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Also known as: admiralty, admiralty law
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admiralty law, or admiralty
Related Topics:
territorial waters
treaty port
high seas

A distinctive feature of maritime law is the privilege accorded to a shipowner and certain other persons (such as charterers in some instances) to limit the amount of their liability, under certain circumstances, in respect of tort and some contract claims. In some countries, including the United States, the limit, except as to claims for personal injury and wrongful death, is the value of the ship and the earnings of the voyage on which it was engaged at the time of the casualty. On the other hand, in the United Kingdom and the other countries that have ratified the Brussels limitation of liability convention of 1957 or enacted domestic legislation embracing its terms, the limit is £28, or its equivalent, multiplied by the adjusted net tonnage of the vessel, regardless of its actual value. The basic condition of the privilege is that the party asserting it must be free from “privity or knowledge,” in the words of the United States statute, or “actual fault or privity,” in the words of the convention. This formula means, generally speaking, that the shipowner is entitled to limit his liability for the negligence of the master or crew, but not for his own personal negligence or that of his managerial personnel. In a sense the limited liability of shipowners may be compared to the limited liability that any investor may now achieve by incorporating his enterprise. The limited-liability idea in maritime law, however, long antedates the emergence or invention of the modern corporation or limited company; its early appearance in maritime law may be taken as a recognition of the extraordinary hazards of seaborne commerce and the need to protect the adventurous shipowner from the crushing burden of liability—that is, in the days before even the most primitive forms of insurance had become available. Some modern commentators have suggested that the peculiar features of maritime limitation of liability have outlived their usefulness, and that the development of insurance and of the modern limited-liability company has radically altered the conditions out of which the shipowners’ privilege originally grew. Although no maritime country has yet gone to the length of abolishing limitation of liability, shipowning interests appear to have become concerned about the possibility of such a development.

In most maritime countries the principle of limitation of liability was considered to be a part of the general maritime law. As it developed in continental Europe, the idea, generally stated, was that a shipowner entitled to limitation could satisfy his liability by abandoning the ship (and its pending freight) to claimants. Since the privilege of limitation was, and is, typically invoked following a large-scale maritime disaster, the abandonment theory meant that claimants got the value of the ship as it was following the disaster. If the ship had sunk or was a total loss with no freight pending, the claimants got nothing. This theory was carried over into the law of many South American countries.

Great Britain and the United States were once the only maritime countries that refused to admit the principle of limitation as part of the general maritime law. In both countries, however, the competitive needs of the shipping industry compelled its introduction by statute.

In general, the limitation law of any country will be applied by its own courts in favour of foreign shipowners as well as of citizens. From the point of view of shipowning interests, however, a major weakness of limitation law has been the fact that limitation proceedings were not given international recognition. That has meant that a shipowner whose ships moved in international trade could find himself sued in several countries as a result of one disaster and forced to set up limitation funds in each country. The Brussels convention of 1957 makes limitation decrees delivered by admiralty courts in ratifying countries internationally effective; that is, a shipowner is required to set up only one limitation fund, out of which all claims are paid, no matter in how many countries proceedings might be instituted against him. Thus, the convention, which increases the liability of shipowners in most countries, does offer in return this considerable advantage to shipowners.

Collision liability

Under maritime law responsibility for collision damage is based upon the fault principle: a colliding vessel will not be held responsible for damage to another ship or to a fixed object such as a bridge, wharf, or jetty unless the collision is caused by a deficiency in the colliding vessel or by negligence or a willful act on the part of its navigators. It is not always necessary, however, to establish fault by positive evidence; there is a presumption of fault when a moving vessel collides with a fixed object or with another vessel that is properly moored or anchored, and the burden of proving freedom from fault will lie with the moving vessel.

In countries that have adopted the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Collisions between Vessels, signed at Brussels in 1910, the rule of “comparative negligence” governs: if each of two colliding vessels is to blame, the total damages will be divided between their owners or operators in proportion to the respective degrees of fault. In certain countries that have not ratified the Convention, such as the United States, the law is such that, if both vessels are to blame, the total damages are equally divided, regardless of the respective degrees of fault. In certain other countries that have not ratified the Convention, including most of the Latin American states, the principle of “contributory fault” governs: if both vessels are to blame, each owner or operator bears his own damages.

Salvage and general average

Salvage and general average are doctrines peculiar to maritime law. Under the law of salvage, strangers to the maritime venture who succeed in saving maritime property from loss or damage from perils of the sea or other waters are entitled to an award for their efforts and have a maritime lien on the salvaged property therefor. Several elements will be taken into account in fixing the amount of the award, including the extent of the efforts required; the skill and energy displayed by the salvors, the amounts involved, including both the value of the vessel or other property employed by the salvors in rendering the service and the value of the vessel, cargo, or other property salvaged; the risks incurred by the salvors; and the degree of danger from which the property was rescued. General average (defined at the beginning of this article) is a principle still universally accepted, although there is some agitation for its abolition, principally because the accounting and other expenses incurred in administering a general average are often quite out of proportion to the amounts involved and because the same underwriters sometimes insure both hull and cargo.