Confession in contemporary U.S. law

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From 1936 to 1964, the Supreme Court reversed numerous state and federal convictions on the grounds that the confessions on which they were based had been obtained through coercive methods that violated the defendant’s due-process rights. In Chambers v. Florida (1940), the court held that the use of mental torture, accompanied by threats of violence, was enough to justify the suppression of a confession. In Ashcraft v. Tennessee (1944), a case in which a suspect confessed after 36 hours of continuous interrogation under the glare of bright lights, the court made it clear that intense psychological pressure, even in the absence of physical brutality, could render a confession inadmissible.

In a separate series of decisions based not on constitutional principles but on the Supreme Court’s general power to supervise the federal judicial system, the court held that confessions obtained after “unreasonable delay” in taking suspects to court for arraignment could not be used as evidence in a federal court. The court first announced this rule in McNabb v. United States (1943), in a decision that nullified two second-degree-murder convictions because they were based almost entirely on confessions made after the defendants were subjected to three days of police questioning in the absence of counsel. Fifteen years later, in Mallory v. United States (1957), the court reaffirmed the McNabb prompt-arraignment rule by vacating the conviction of a man who had confessed to rape during a delay of more than 18 hours between his arrest and his arraignment.

The McNabb-Mallory prompt-arraignment requirement was subsequently weakened somewhat by Congress. Today a confession made by a person kept in police custody for an unreasonable amount of time can be used as evidence in a federal trial if the confession is still deemed to have been voluntary in light of all the circumstances surrounding the interrogation. Thus, police failure to arraign an arrestee in a reasonably prompt manner will not automatically negate a federal conviction based on a confession. Nevertheless, both federal and state courts look closely at confessions secured during unusually long interrogations prior to arraignment, and it is not uncommon for such confessions to be ruled inadmissible in a criminal trial.

The most important developments in this area of law occurred in the mid-1960s. First, in Malloy v. Hogan (1964), the Supreme Court finally established that the Fifth Amendment’s self-incrimination clause applies to the states as well as to the federal government. By extending the privilege against self-incrimination to state defendants, Malloy laid the groundwork for one of the most controversial Supreme Court decisions of the 20th century: Miranda v. Arizona (1966). In reversing the rape and kidnapping convictions of Ernesto Miranda, the court did not find that he had been physically abused or subjected to severe psychological pressure. Instead, the court established guidelines intended to clarify and enforce a 1964 decision—Escobedo v. Illinois—that required police to permit suspects to have an attorney present during interrogation when “the process shifts from investigatory to accusatory” and when the purpose of the interrogation is to elicit a confession. In Miranda a 5–4 majority held that the self-incrimination clause forbids police to conduct in-custody interrogations unless they first warn the suspect (the now-famous Miranda warning) of his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Earl Warren declared that

the person in custody must, prior to interrogation, be clearly informed that he has the right to remain silent, and that anything he says will be used against him in court; he must be clearly informed that he has the right to consult with a lawyer and to have the lawyer with him during interrogation, and that, if he is indigent, a lawyer will be appointed to represent him.

The Miranda decision elicited an outpouring of criticism and dire predictions that the holding would have a “crippling” effect on law enforcement. Despite the initial criticism, however, studies of the Miranda ruling’s effects on police practices and performance indicate that its impact has been negligible. Studies done in the first several years after the decision found little or no change in confession and conviction rates in most jurisdictions—in part because most suspects, when read their Miranda rights, nevertheless agreed to speak with police. Studies done in the 1990s generally showed that as the police adapted to Miranda over time, confession rates remained largely unchanged and convictions were rarely reversed on appeal because of a Miranda violation.

It is possible that one of the reasons Miranda has not had a crippling effect on law enforcement is that the Supreme Court has created numerous exceptions to the holding. The erosion of Miranda began in Harris v. New York (1971) with a 5–4 ruling that statements secured in violation of Miranda would still be admissible in a criminal trial if the defendant testified on his own behalf and the prosecutor used the otherwise inadmissible statements in an effort to impeach the defendant’s credibility.

