nave: Media

church architecture
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nave of San Miniato al Monte
Nave of San Miniato al Monte (1062) showing roof trusses, Florence.
© Vvoevale/
Medieval cathedral arranged on a cruciform plan
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Bayeux, France: Gothic cathedral
Interior of the Gothic cathedral, Bayeux, France.
Vatican City: St. Peter's Basilica
Interior of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City.
Westminster Abbey: choir
The choir of Westminster Abbey, London.
Nave of St. John Cantius Church, Chicago.
© Chicago Architecture Foundation (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Amiens Cathedral: nave
The nave of Amiens Cathedral, France.
© Pecold/
New Abbey: Sweetheart Abbey
Remains of the nave of the Cistercian Sweetheart Abbey in the village of New Abbey,...
Figure 37: Laon cathedral, begun c. 1165. (Right) Nave, afterc. 1165.
Jean Roubier
Nave of the church at Monte Cassino Abbey
Nave of the church at Monte Cassino Abbey, Cassino, Italy.
© Wieslaw Jarek/
Notre-Dame's soaring Gothic interior
The nave of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, which was completed by 1250.
© Dmitry Dzhus (CC BY 2.0)
Saint-Étienne, Caen, France
The nave of the church of Saint-Étienne (begun 1067), Caen, France.
Jean Roubier
Hall church
Interior showing the nave and side aisles of St. Wolfgang's Church (1515–40), a hall...
André Karwath