earl of Suffolk
fictional character
Learn about this topic in these articles:
“Henry VI, Part 1”
- In Henry VI, Part 1
As Part 1 ends, the earl of Suffolk, who has persuaded Henry to marry Margaret of Anjou, plans to use the alliance to take power for himself: “Margaret shall now be Queen and rule the King; / But I will rule both her, the King, and realm.” His plan’s first…
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“Henry VI, Part 2”
- In Henry VI, Part 2
…who—together with her lover, the duke of Suffolk—plots against Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, and his ambitious duchess, Eleanor. The power struggle swirls around the saintly, ineffectual King Henry until gradually the dynamic Richard Plantagenet, duke of York, who has pretended to support Margaret while secretly hatching his own plot, emerges…
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