The court also limited the scope of Miranda by adopting extraordinarily narrow definitions of “custody” and “interrogation.” For example, in Oregon v. Mathiason (1977), a “non-Mirandized” suspect confessed to a burglary after he voluntarily complied with an officer’s request to meet him at a police station. The court held the confession to be admissible on the theory that the suspect had not truly been “in custody” for the purposes of Miranda, because he had not been formally arrested before the interrogation and thus should have felt free to leave the station without answering the officer’s questions. A comparably narrow definition of “interrogation” was embraced by the court in Rhode Island v. Innis (1980), in which a 6–3 majority held that a contrived conversation between police officers conducted in the presence of a suspect and intended to elicit incriminating statements from him did not constitute an interrogation that would require adherence to Miranda. More than 30 years later, in Howes v. Fields (2012), the court ruled that a prisoner who had been removed from his cell and questioned by police about events that occurred before he was imprisoned did not need to be advised of his Miranda rights because, although he was in prison, he was not “in custody.”

In Nix v. Williams (1984), the court created an “inevitable discovery” exception to the Miranda requirements, under which a confession obtained in violation of Miranda is still admissible in a criminal prosecution if it appears that evidence from the confession would ultimately have been discovered as police continued to investigate the case. Shortly thereafter, in New York v. Quarles (1984), the court approved a “public safety” exception to the Miranda requirements, under which confessions obtained in violation of Miranda are admissible if the police officers’ questions were “reasonably prompted by a concern for the public safety.” Another noteworthy weakening of Miranda was announced in Duckworth v. Eagan (1989), in which the court asserted that it is not necessary for police to read the Miranda warnings in the same words used in the decision itself. In Pennsylvania v. Muniz (1990), the court further limited Miranda by holding that when police pull over suspected drunken drivers, they can ask routine questions of the suspects and videotape the questioning without issuing Miranda warnings.

A significant exception to this trend was the court’s decision in Dickerson v. United States (2000), which overturned an appeals court ruling that had upheld the admissibility as evidence of non-Mirandized statements from a bank robbery suspect on the grounds that Miranda had been effectively superseded by a 1968 federal law that declared all voluntary confessions admissible. Writing for a 7–2 majority, Chief Justice William Rehnquist acknowledged that the court had often suggested that Miranda was not truly a constitutional holding and thus could be countermanded by Congress. He declared, however, that a close reading of the Miranda opinion indicated that “the majority thought it was announcing a constitutional rule,” which Congress “may not legislatively supersede.” He further explained that, though some of the current justices might not have agreed with the Miranda holding had they been members of the court in 1966, the principles of stare decisis now weighed heavily against overruling it. “Miranda has become embedded in routine police practice,” Rehnquist observed, “to the point where the warnings have become part of our national culture.”

Despite this affirmation of the Miranda rule, the court continued in subsequent decisions to create exceptions to its application. In Berghuis v. Thompkins (2010), for example, the court held that a criminal suspect who has been informed of his right to remain silent must explicitly invoke that right before police are required to cease questioning him; merely remaining silent is not enough. (Thus, police are permitted to use incriminating statements made by a suspect after a long period of silence.) Three years later, in what the plurality characterized as a logical extension of Berghuis, the court declared in Salinas v. Texas (2013) that a criminal suspect who is not in police custody must expressly invoke his right to remain silent in order to be protected by it—notwithstanding the fact that he has not been informed (and thus may not know) that he has such a right. Although the court had long held that the right to remain silent entails that prosecutors may not use an individual’s silence or his refusal to answer questions during in-custody interrogation or at trial as evidence of his guilt (the right would be empty if an individual could place himself in legal jeopardy merely by exercising it), Justice Samuel A. Alito’s controlling opinion held that a suspect outside custody who merely “stands mute” in the face of questioning is not entitled to the same protection. Without the suspect’s express invocation of his right, he argued, the courts cannot safely assume that his silence proceeded from a desire not to incriminate himself or from some other motive—e.g., “because he was trying to think of a good lie, because he was embarrassed, or because he was protecting someone else.”