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Long before Kant, Newton himself designed a thought experiment to show that relationism must be false. What he hoped to establish was that relationism defeats itself, because there can be no relationist account of those properties of the world that relationism itself seeks to describe.

Consider a universe that consists entirely of two balls attached to opposite ends of a spring. Suppose that the length of the spring, in its relaxed—unstretched and uncompressed—configuration is L. Imagine also that there is some particular moment in the history of this universe at which (1) the length of the spring is greater than L and (2) there are no two material components of this universe whose distance from each other is changing with time—that is, there are no two material components whose relative velocity is anything other than zero. Suppose, finally, that one wishes to know something about the dynamical evolution of this universe in the immediate future: Will the spring oscillate or not?

In the conventional way of understanding Newtonian mechanics, whether the spring will oscillate depends on whether, and to what extent, at the moment in question, it is rotating with respect to absolute space. If the spring is stationary, it will oscillate, but if it is rotating at just the right speed, it will remain stretched. The trouble for the relationist is that relationism cannot accommodate rotation with respect to absolute space. The relationist, who must hold that there is no matter of fact about whether the spring is rotating, cannot predict whether the spring will oscillate or explain why some such springs eventually begin to oscillate and others do not.

The standard relationist response to this argument is to point out that the actual universe contains a great deal more than the hypothetical universe of Newton’s thought experiment. The idea is that there is myriad other stuff that might serve as a concrete material stand-in for absolute space—a concrete material system of reference on which a fully relationist analysis of rotation could be based.

The Austrian physicist Ernst Mach (1838–1916), speaking in absolutist language, pointed out that the universe itself appears not to be rotating (that is, the total angular momentum of the actual universe appears to be zero). As far as the actual universe is concerned, therefore, rotation with respect to absolute space amounts to precisely the same thing as rotation with respect to the universe’s own centre of gravity or to its “bulk mass” or to its “fixed stars” (which were thought, in Mach’s time, to make up the overwhelming majority of the universe’s bulk mass). Mach’s proposal, then, was that rotation simply be defined as rotation with respect to the bulk mass of the universe and that motion in general simply be defined as motion with respect to the bulk mass of the universe. If this proposal were accepted, then a relationist theory of the motions of particles could be formulated as F = ma, where a is understood as acceleration with respect to the bulk mass of the universe.

Italian-born physicist Dr. Enrico Fermi draws a diagram at a blackboard with mathematical equations. circa 1950.
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Note that the cost to relationism in this case, as in the case of the relationist response to the argument from incongruent counterparts, is nonlocality. Whereas the Newtonian law of motion governs particles across the face of an absolute space that is always and everywhere exactly where the particles themselves are, what the Machian laws govern are merely the rates at which spatial relations (distances) between different particles change over time—and these particles may in principle be arbitrarily far apart (see below Nonlocality).

There is at least one other way of realizing the relationist’s aspirations in the context of a classical mechanics of the motions of particles. The idea would be not to look for a concrete material stand-in for absolute space but to discard systematically the commitments of Newtonian mechanics regarding absolute space that do not bear directly on the rates at which distances between particles change over time, keeping all and only those that do.

Once the problem is conceived in these terms, its solution is perfectly straightforward. A complete relationist theory of the motions of particles could be formulated as follows:

A given history of changes in the distances between certain particles is physically possible if, and only if, it can be conceived to take place within Newtonian absolute space in such a way as to satisfy F = ma.

This theory, like Mach’s, satisfies all of the standard relationist desiderata: it is exclusively concerned with changes in the distances between particles over time; it makes no assertions about the motion of a single particle alone in the universe or about the motion of the universe’s bulk mass; and it is invariant under all transformations that leave the time-evolutions of interparticle distances invariant.

Unlike Mach’s theory, however, this one reproduces all of the consequences of Newtonian mechanics for the time-evolutions of interparticle distances. It can explain why the spring of Newton’s thought experiment does or does not oscillate, because it need not assume that the total angular momentum of the universe is zero. Although the theory is no less nonlocal than Mach’s, it entails that the law of motion governing isolated subsystems of the universe will make no reference to what is going on in the rest of the universe.


It is clear that the empiricist considerations that have been brought to bear on questions about the nature of space also have implications for the nature of time. Note, first of all, that one’s position within “absolute time” is no more detectable than one’s location within absolute space. Therefore, from an empiricist perspective, there cannot be any matter of fact about what absolute time it currently is. Mach reasoned, moreover, that there can be no direct observational access to the lengths of intervals of time; the most that can be determined is whether a given event occurs before, after, or simultaneously with another event.

In Newtonian mechanics, a “clock” (or a “good clock”) is a physical system with a certain sort of dynamical structure. From a relationist perspective, whether something is a clock (or a good clock) has nothing to do with correlations between the configuration of the clock face and “what time it is” or between changes in the configuration of the clock face and “how much time has passed”—since, for a relationist, there are no facts about what time it is or about how much time a certain process takes. A good clock is simply a physical system with parts whose positions are correlated with the physical properties of the rest of the universe by means of a simple and powerful law. To the extent that time intervals are even intelligible, on this view, they are not measured but rather defined by changes in clock faces.

The technique used above for fashioning a relationist theory of space can be applied more generally to design a relationist theory of both space and time. That is, one proceeds by systematically discarding the commitments of Newtonian mechanics regarding absolute space and absolute time that do not bear directly on sequences of interparticle distances, keeping only those that do.

The resulting theory can be formulated as follows:

A given history of changes in the distances between certain particles is physically possible if, and only if, it can be conceived to take place within Newtonian absolute space-time in such a way as to satisfy F = ma.

Naturally, the concluding points in the preceding section—about the empirical equivalence of the relationist theory to Newtonian mechanics, about locality, and about the applicability of the theory to isolated subsystems of the universe—apply also to the relationist theory of space and time.