting wholly to his massed pikes. Of the battle to come, Wallace is said to have exhorted his men with the words, “I have brought you to the ring. Now dance if you can!”

The English first line, under Earl Marshal Roger Bigod and the earls of Hereford and Lincoln, tried the marsh in vain and then rode around its western side. The second line, commanded by Antony Bek, the warlike bishop of Durham, quickly circumvented the marsh to the east and then halted to await the arrival of the third line under the king. The undisciplined barons in Bek’s formation grew impatient—reportedly shouting, “’Tis not for thee, bishop, to teach us war. Go say mass!”—and charged the nearest infantry square, which repulsed them with heavy losses. The earls on the English left, their flank march completed, charged Wallace’s forest of spearmen with the same result.

The Scottish cavalry force was composed largely of nobles whose allegiance to Wallace was questionable; many of them had English estates or relatives who were hostages in Edward’s hands. For the most part, they fled before the English without striking a blow. Notable exceptions were leaders such as Sir John de Graham—Wallace’s chief lieutenant—and Sir John Stewart, both of whom remained to fight and die with the archers and spearmen. Edward, who had now joined the bishop in the English centre, peremptorily ordered the cavalry to stand fast. Taught by his experience fighting against massed pikemen in the Welsh wars, Edward brought up his archers. A deadly rain of arrows soon caused gaps to appear in the close ranks of pike heads, and the chronicler Walter of Guisborough reports that English infantrymen stood at a distance and showered the immobile schiltrons with stones. After sufficient preparation, Edward renewed the cavalry assault. The weakened and disorganized Scottish ranks gave way, and the Scots fled into a nearby forest; about a third of Wallace’s army had perished. It was the first victory of the longbow in a major battle.

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Wallace retired northward with the survivors, burning Stirling and Perth as he went. Edward followed, and he restored the castle and town at Stirling but was unable to maintain his forces in Scotland. He returned south, reaching Carlisle on September 8, 1298. Although Edward failed to subdue the rest of Scotland before concluding his campaign, Wallace’s military reputation was ruined. He resigned his guardianship in December and was succeeded by Robert the Bruce (later King Robert I) and Comyn. Wallace later engaged in guerrilla activities against England. He was relentlessly pursued by English forces, who finally captured him near Glasgow in 1305. Wallace was taken to London and executed for treason on August 23, 1305.

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This article was most recently revised and updated by Michael Ray.